1. Tabby plays a soap heroine. What do you think about a Christian taking a role on a soap opera?
  2. Should Christians watch soap operas? Why or why not? By the same token, are secular movies or TV shows really any different from today’s daytime television dramas?
  3. Tabby’s relationship with her mother seems volatile at best. How could she have done things differently to smooth things out?
  4. Should parents try to push their kids into relationships with the potential mate they think would be a good fit? Do you know of instances where it has worked out? What about instances where, as in the case of Brian and Tabby, no love connection occurred?
  5. Should single people actively search out dates and potential mates? Or should they wait contentedly for God to bring the right person?
  6. How did Tabby’s faith play out on set? Should she have been more open? Less? In her attempt to be salt and light in her world, do you think she succeeded?
  7. Tabby starts out really disliking children and even gets off on the wrong foot with David’s kids. But in the end, she grows to care about them a great deal. Can you think of an instance where your first impression of someone was wrong and your heart eventually changed? What does that say about giving people the benefit of the doubt to begin with?
  8. Shelly is pregnant out of wedlock. And yet she and Tabby and their brother were raised in a Christian home by Christian parents. Does it make a difference how you raise your kids if they’re ultimately going to do whatever they choose anyway?
  9. Tabby’s relationship with her dad is close and tender. Why do you think it’s so vastly different than the relationship she has with her mother? What could Tabby have done differently?
  10. Tabby and her two best friends support each other through all of life’s struggles. What are your thoughts on female relationships? Is it possible to have close friends in a group setting without gossip and hurt?