Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

Academy of Music

Action Group for Better Architecture in New York (AGBANY)

Acworth, W. M.

Adams, Charles Francis

Adams, Henry

Albro, Martin

Aldrich, Nelson

Alpine Church

American Academy

American Architecture and Urbanism (Scully)

American Bank Exchange Building

American Society of Civil Engineers

Amerika, S.S.

Anaconda copper mine

Archbold, John D.

Architectural Record


Army Corps of Engineers, U.S.

Ashtabula, Ohio, bridge collapse at

Associated Press

Astor, John Jacob

Astor family

Atterbury, William Wallace

Automobile Show

Baer, George F.

Baker, Paul R.

Baldwin, William H., Jr.

and black education

Gilbert recommended by

illness and death of

on need for subway

on subways

and Tenderloin land acquisition

and tunnel project

on “underground bridge,”

Baldwin Locomotive Company

Ballon, Hilary

Baltic, S.S.


Baltimore & Ohio (B&O)

Baltimore Belt Railroad

Bank of England

Bartwick, Kent

Baths of Caracalla


Bedman, Leon

Bellevue Hospital

Belmont, August, Jr.


Bennett, James Gordon

Bergen Hill tunnel

Bergen Portals

Berkeley Hotel

Bernini colonnade

“Berry Express,”


Bezilla, Michael

Bigelow, William

Blackwell Tunnel

Board of Aldermen

Railroad Committee

Board of Estimate and Apportionment

Board of Health, New York

Board of Railroad Commissioners

Boston Public Library

Boyer, Joseph

Bradley, William


and Tammany Hall

bridges, collapse of

Brinkman, Hans

Broad Street Station

Broadway Limited

Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Museum

Brown, William H.

Bruce, Robert V.

Brunel, Marc Isambard

Bryant, William Cullen

Bryce, James

Buchanan, James

Buchanan, Lois, see Cassatt, Lois Buchanan

Burnham, Daniel Hudson

Burr, Aaron

Camden-Atlantic City line

Carnegie, Andrew

Carnegie Steel Co. Ltd.

Carvalho, Mr.

Cassatt, Alexander

B&O coup by

“back door” tunnel plan of

background of

Baldwin’s illness and

becomes president of PPR

business practices of

Carnegie on

at City Hall hearing

and corruption scandal

death and funeral of

and engineering problems

in Europe

free railroad passes and

Gould’s feud with

government railroad regulations and

Harriman advised by

health of

horses loved by

Jacobs’s first meeting with

land sale by

Low’s meeting with

McAdoo’s meeting with

McKim’s meeting with

McKinley’s funeral train arranged by

media attacks on

North River Bridge project and

Pennsylvania Railroad lines extended by

and Pennsylvania Station

pension plan established by

at Pittsburgh strike

plans for extra tunnels and

Platt hired by

on Post Office

and Post Office appropriations

PRR ferries and

on PRR’s limits

PRR stock prices and

Pullman cars desired by

Quay and

and rebate system

Relief fund established by

retirement of

robber barons disliked by

on Roosevelt

Roosevelt’s trip on PRR and

Rymond on

skyscraper idea and

song about

and station contract

statue of

and Tenderloin land acquisition

trainman anecdote about

tunnel announcement made by

and tunnel construction

and tunnel project plans

Western Union poles ordered removed by

Cassatt, Edward

Cassatt, Eliza

Cassatt, Gardner

Cassatt, Katharine (A. Cassatt’s mother)

Cassatt, Katherine (A. Cassatt’s daughter)

Cassatt, Lois Buchanan

Cassatt, Lydia

Cassatt, Mary

Cassatt, Robert (A. Cassatt’s father)

Cassatt, Robert (A. Cassatt’s son)

Celtic, S.S.

Central Pacific

Central Park

Central Railroad

Manhattan accessible by

Central Railroad of New Jersey

Century Club

Chaplin, Charlie

Charles II, King of England

Charles and William Earle

Charles T. Wills Company

Chernow, Ron



Chicago (ferry)

Chicago World’s Fair (1893)

Choate, Joseph

Church of St. Asaph

Church of St. Michael

Church of the Redeemer

Citizens Union

City Hall

City Hall Park

City of Augusta (steamer)

City Planning Commission

Civil War, U.S.


Clock, The (film)

coal, coal industry

ICC investigation of

Coal Commission

Coal Trust

Columbia University

Commercial Advertiser

Commercial and Financial Chronicle

Commercial Cable Building, 220 Committee of Fifteen

Committee on Railroads

Condit, Carl W.

Coney Island

Congress, U.S.

Congressional Limited

Coolidge, Calvin

Cooper & Wigand

Corbin, Austin

Corsair (yacht)

Cortelyou, George B.

Cortland Street ferry


Coupland, William

Court of Appeals, U.S.

Crippen, Hawley

Croker, Richard

business practices of

George Gould and

retirement of

Croton Aqueduct

Cuyler, Thomas

Cymric, S.S.

Czolgosz, Leon


Davies, J. Vipond

Day (Weinman)


Degas, Edgar

Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad


Democratic Party

Depew, Chauncey

De Rousse, O. J.

Devery, Richard

Dewey, Richard

Diana (Saint-Gaudens)

Diehl, Lorraine B.

Diemer, John

Doull, Reginald

Dowling, Frank


Droege, John

Dundee University


Earl, John

East River

bridge project for

tunnel project for

East River Division

East River Rapid Transit

École des Beaux-Arts

Edison, Thomas

Edson Recording Gauge

Egan, William H. “Big Bill,”

Eighth Avenue IND

Engineering News

Enterprise (yacht)


Erie Canal


Erie Railroad

Evening Post

Evening World

Exchange Place Terminal

Exposition Universelle

Fanny (steed)

Federal Building

Felt, Irving

Felt, James


on Hudson

Roberts’s plan for

see also specific ferries

Fields, T. W.

Finesilver, Isaac

Finesilver, Mrs.

Fitzpatrick, John

Flatiron Building

Ford, Henry

Ford Motor Company

Forgie, James


Four Acres

Fourth Avenue Tunnel Gang

Fowler, George

Fowler, President

Fowler Warehouse

Free Library

Frick, Henry Clay

Fuller Construction Company

Fusion ticket


Gaffney, James E.

Gare du Quai d’Orsay

Garfield, James

Garland, Judy

Garrett, John W.

gas board, New York

Gay, Mr.

General Post Office

General Post Office Building

George, Henry

George A. Fuller Company

George Washington Bridge

Gettysburg, Battle of

Gibbs, George

Gibson Girl

Gilbert, Bradford L.

Girl in the Red Velvet Swing, The (film)

Glasgow, William A., Jr.

Gleeson, John A.

Goddard, Morrill

Goldman, Emma

Gould, George

Gould, Jay

Gramercy Park

Grand Army Plaza

Grand Central Station

Grand Depot

Great Depression

Greathead, J. H.

Greathead shield

Great Northern & City Railway

Great Northern & Pacific

Great Strike of 1877

Great Western Railway

Green, John

Greenough, A. J.


Grey, Eddie

Griffert, Robert

Guerin, Jules


Hackensack Meadows

Hackensack River

Haffen, Bronx Borough President

Hamburg-American steamship train

Hamilton, Alexander

Hanna, Mark

Harper’s Weekly

Harriman, Edward H.

Harris, Archie

Harvard University

Haskins, DeWitt Clinton

Havemeyer, William

Haverford Station

Health Department

New York

Healy’s Restaurant

Hearst, George

Hearst, Phoebe Apperson

Hearst, William Randolph

Hell Gate Bridge

Hepburn bill


Herald Building


Hewitt, Abram S.

Hill, James J.

Holland Tunnel

Holy Trinity Church

Homestake gold mine

Homestead resort


Hotel Netherland

Hotel Pennsylvania

Howells & Stokes

Huckel, Samuel

Hudson, Henry

Hudson River

ferries on

Haskins’s tunnel under

lack of bridges and tunnels on

Lindenthal’s plans for bridge over

North River Bridge project and

PRR’s plans for tunnels under

silt foundation of

see also New York Tunnels and Terminal Extension

Huxtable, Ada Louise


Ice Trust scandal

Idlewild International Airport


Interborough Rapid Transit Company (IRT)

Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)

interstate highway system

Isaac A. Hopper & Sons


Jacobs, Charles

background of

death of

at Delmonico’s celebration

engineering problems and

Haskins tunnel completed by

North Tunnel inspection party led by

North Tunnel tour given by

Jaffe, Norman

James A. Farley Building

Japp, Henry

Jefferson, Thomas

Jerome, William Travers

Jersey Palisades

Jersey South Tunnel

Jim Crow

Johnson, Philip

Johnson, Susie

Johnstown Flood

Joseph (valet)

Journal American

Jump, George W.


Kelly, William J.

Kenmawr Hotel

“King’s Bluff,”

Knapp, Martin

Knickerbocker Trust

Kosty, Jacob

Kosty, Mrs.

Krass, Jacob

Kuhn, Loeb & Co.


Laloux, Victor

Lancaster (tug)

Landmarks Preservation Commission

Late, Great Pennsylvania Station, The (Diehl)

Lee, Ivy

Lehigh Valley

L’Enfant, Pierre

Lexow Committee

Lincoln, Abraham

Lincoln Memorial

Lincoln Tunnel

Lindenthal, Gustav

bridge commissioner appointment of

Hell Gate Bridge dedicated by

North Bridge project of

and tunnel construction

Livesay, Harold C.

Lodge, Henry Cabot

Loeb, William

Loewy, Raymond

Long Island Rail Road (LIRR)

Loomis, A. J.

Louisiana Purchase Exposition

Low, Seth

reelection lost by

tunnel project and


Lucania, S.S.

Luna Park

Lusitania, S.S.


McAdoo, William G.

McClellan, George B.

McClure’s Magazine

McCrea, James

McCullough, David

McKim, Charles

American Academy and

Cassatt’s first meeting with

death of

health of

Italian Renaissance library designed by

Penn Station powerhouse and

Pennsylvania Station sketches and designs of

Rea’s meeting with

Roosevelt’s meetings with

skyscrapers disdained by

and White’s murder

McKim, Margaret

McKim, Mead & White

McKinley, William

McMillan Committee

Madison Square Garden

Madison Square Presbyterian Church

Madison Square tower

Main Line

Mamzelle Champagne

Manchester Ship Canal

Manhattan Elevated Railway

Manhattan tower

Manhattan Transfer

Maryland Central Railway

Mazet Committee

Mead, William

Meadows Division

Melonius, Mrs.

Merchants Association

Merion Cricket Club

Metropolitan Club

Metropolitan Life Insurance

Metropolitan Subway


Mitchell, John

Model T

Mohawk Building

Moir, Ernest M.

Monet, Claude

Moody, John

Moore, Charles

Morgan, J. P.

Morningside Heights

Morris, Edmund

Morris, Lloyd

Mumford, Lewis

Municipal Art Society

Murphy, Charles F.

Murphy, John J.

Musser, J. H.


Narragansett Pier

Nasaw, David

National City Bank

Nelson, Bob

Nesbit, Evelyn, see Thaw, Evelyn Nesbit

New Brunswick (ferry)

Newhall (PRR officer)

New Haven line

New Jersey Central

New York, New Haven & Harlem Railroad

New York, Ontario & Western Railroad

New York, Susquehanna & Western

New York, West Shore & Buffalo

New York & Harlem Railroad Company

New York Central Railroad

New York Connecting Railroad

New York Contracting & Trucking Co.

New York Herald

New York Hospital

New York Life Insurance

New York Public Library

New York Station and Approaches Division

New York Stock Exchange

New York Times

New York to Paris Automobile Race

New-York Tribune

New York Tunnels and Terminal Extension

accidents and deaths in construction of

Baldwin on

bill regarding

City Hall meetings on

completion of

cost of

electricity and

engineering problems with

first hole drilled for

grades for

Jacobs on

in media

plans of tunnels for

Reeve’s visit to

safety and

shields put in

start of construction on

see also East River, tunnel project for;

Pennsylvania Station; specific tunnels New York World

Nicaragua Canal Commission

Nicaragua Ship Canal

Night (Weinman)

“Night Journey of a River” (Bryant)

Ninth Avenue Elevated

No. 1702

Noble, Alfred

Northern Securities

North River Bridge

North River Division

North River tunnels, see New York

Tunnels and Terminal Extension North Tunnel

inspection party in

shield of


Odell, Governor

Olmsted, Frederick Law, Jr.

Ontario silver mine

Orange Blossom Special

Orleans Line

Orner, Henry

O’Rourke, John F.


Panama Canal

Panic of 1893

Panic of 1907

Park Department, New York

Parker, Alton B.

Parker & Lee

Park Pay Chair Riots

Patton, William

Pennsylvania coal miners strike

Pennsylvania Depot

Pennsylvania Management

Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR)

Acworth on

board of directors of

board of engineers of

business practices of

Cassatt made president of

Cassatt’s early days at

Cassatt’s extension of

celebratory dinners of

corruption scandal of

European loans sought by

ferry of

free railroad passes and

freight rate of

Guerin’s maps of

and ICC investigation

industry shipped by

LIRR acquired by

Madison Square Garden and

Manhattan inaccessible by

New York Connecting Railroad purchased by

New York depot of

North River Bridge project and

and North River tunnel project

plans for Manhattan access by

Platt hired by

Rea hired by

rebate system of

Standard Oil and

stock price of

Tenderloin land acquisition by

union labor and

see also Cassatt, Alexander

Pennsylvania Railroad Museum

Pennsylvania Station

adjustments to

architects and

building of

Cassatt’s statue at

concourse of

Corinthian Room of

crowds in

demolition of

Fortune on

General Waiting Room of

Grand Stairway of

Ladies Café in

Long Island Railroad problems in

McKim and Cassatt’s meeting on

McKim’s sketches and designs for

opening of

powerhouse of

Rea’s statue in

refurbishing of

set-up of

shortcomings of

subways and

Zeckendorf’s plan to buy

Pennsylvania Station (Washington, D.C.)

Pennsylvania Terminal

Pennsylvania Tunnels Alumni Association of the North River Division

“Pennsy Tunnels, The” (song)

Pepperell Manufacturing Company

Perkins, George

Peters, Ralph

Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore


Philadelphia (ferry)

Philadelphia & Erie

Philadelphia & Reading

Philadelphia Inquirer

Philadelphia Ledger

Pie Girl Dinner

Pilgrim Baptist Church

Pinkerton detectives

Pissarro, Camille

Pittsburgh (ferry)

Pittsburgh Coal Company

Pittsburgh Leader

Pittsburgh Railroad Riots of 1877

Platt, Thomas Collier


Plunkitt, George Washington

Port Authority

Port Authority Trans-Hudson (PATH)

Postal Service, U.S.

Poughkeepsie Bridge

Princeton University


Provence, S.S.

Public Service Commission

Pulitzer, Joseph

Pullman cars


Quai d’Orsay Station

Quay, Matthew S.


Railroad Gazette


accidents of

automobiles vs.

freight rates of

government regulation of

see also specific railroads

Railway Standard Time

Randalls Island

Rapid Transit Commission

Raymond, Charles W.

Rea, George Black

Rea, Mary

Rea, Ruth Moore

Rea, Samuel

Baldwin’s illness and

and bridge project

Cassatt’s death and

on Cassatt statue

celebration of East River tunnels and

engineering problems and

General Waiting Room and

Hell Gate Bridge dedicated by

illness of

Jacobs’s first meeting with

McKim’s meeting with

mother’s death and

on need for subway

New York Connecting Railroad franchise sought by

and New York depot

Penn Station environs and

and Penn Station opening

and Post Office

as PRR president

on PRR stock

sandhog statue rejected by

son’s death and

and station contract

statue of

and Tenderloin property acquisition

and tunnel construction

and tunnel project plans

Rea, Thomas

Rea Brothers & Company

Reading Railroad

Reeve, Arthur

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Repplier, Agnes

Republican League

Republican Party


R. H. Macy & Co.

Richardson, H. H.

Richardson, William Symmes

Roberts, George B.

train ferry plan of

Robinson, Douglas

and Tenderloin property acquisition

Rockefeller, John D.


Roosevelt, Corinne

Roosevelt, Edith

Roosevelt, Theodore

Cassatt on

Cassatt’s death and

and Hearst

McKim’s meetings with

in 1904 campaign and election

and Pennsylvania coal miners strike

on PRR

and railroad regulations

Standard Oil prosecution and

Root, Elihu


Saint-Gaudens, Augustus

St. Gothard tunnel

St. Louis (ferry)

St. Paul Building

St. Peter’s

Saks & Co.

Sand Hog Band


union formed by

Sargent, John Singer

Schiff, Jacob

Schwab, Charles

Scientific American

Scott, Thomas A.


Scully, Vincent

Second Empire Revival

Senate, U.S.


Seventh Avenue Improvement Association

Severn tunnel

Sewell, William J.

Shand, Alexander

Shepard, Edward M.

Sherman’s March




Jersey South Tunnel

of North Tunnel

Shrady, George F.

Simplon tunnel

Singer Tower

Sinkler, Dr.

Sire Brothers



Smith, Al

Sobel, Robert

Southern Pacific

South Tunnel

Spearman, Frank H.

S. Pearson & Son

Standard Oil Company

Starett, Paul

Steffens, Lincoln

Stewart, Mrs. W. Plunkett


Stuyvesant Land Co.

Suez Canal

Sullivan, Jimmy

Sullivan, Mark

Sullivan, Tim

Sun (New York)

Sunday World

Supreme Court, U.S.


“Tammany” (song)

Tammany Hall

bribery and

franchise bill and

George Gould and

Hewitt and

and Ice Trust scandal

Mazet Committee and

PRR tunnel project and

Steffens on

vote fraud by

Tarbell, Ida

Tenderloin district

PRR’s land purchase in

Thames River

Thaw, Evelyn Nesbit

Thaw, Harry

Thomson, Frank

Tichey, Lester C.

Tillman, “Pitchfork Ben,”

Times (London)

Times Square

Times Tower

Title Guarantee & Trust Company

Trenton Potteries

Trinity Church


Tunnel A

Tunnel B

Tunnel Bowling League

Tunnel C


in Europe

of Haskins

of McAdoo

PRR’s plans for

Tuskegee Institute

Tweed, William Marcy


Union Depot

Union League

Union Station

United Mine Workers

University Club

U.S. Steel


Vanderbilt, Alfred

Vanderbilt, Cornelius

Vanderbilt, William H.

Vanderbilt, William K.

Vanderbilt family

Van Wyck, Robert



Wabash Railroad

Wafer, Moses

Waldorf-Astoria Hotel

Wall Street

Wall Street Journal

Wards Island

Washington, Booker T.

Washington Express

water board, New York

Water Witch Club

Webb, Beatrice


Weehawken South Tunnel

Weinman, Adolph A.

Wells, H. G.

Western Union Telegraph Company

Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Company

Westinghouse, George

West Point

Whistler, James

White, Bessie

White, Lawrence Grant

White, Norval

White, Stanford

antique fire of

murder of

White, William Allen

White House

White Star Line

Whittaker, William

Wigand Foundry

Willensky, Elliot

William Cramp and Sons

Williams, Alexander “Clubber,”

Williams, James

Williamsburg Bridge

Winter Palace

Wolfe, Tom

Wolff Muslin Undergarment Company

Woodward, James T.

World Building

World’s Work

World Trade Towers

World War I

World War II


Yale University

You Can’t Go Home Again (Wolfe)

Young Men’s Christian Association


Zeckendorf, William