SS nandāśrama Sanskrit Series
BORI Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
GOS Gaekwad’s Oriental Series
IGNCA Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
IIJ Indo-Iranian Journal
IJHS International Journal of Hindu Studies
JAAR Journal of the American Academy of Religion
JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society
KSS Kashi Sanskrit Series
KSTS Kashmir Series of Texts and Studies
OUP Oxford University Press
SUNY Press State University of New York Press
Primary Sources (in Sanskrit alphabetical order)
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(ĪŚP) Īśānaśivagurudevapaddhati. By Īśānaśivagurudevamiśra. Ed. T. Gaapati Sāstri, 4 parts. Trivandrum Sanskrit Series 69, 72, 77, 83. Trivandrum: Trivandrum University Press, 1920–25. Reprint, Delhi: Bharatiya Vidyā Prakāsana, 1988.
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(V) gvedasahitā. Ed. S. D. Sātavaekar. Aundh: Svādhyāya Maala, 1940.
(V) gveda-Sahitā with the Commentary of Sāyaācārya. Vols. 1–5. Ed. C. G. Kashikar and N. S. Sontakke. Poona: Vaidika Saśodhana Maala, 1933–51.
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Karmahaguru. By Jyotiācārya Mukundavallabha. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas, 1979.
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(JUB) Jaiminīya-upaniad-brāhmaa. See Oertel 1896, 1908; and next entry.
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(DPP) Darśapūramāsaprakāśa. By Vāman Śāstrī Kijavaekar. ĀSS 93. Pue: Ānandāśrama, 1928.
Daśakumāracarita. By Dain. Ed. Nārāya Rām Ācārya “Kāvyatīrtha.” Bombay: Nirayasāgara Press, 1951.
Devībhāgavata Purāa. Bombay: Vekateśvara Steam Press, 1919.
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(NT) The Netra Tantram, with Uddyota by Kshemarāja. Ed. Madhusūdan Kaul Shāstrī. KSTS 46, 61. Bombay: Nirayasāgara Press, 1926–39.
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Pañcaviśa Brāhmaa. See Tāyamahābrāhmaa and Caland 1931.
(PTV) Parātriśikāvivaraa of Abhinavagupta. See Gnoli 1985.
(PTLV) Parātrīśikā Laghuvtti by Abhinavagupta. Ed. Jagaddhar Zadoo Shastri. KSTS 68. Srinagar 1947. [See also Gnoli 1965; Padoux 1975.]
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Pārsvanāthacarita. By Bhāvadeva. Ed. Hargovinddas and Bechardas. Yashovijaya Jaina Granthamala 32. Benares: Harshchand Bhurabhai, 1912.
Pasupatasūtra with the Pañcārthabhāya of Kauinya. Ed. R. Anantakrishna Sastri. Trivandrum Sanskrit Series 143. Trivandrum: Trivandrum University Press, 1940.
Pisācamocanamāhātmyam, Kapardīśvarastotradvayatripiīśrāddhavidhyātmakam. Ed. Pt. Śrībhaavijayaśakara. Kāśī: Prābhākarī-Yantrālaya, 1910 (sa. 1966).
(PH) Pratyabhijñāhdaya of Kemarāja. Ed. Jagadisha Chandra Chatterji. KSTS 3. Srinagar: Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir, 1911. [See also Singh 1963.]
Prabandhacintāmai of Merutuga. Ed. Jinavijayamuni. Singhi Jain Series 1. Śāntiniketan: Singhī Jaina Jñānapīha, 1933.
Prameyaratnārava. By Śrībālakabhaa (Lālūbhaa). Ed. and Hindi trans. Kedārnāth Miśra. Vārāasī: Ananda Prakāsana, 1971. [See also Das 1986.]
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(BS) Bhatsahitā. The Bihat Sahitā by Varāhamihira with the Commentary of Bhaotpāla. Ed. M.M. Sudhākara Dvivedī. Vizianagaram Sanskrit Series 12. Benares: E. J. Lazarus, 1895.
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Bodhisattvāvadānakalpalatā. See Rothenberg 1996.
Baudhāyanaghyasūtra. Ed. R. Shama Sastri. Mysore: University of Mysore, 1920.
(BŚS) Baudhāyanaśrautasūtra. Ed. W. Caland. Bibliotheca Indica 163. Vols. 1–3. Calcutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1904.
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(BSŚ) Brahmasūtraśakarabhāyam. With the Bhāyaratnaprabhā of Govindānanda, Bhāmatī of Vācaspatimiśra, Nyāyaniraya of Anandagiri. Ed. J. L. Shastri. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1980.
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Brahmāa Purāa. Bombay: Laxmi Venkateshwar Steam Press, 1935.
Bhaktirasāmtasindhu. See Haberman 2003.
Bhagavadajjukāprahasanam. See Lockwood and Bhat 1994.
(BhG) Bhagavadgitā. Ed. S. K. Belvalkar. Poona: BORI, 1941.
(BhārŚS) Bhāradvājaśrautasūtram. Ed. and trans. C. G. Kashikar. Poona: Vaidika Saśodhana Maala, 1964.
Bhaviya-Purāa. Bombay: Vekateśvara Steam Press, 1879; 3rd ed., 1959.
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Bhāvanākrama of Ācārya Kamalaśīla. Slob-dpon Kamalasilas mdzad pa’i bsgom rim thog mtha’ bar gsum bzugs so. Ācāryakamalaśīlapranīta Bhāvanākrama: Bhotiyasaskaraa, Saskta uddhāra eva Hindī anuvāda/Sasktapunaruddhāraka, Hindī-anuvādaka, eva sampādaka, Jñālachena Namadola. Tibetan version, Sanskrit Restoration, and Hindi Translation. Bibliotheca-Indo-Tibetica-9. Restored, trans., and ed. Acārya Gyaltsen Namdol. Sarnath, Varanasi: Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, 1985. [See also Tucci 1958, 1971.]
Bhāvaprakāśa of Bhāvamiśra, with the Author’s Own Commentary Viamasthalaīkā. Ed. Brahmaśakara Miśra. Haridas Sanskrit Series 39. Benares: Caukhambā Sanskrit Series Office, 1935, 1947.
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Mattavilāsaprahasanam. See Lockwood and Bhat 1994.
(MP) Matsyamahāpurāa. Ed. Dr. Pushpendra. New Delhi: Meherchand Lachhmandas, 1982. [Text of edition by Rājarām Gaeś Boas. Bombay: Venkateshvara Steam Press, 1895.]
Madanaketucarita. By Rāmapāivāda. Ed. P. K. Narayana Pillai. Trivendrum: University Manuscripts Library, 1948.
(MM) Madanamahārava of Śrī Viśveśvara Bhaa. By Viśveśvara Bhaa, son of Phei Bhaa. Ed. Pt. Embar Krishnamacharya and M. R. Nambiyar. GOS 117. Baroda: Oriental Institute, 1953.
Manusmti with the Manvarthamuktāvalī Commentary of Kullūka Bhaa with the Maipravāha Hindī Commentary by Haragovinda Śāstrī. Ed. Nārāya Rām Ācārya “Kāvyatīrtha.” Bombay: Nirayasāgara Press, 1946; 2nd ed., KSS 114. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, 1970. [See also Olivelle 2005.]
Mantrapupam. Ed. Svāmī Devarūpānanda. Mumbaī: Rāmaka Maha, 1989.
(MBh) Mahābhārata. Critical Edition. Ed. V. S. Sukthankar et al. 19 vols. Poona: BORI, 1933–66.
(Mahābhāya) The Vyākaraa Mahābhāya of Patañjali, vol 1. Ed. Franz Kielhorn. Bombay: Government Central Book Depot, 1880; 3rd ed., ed. K. V. Abhyankar, Poona: BORI, 1962.
Mahāyānasūtrasagraha, part 2. Ed. P. L. Vaidya. Darbhanga: Mithila Institute of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Sanskrit Learning, 1964.
(Mahāvastu) Le Mahâvastu: texte sanscrit publié pour la première fois et accompagné d’introductions et d’un commentaire. Ed. E. Senart. Paris: Impr. nationale, 1882–97. [See also Jones 1949.]
(Māukyakārikā) The Māūkyopanishad with Gauapāda’s Kārikās and the Bhāshya of Śakara. Ed. and trans. Manilal N. Dvivedi. Bombay: Bombay Theosophical Publication Fund, 1894.
Mādhavanidānam by Mādhavakara with Madhukosa Sanskrit Commentary by Śrīkahadatta. Ed. with Hindi trans. Brahmānanda Tripāhī. Vārāasī: Caukhambā Surabhāratī Prakāśana, 1996.
Mālinivijayottaratantra. By Abhinavagupta. Ed. Madhusūdan Kaul Shāstrī. KSTS 37. Srinagar: Research Department, Jammu and Kashmir State, 1922. [See also Vasudeva 2004.]
(MS) Maitrāyai Sahitā. Ed. Leopold von Schroeder. Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1881, 1886.
(Yaśodharacarita) Vāirāja’s Yaśodharacarita with Lakmaa’s Sanskrit Commentary. Ed. K. Krishnamoorthy. Dharwar: Karnatak University, 1963.
Yājñavalkyasmti, with the Mitākarā of Vijñāneśvara. Ed. Nārāya Rām Acārya “Kāvyatīrtha.” Bombay: Nirayasāgara Press, 1949.
Yoga Upaniads with the Commentary of Śrī Upaniad-Brahmayogin. Ed. Pandit A. Mahadeva Sastri. Madras: Adyar Library and Research Centre, 1920; 2nd ed., 1968.
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