The technique here is perhaps a bit brute force. We use a table constructor to create the __Table table variable. Within the table constructor, we create a row for every character in the Name column. Because there is no looping in DAX, we must use a reasonable maximum approach. The table constructor that's used in this example creates 10 rows, but this technique could be extended to include 25, 50, or even 100 or more rows. Each row in the table constructor uses MID to get the value of a single character within the Name column. Then, we use UNICODE to return the numeric code point for the character; for example, the Unicode number for a capital A is 66.
The __Table variable essentially deconstructs the string in the Name column one character at a time with each character becoming a row within __Table and then being converted into a Unicode number. Once we have our __Table constructed, we can simply use CONCATENATEX to reconstruct the rows of Unicode numbers back into a string.