How to do it...

Determining HCVA can be done in the following steps:

  1. Create the following measures:
Total Annual Revenue = 4000000
Total Annual Costs = 3900000
Employee Overhead Cost Factor = 1.4

Revenue =
VAR __StartPeriod = MIN('R04_Calendar'[Date])
VAR __EndPeriod = MAX('R04_Calendar'[Date])
VAR __DaysInPeriod = DATEDIFF(__StartPeriod, __EndPeriod,DAY) + 1
VAR __Year = YEAR(__StartPeriod)
VAR __DaysInYear = DATEDIFF(DATE(__Year,1,1), DATE(__Year,12,31),DAY)+1
[Total Annual Revenue] / __DaysInYear * __DaysInPeriod

Total Costs =
VAR __StartPeriod = MIN('R04_Calendar'[Date])
VAR __EndPeriod = MAX('R04_Calendar'[Date])
VAR __DaysInPeriod = DATEDIFF(__StartPeriod, __EndPeriod,DAY) + 1
VAR __Year = YEAR(__StartPeriod)
VAR __DaysInYear = DATEDIFF(DATE(__Year,1,1), DATE(__Year,12,31),DAY)+1
[Total Annual Costs] / __DaysInYear * __DaysInPeriod
  1. Create the FTE measure using the code found in the R04_FTE.txt file located in the GitHub repository.
  2. Create the Employment Costs measure using the code found in the R04_EmploymentCosts.txt file located in the GitHub repository.
  3. Create the following measure:
HCVA = ([Revenue] - ([Total Costs] - [Employment Costs])) / [FTE]
  1. Format FTE to have two decimal places.
  2. On a report page, create a Table visualization and place the Date column from the R04_Table table as well as the FTE, Employment Costs, Total Costs, Revenueand HCVA measures into the Values area of the visualization. Edit the Date column in the Values area of the visualization to display the Date Hierarchy but only the Quarter from that hierarchy.