How to do it...

To implement this recipe, do the following:

  1. Create the following column:
'R05_Table'[Ordered] = 'R05_Table'[Shipped] &&
'R05_Table'[DeliveredDate] <= 'R05_Table'[CustomerDueDate],
  1. On a Report page, create a line chart visualization and place the DeliveredDate column from the R05_Table table into the Axis area and ensure that this is set to DeliveredDate and not Date Hierarchy.
  1. In the same line chart visualization, place the OTIF column from the R05_Table table into the Values area and change the aggregation for the OTIF field to Average.
  2. Create a table visualization and place the Plant and OTIF columns from the R05_Table table into the Values area, ensuring that the aggregation for OTIF is set to Average.
  3. Create a second table visualization and place the Segment and OTIF columns from the R05_Table table into the Values area, ensuring that the aggregation for OTIF is set to Average.