Let these words tell of our little sister, who gave her life for ours when we took shelter here.
When the Two Shadows came to our village, we fled.
They took our food and our possessions. They burned our homes. They fouled our hearths, but still they came.
We fled to the hills, but still they came, hunting us among the trees. We heard the screams of those they found. The most fortunate ones were killed quickly.
We fled to the mountains, and sought shelter in this cave, but still they came.
We heard them outside, calling for us.
“Send us our tribute, or we will take you all.”
Father bade us all be silent.
“We gave you our food, our homes, and all that we possess.”
“Send us our tribute, or we will take you all.”
The Two Shadows would not kill us quickly. They would break our bodies and our spirits, and then drown us in their foul lake. We huddled in fear.
“Send us our tribute, or we will take you all.”
Then little sister spoke out among us.
“I will be your tribute, if you spare my family.”
We tried to stop her, but she would not listen.
She was wild and free as a fox in moonlight.
She was as kind as rain to growing things, as gentle as the dawn.
She was our sister, who gave her life for us.
Her will was strong, her heart was pure.
We prayed they would not break her spirit.
We prayed her soul would find true rest.
She was our sister, who gave her life for us.
—Approximate translation of an inscription found in a cave near Deer Hollow, NY. Believed to be created circa 1400 A.D. From the library of Tom Morris