

Title Page



List of Characters

Part One: May to September 1662

Chapter One: In which a young woman encounters four men and some horses

Chapter Two: In which Sir Everard Blithman finds a treasure

Chapter Three: In which an unconventional deal is struck

Chapter Four: In which a newcomer is made to feel most unwelcome

Chapter Five: In which a new role is bestowed

Chapter Six: In which husband and new wife discourse about chocolate

Chapter Seven: In which a new wife begins a new life

Chapter Eight: In which a wife indulges in sin (in a bowl)

Chapter Nine: In which a husband hears a confession

Chapter Ten: In which a Navy clerk responds to gossip

Chapter Eleven: In which Sir Everard recruits an ally

Chapter Twelve: In which a woman’s worth is determined

Chapter Thirteen: In which Lady Harridan is introduced to Mr. Nessuno

Chapter Fourteen: In which a wife befriends a correspondent

Chapter Fifteen: In which a friend fails to live up to expectations

Chapter Sixteen: In which plans are gently foiled

Chapter Seventeen: In which the many benefits of chocolate are explained

Chapter Eighteen: In which a troubled conscience is pricked

Chapter Nineteen: In which Sir Everard stipulates the impossible is possible

Chapter Twenty: In which the Lady Rosamund is declared fit for Bedlam

Chapter Twenty-One: In which a chocolate house is opened Monday, the 15th of September, 1662

Chapter Twenty-Two: In which the present is clothed as the past

Chapter Twenty-Three: In which Nobody is actually Somebody

Part Two: Autumn 1662 to Spring 1665

Chapter Twenty-Four: In which a chocolate house is mourned

Chapter Twenty-Five: In which the devil reveals a conscience

Chapter Twenty-Six: In which a widow is propositioned

Chapter Twenty-Seven: In which a Navy clerk contemplates the passage of time

Chapter Twenty-Eight: In which restoration and anticipation rule

Chapter Twenty-Nine: In which there is a surprising homecoming

Part Three: Spring 1665

Chapter Thirty: In which the past returns with a vengeance

Chapter Thirty-One: In which Lady Rosamund becomes a woman of property

Chapter Thirty-Two: In which old wounds are made afresh

Chapter Thirty-Three: In which death rides a pale horse

Chapter Thirty-Four: In which the bells were hoarse with tolling

Chapter Thirty-Five: In which the chocolate maker’s widow provides hope in a bowl

Chapter Thirty-Six: In which death enters unbidden

Chapter Thirty-Seven: In which the Lord has mercy upon us

Chapter Thirty-Eight: In which the calamity is inexpressible

Part Four: January 1666 to September 1666

Chapter Thirty-Nine: In which voluntary exiles make their return

Chapter Forty: In which the end of days draws nigh

Chapter Forty-One: In which a threat is vanquished

Chapter Forty-Two: In which a proposal is made

Chapter Forty-Three: In which an adjournment is requested

Chapter Forty-Four: In which revenge is served warm

Chapter Forty-Five: In which a plot thickens

Chapter Forty-Six: In which a baker burns pudding on the 2nd of September, 1666

Chapter Forty-Seven: In which London burns

Chapter Forty-Eight: In which what starts in Pudding ends in Pye

Chapter Forty-Nine: In which truth rises from the ashes

Chapter Fifty: In which Lady Margery speaks

Chapter Fifty-One: In which a long-worn vizard slips

Part Five: September 1666 to March 1667

Chapter Fifty-Two: In which truth rises out of the ash of lies

Chapter Fifty-Three: In which Rosamund walks in her own shoes

Chapter Fifty-Four: In which love finds the way

Chapter Fifty-Five: In which Nobody becomes Somebody

Chapter Fifty-Six: In which a new world beckons on the 4th of March, 1667

Author’s Note


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Also by Karen Brooks


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