
I won’t patronize you by saying that this is the hardest letter I’ve ever had to write. You know that already. But I need to explain this to you and hope that you can at least understand.

First, this wasn’t my choice. I’ve told you everything, and even though you struggle to understand, I hope you’ll believe this truth. The thing inside me was getting stronger. So strong that it got Jeanie. It’s long and complicated, but it poisoned her with itself. It was growing inside her like a cancer, and when it was strong enough, it would have tried to pass on a word that, once spoken, would have released it into the world.

It got to Jeanie because I started to really care for her, to love her even. That’s important.

You, Scott, are the love of my life. I knew it since the first time you pranked me and then kissed me. Each time I felt my love for you, I felt the demon rise in me. Every time I kissed you, it got to me a little more.

Love is my weakness. My greatest power, but also, yes, my weakness. The demon… my demon, now, uses it to get to others. Even now, being a living cage, I can’t trust myself with you, and I certainly can’t guarantee your safety.

I can’t see you again. If you love me, please stay away. I’m doing this for you, for Seanmhair, for Kaitie, and for the whole world. This is my mistake and my punishment. My duty. So, though you don’t understand, please respect my wishes.

I love you.

Naidasha Chounan-Dupré,
granddaughter of Seanmhair Taia
Dupré, deceased