Until Death Do Us Part

‘Mummy, look what I can do. Look!’ Beth squealed, as she glided past me, one foot on her scooter, the other sticking out to the side in a feat of balance any six year old ballerina would be proud of.

‘Do you think Daddy can see me?’

‘I’m sure he can, darling.’

She turned the scooter around and flew past me again. ‘Look, Daddy, look!’ she trilled to the sky.

There was no sadness there. Just a little girl, on a scooter, gliding up and down a path in a deserted cemetery, her mum, sitting on a bench, laughing as she watched.

I pulled my coat tighter around my neck to stop the December wind biting. If Colm were here, he’d have been laughing too. Then he’d have swept Beth over his shoulder, picked up her scooter, and demanded that we all went for ice cream, even in winter.

I’d heard it said that after a loved one dies, you could forget their face, or their voice, but that hadn’t happened. Colm was still so vivid, so present in our lives. He was everywhere, in everything, especially his wild, crazy, mischievous daughter.

God help us.

‘Mummy, there’s Auntie Lou!’

Lulu and Dan both opened their arms as she ran to them. No-one who saw them could ever have guessed the turbulent path they’d travelled to get here. Somehow Colm’s death had glued them back together, made Lulu realise how precious their lives were. She swore she’d never let Dan go again. I believed her.

Crouched down now, they enfolded Beth in a team hug, before Dan picked her up, swung her around. Just like Colm would have done. That made me smile again.

Lulu joined me on the bench. We’d had it placed there a few weeks after Colm died, so we could sit, just be with him.

‘You remembered.’

She leant over, hugged me. ‘Of course we did.’

I grinned. ‘Be honest.’

‘Okay, so Dan remembered,’ she conceded ruefully. ‘But I would have too. Just got a bit of a hangover so it’s taking a while for information to process this morning.’

Of course. Rosie’s party last night.

‘How did it go?’

‘It was quiet. She asked me to thank you for the card. We drank too much. She cried.’

I didn’t respond. What was there to say? I was glad that Rosie had decided to lease out the café and go travelling for a year, pleased that she was moving on with her life. Our friendship had been wounded, but not fatally. We still talked occasionally, staying on neutral ground, trying to build a new foundation for a relationship based on truth this time.

I’d thought about going to say goodbye, but in the end I’d stayed home. There had been too many goodbyes lately.

Lulu slipped her arm through mine and rested her head on my shoulder, as we watched Dan running up and down, chasing a delighted Beth.

‘So what are you doing for the rest of the day?’

‘Jess and the boys are coming over for lunch.’

Today was a special day, but visits from Jess and the boys weren’t an unusual event. We usually saw them every second weekend, keeping up the schedule that had bonded her boys to our lives for so long. Beth would hang on her brothers’ every words, utterly devoted to them, while Jess and I would cook and chat. After the kids had gone off to bed or to do whatever it was that teenagers did online, we would sit up, talk nonsense, watch a movie, drink wine. We’d even gone to Ireland together, taken the kids to visit Colm’s family and had a week of reminiscing filled with tears and laughter. It probably shouldn’t have been a surprise that we were so alike, because after all, Colm had loved us both.

‘Do you want to join us?’ I asked Lulu.

‘Depends on the hangover. But I’ll pop up and say hello.’

Another lovely thing had happened over the last few months. I’d sold our home, and moved into one of the flats up above Lulu and Dan in the building they owned on Richmond Green. An uplift in the market and a decent offer had turned around the negative equity on our house, and given me enough to make a dent in the credit card bills we’d run up during Colm’s last year. Work was so busy that I’d soon have them cleared. Would I have done it again, allowed us to sink into debt, indulged his desire to travel and make the most of every minute?

Without a shadow of a doubt.

‘Honey, it’s time to go.’

Beth responded to my call by bounding over, an exhausted Dan following behind. Standing now, I hugged him, grateful that he continued to be such a great friend.

‘Mummy, the flowers. Can I do it?’


Beth picked up the three sunflowers that he been beside me on the bench, and laid them on the grass in front of the granite headstone that bore her father’s name. One for Colm, one for Annie, and one for Daisy, the half sister that she’d never known.

For the millionth time, I read the words carved on the stone in front of me.


1.12.73 – 1.9.16



I smiled, my words to him unspoken.

Goodbye, my love. Happy birthday.





We hope you enjoyed this book!

Shari Low’s next book is coming in spring 2017

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