Stitching Techniques


Backstitch creates a continuous line of stitching so it’s ideal for defining shapes.

Chain stitch

This stitch creates a nice thick decorative line.

Blanket stitch

This edging stitch is used to secure appliquéd fabric pieces.

French knot

The double-wrap French knot creates a prominent raised dot, which is ideal for adding a centre to toy eye pupils.

Ladder stitch for closing gaps

This stitch is used to sew turning gaps closed and to attach the quilt binding securely.

Running stitch

A simple stitch used for decorative embroidery, or for gathering as on the Flutter-by Mobile butterfly wings.

Satin stitch

First backstitch around the outside edge of the shape and then satin stitch over the stitching.

Ladder stitch for attaching parts

Ladder stitch is also used to attach parts to soft toys. This method is usually used so that the attachment will either sit flat against or protrude from the stuffed toy. Follow the ladder stitch diagram for closing gaps, but make one stitch in the edge of the attachment, then make the next stitch in the body of the toy. The ladder stitches need to be sewn into the body following the shape of the attachment so that the latter retains its shape.