3.12 The inc and dec Instructions

As the example in the previous section indicates—indeed, as several examples up to this point have indicated—adding or subtracting 1 from a register or memory location is a very common operation. In fact, these operations are so common that Intel's engineers included a pair of instructions to perform these specific operations: the inc (increment) and dec (decrement) instructions.

The inc and dec instructions use the following syntax:

inc( mem/reg );
dec( mem/reg );

The single operand can be any legal 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit register or memory operand. The inc instruction will add 1 to the specified operand, and the dec instruction will subtract 1 from the specified operand.

These two instructions are slightly shorter than the corresponding add or sub instructions (that is, their encoding uses fewer bytes). There is also one slight difference between these two instructions and the corresponding add or sub instructions: They do not affect the carry flag.

As an example of the inc instruction, consider the example from the previous section, recoded to use inc rather than add:

mem.alloc( 128 );
          for( mov( 0, ebx ); ebx < 128; inc( ebx ) ) do

               mov( 0, (type byte [eax+ebx]) );
