4.16 Using Character Sets in Your HLA Programs

Character sets are valuable for many different purposes in your programs. For example, one common use of character sets is to validate user input. This section will also present a couple of other applications for character sets to help you start thinking about how you could use them in your program.

Consider the following short code segment that gets a yes/no-type answer from the user:

     answer: char;
          stdout.put( "Would you like to play again? " );
          stdin.get( answer );

     until( answer = 'n' );

A major problem with this code sequence is that it will stop only if the user types a lowercase n character. If the user types anything other than n (including uppercase N), the program will treat this as an affirmative answer and transfer back to the beginning of the repeat..until loop. A better solution would be to validate the user input before the until clause above to ensure that the user has only typed n, N, y, or Y. The following code sequence will accomplish this:


               stdout.put( "Would you like to play again? " );
               stdin.get( answer );

          until( cs.member( answer, { 'n', 'N', 'Y', 'y' } );
          if( answer = 'N' ) then

               mov( 'n', answer );


     until( answer = 'n' );