5.10 HLA v2.0 Procedure Declarations

HLA v2.0 and later support an alternate procedure declaration syntax that is similar to constant, type, and variable declarations. Though this book tends to prefer the original procedure declaration syntax (which HLA v2.0 and later still support), you will see examples of the new syntax in code that exists out in the real world; therefore, this section provides a brief discussion of the new procedure declaration syntax.

The new HLA v2.0 procedure declaration syntax uses the proc keyword to begin a procedure declaration section (similar to var or static beginning a variable declaration section). Within a proc section, procedure declarations take one of these forms:

procname:procedure( parameters );
begin procname;
    << body >>
end procname;
procname:procedure( parameters ) {options};
begin procname;
    << body >>
end procname;
procname:procedure( parameters ); external;
procname:procedure( parameters ) { options }; external;

Please see the HLA v2.0 (or later) reference manual for more details concerning this alternate procedure declaration syntax. Just be aware of its existence in case you come across it while reading example HLA code you've gotten from some other source.