5.21 Managing Large Programs

Most assembly language source files are not standalone programs. In general, you will call various standard library or other routines that are not defined in your main program. For example, you've probably noticed by now that the 80x86 doesn't provide any machine instructions like read, write, or put for doing I/O operations. Of course, you can write your own procedures to accomplish this. Unfortunately, writing such routines is a complex task, and beginning assembly language programmers are not ready for such tasks. That's where the HLA Standard Library comes in. This is a package of procedures you can call to perform simple I/O operations like stdout.put.

The HLA Standard Library contains hundreds of thousands of lines of source code. Imagine how difficult programming would be if you had to merge these hundreds of thousands of lines of code into your simple programs! Imagine how slow compiling your programs would be if you had to compile those hundreds of thousands of lines with each program you write. Fortunately, you don't have to do this.

For small programs, working with a single source file is fine. For large programs, this gets very cumbersome (consider the example above of having to include the entire HLA Standard Library into each of your programs). Furthermore, once you've debugged and tested a large section of your code, continuing to assemble that same code when you make a small change to some other part of your program is a waste of time. The HLA Standard Library, for example, takes several minutes to assemble, even on a fast machine. Imagine having to wait 20 or 30 minutes on a fast PC to assemble a program to which you've made a one-line change!

As for high-level languages, the solution is separate compilation. First, you break up your large source files into manageable chunks. Then you compile the separate files into object code modules. Finally, you link the object modules together to form a complete program. If you need to make a small change to one of the modules, you only need to reassemble that one module; you do not need to reassemble the entire program.

The HLA Standard Library works in precisely this way. The Standard Library is already compiled and ready to use. You simply call routines in the Standard Library and link your code with the Standard Library using a linker program. This saves considerable time when developing a program that uses the Standard Library code. Of course, you can easily create your own object modules and link them together with your code. You could even add new routines to the Standard Library so they will be available for use in future programs you write.

"Programming in the large" is the term software engineers have coined to describe the processes, methodologies, and tools for handling the development of large software projects. While everyone has their own idea of what "large" is, separate compilation is one of the more popular techniques that support "programming in the large." The following sections describe the tools HLA provides for separate compilation and how to effectively employ these tools in your programs.