12.12 Abstract Methods

An abstract base class is one that exists solely to supply a set of common fields to its derived classes. You never declare variables whose type is an abstract base class; you always use one of the derived classes. The purpose of an abstract base class is to provide a template for creating other classes, nothing more. As it turns out, the only difference in syntax between a standard base class and an abstract base class is the presence of at least one abstract method declaration. An abstract method is a special method that does not have an actual implementation in the abstract base class. Any attempt to call that method will raise an exception. If you're wondering what possible good an abstract method could be, keep on reading.

Suppose you want to create a set of classes to hold numeric values. One class could represent unsigned integers, another class could represent signed integers, a third could implement BCD values, and a fourth could support real64 values. While you could create four separate classes that function independently of one another, doing so passes up an opportunity to make this set of classes more convenient to use. To understand why, consider the following possible class declarations:

     uint: class
               TheValue: dword;

          method put;
          << Other methods for this class >>

     sint: class
               TheValue: dword;

          method put;
          << Other methods for this class >>

     r64: class
               TheValue: real64;

          method put;
          << Other methods for this class >>

The implementation of these classes is not unreasonable. They have fields for the data and they have a put method (which, presumably, writes the data to the standard output device). They probably have other methods and procedures to implement various operations on the data. There are, however, two problems with these classes, one minor and one major, both occurring because these classes do not inherit any fields from a common base class.

The first problem, which is relatively minor, is that you have to repeat the declaration of several common fields in these classes. For example, the put method declaration appears in each of these classes.[142] This duplication of effort results in a harder-to-maintain program because it doesn't encourage you to use a common name for a common function since it's easy to use a different name in each of the classes.

A bigger problem with this approach is that it is not generic. That is, you can't create a generic pointer to a "numeric" object and perform operations like addition, subtraction, and output on that value (regardless of the underlying numeric representation).

We can easily solve these two problems by turning the previous class declarations into a set of derived classes. The following code demonstrates an easy way to do this:

     numeric: class
          method put;
          << Other common methods shared by all the classes >>

     uint: class inherits( numeric )
               TheValue: dword;

          override method put;
          << Other methods for this class >>

     sint: class inherits( numeric )
               TheValue: dword;

          override method put;
          << Other methods for this class >>

     r64: class inherits( numeric )
               TheValue: real64;

          override method put;
          << Other methods for this class >>

This scheme solves both the problems. First, by inheriting the put method from numeric, this code encourages the derived classes to always use the name put, thereby making the program easier to maintain. Second, because this example uses derived classes, it's possible to create a pointer to the numeric type and load this pointer with the address of a uint, sint, or r64 object. That pointer can invoke the methods found in the numeric class to do functions like addition, subtraction, or numeric output. Therefore, the application that uses this pointer doesn't need to know the exact data type; it deals with numeric values only in a generic fashion.

One problem with this scheme is that it's possible to declare and use variables of type numeric. Unfortunately, such numeric variables don't have the ability to represent any type of number (notice that the data storage for the numeric fields actually appears in the derived classes). Worse, because you've declared the put method in the numeric class, you actually have to write some code to implement that method even though you should never really call it; the actual implementation should occur only in the derived classes. While you could write a dummy method that prints an error message (or, better yet, raises an exception), there shouldn't be any need to write "dummy" procedures like this. Fortunately, there is no reason to do so—if you use abstract methods.

The abstract keyword, when it follows a method declaration, tells HLA that you are not going to provide an implementation of the method for this class. Instead, it is the responsibility of all derived classes to provide a concrete implementation for the abstract method. HLA will raise an exception if you attempt to call an abstract method directly. The following is the modification to the numeric class to convert put to an abstract method:

     numeric: class
          method put; abstract;
          << Other common methods shared by all the classes >>

An abstract base class is a class that has at least one abstract method. Note that you don't have to make all methods abstract in an abstract base class; it is perfectly legal to declare some standard methods (and, of course, provide their implementation) within the abstract base class.

Abstract method declarations provide a mechanism by which a base class can specify some generic methods that the derived classes must implement. In theory, all derived classes must provide concrete implementations of all abstract methods, or those derived classes are themselves abstract base classes. In practice, it's possible to bend the rules a little and use abstract methods for a slightly different purpose.

A little earlier, you read that you should never create variables whose type is an abstract base class. If you attempt to execute an abstract method, the program would immediately raise an exception to complain about this illegal method call. In practice, you actually can declare variables of an abstract base type and get away with this as long as you don't call any abstract methods in that class.

[142] Note, by the way, that TheValue is not a common field because this field has a different type in the r64 class.