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As Ariella arrived back at the house in the village she knew so well, she noticed that she still had quite some time before her father would be home. Since Abraham had left before he normally did that morning, she had gotten to Will’s much earlier than she had expected.
Even though she was not with William at the moment, she felt such bliss just thinking about him and all that she’d experienced with him for the first time. Of course, she couldn’t wait to be wrapped back up in his strong, muscular arms, but for now, her thoughts of him made her feel giddy like a child on Christmas morning.
Having about two hours to spare, Ariella got changed into her daily outfit, and decided to head into town. She felt so good that she decided today she would bake a cake. Once she’d get to the marketplace, she would get all the ingredients she would need and maybe even pick some daisies for the kitchen. She smiled to herself thinking of how Will’s eyes had looked back into hers, and she could practically feel herself floating off the ground.
As she purchased eggs and milk from two different stands, she realized she would need some flour as well. She had sugar in the cupboard from the last time because she didn’t bake very often. Abraham didn’t care too much for sweets and desserts. He didn’t mind them whenever Ariella would make them, but usually, she wouldn’t because of the already laborious meals he’d typically request.
She approached a stand selling muffins, rolls, and bags of flour. She looked around, but didn’t immediately see anyone behind the counter.
“Hello?” she called out. No one answered at first, but no more than five seconds later, Augustus popped his head up from underneath the counter. Ariella jumped back spooked by the unexpected appearance.
“Oh, I’m sorry, miss. Didn’t mean to frighten you. I was just putting away some muffins in the basket below since we already have plenty on the countertop. Say, I haven’t seen the likes of you around in a few days, how’ve you been?” he asked.
Ariella’s face lit up, recognizing the handsome young man that she had met the last time she had been to the market.
“Gussy!” she called out, reaching her arms over the counter so that she could hug him. She had a new courageous way about her since she had met Will.
As she hugged him, he could smell her rose-like scent and feel her warm and welcoming embrace. Augustus hugged her back.
“Well, you’re quite friendly today, miss.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I never gave you my name last time. I’m Aria.” She smiled remembering how William had given her that nickname. Being with him and experiencing life anew, she felt a courage inside that she had never felt before.
“That’s a beautiful name, Aria. Can I help you with anything today?” Augustus questioned.
Ariella brought one finger up to her chin. For a moment, she couldn’t remember what it was exactly that she had come to purchase. All of a sudden, the lightbulb, as Will would say, went on in her head.
“Oh! Yes! I need some flour, please. I’m going to be making a cake with dinner, so yes, flour please.”
She smiled at him, and Augustus felt his heart swoon.
“My, my, my. I don’t mean to be so forward, Miss Aria, but you are quite a wonder. Forgive me, but you are beautiful.” He smiled back at her and felt as though her deep blue eyes had pieced his very soul.
He was very handsome and she found herself thinking that if she hadn’t already found Will, she wouldn’t have minded spending some time with Augustus. Though, how she would have done that without her father knowing would have been a challenge. With Will, it was easy. He was far away and there would be no way Abraham would ever know. She knew everything happened for a reason. Thoughts of Will’s arms and kisses all over her sent a million sensations traveling up and down her body. She shivered, missing his touch, but knew soon she would be in his bed again.
“It’s all right, Gussy. You needn’t apologize. Thank you. Here’s the money for the flour,” she said placing the currency into his hand.
He placed the cloth bag of flour into her woven basket.
“I must say, you seem like a completely different person today. This new personality suits you, miss.” Augustus wanted to ask Ariella on a date. He thought the last time she had been here that she was with someone, but this time, she seemed free and open.
He grabbed the hat off his head, and brought it in front of him. Gathering all the courage he could find within himself, he decided to take a chance.
“Pardon me, Miss Aria. If you’re free sometime, I’d love to take you on a picnic. What do you say?”
As if a bolt of lightning hit her on the head, Ariella decided she needed to be careful. She straightened and replied, “My dear, Gus. Although I am very flattered by your offer, I’m sorry, but I cannot accept. You are a very sweet man, and I would love to, but unfortunately, I can’t.”
Disappointed and frowning, Augustus replied, “I understand, miss. You are spoken for. Of course, you are. You’re an angel on Earth. I just knew that if I didn’t take the chance, I would never know. No need to be sorry.”
She smiled up at him. Will held the key to her heart. But her father was a big reason why she would have to stay away. She knew she couldn’t even be friends with Gus, for if the townsfolk were to talk then word would get back to Abraham, and God only knows what he would do. She knew, though, that soon enough, she’d be in Will’s arms and her father would not be able to get to her. Soon she would no longer know this life. She reached over the counter once more and placed a gentle kiss on Augustus’ cheek, whispering in his ear, “You are a very sweet and handsome man, Augustus. I know one day you will find your true love and get your very own happy ending, just wait and see.”
He blushed as soon as her lips had landed on his cheek. He could feel his face turning red. As she pulled away and began to head back toward her cottage, Augustus said, “Take care of yourself, beautiful Miss Aria.”
Ariella took a deep breath, smiled to herself, and imagined Will’s face as she opened the door to the cottage, knowing this would be one of the last times she’d ever have to be without him.