A Pooh Lifeline

star 1868: Charles Henry Harrod opens a shop in Kensington.

star 1871: Joseph Farnell founds the family business in Acton.

star 1879: Margarete Steiff makes toy stuffed elephant called ‘Elefante’.

star 1882: Alan Alexander Milne born on January 18 in Hampstead.

star 1891: Joseph.

star dies leaving the business to his three daughters and son.

star 1893-1900: Alan Alexander Milne at Westminster School.

star 1894: Gebruder Sussenguth in Germany produce the first stuffed toy bear.

star 1900–1903: Alan Alexander Milne at Trinity College, Cambridge, on a mathematics scholarship.

star 1901: Queen Victoria dies.

star 1902: President Theodore Roosevelt refuses to shoot a bear cub and Maurice Michtom begins selling ‘Teddy’s bears.’.

star 1903: Steiff in Germany sells toy bears at Leipzig Toy Fair and teddy bear fever grips Europe.

star 1906: A.A. Milne becomes Assistant Editor of Punch.

star 1907: First advertisement for a ‘Teddy Bear’ appears in Playthings magazine.

star 1908: The Teddy Bears’ Picnic used as the music for Roosevelt’s Presidential Campaign. Animal skins being replaced by mohair as a softer more durable fabric for toy teddy bears.

Farnell produces the first British teddy bears in mohair.

star 1910: A.A. Milne meets Daphne (originally Dorothy) de Selincourt.

star 1912: Harrods catalogue cover shows a Farnell bear.

star 1913: A.A. Milne (known later as Blue) marries Daphne de Selincourt (known later as Daff).

star 1914: Lieutenant Colebourn buys a bear in Canada and names her Winnie. Lieutenant Colebourn posted to fight in Europe and takes Winnie with him to England. Presents Winnie to London Zoo.

star 1915–1919: A.A. Milne a signals officer and instructor in Army. Invalided out.

star 1917: A.A. Milne’s first play Wurzel-Flummery performed in London.

star 1919: A.A. Milne resigns from Punch .

His most famous play, Mr. Pim Passes By, produced in London.
Daff and Blue move to Mallord Street, Chelsea.
Anne Darlington born.

star 1920: Christopher Robin (known as Moon) born.

star 1921: Olive Rand (known as Nou) joins the family as Nanny.

Moon’s first birthday. Daff buys the bear destined to become Winnie-the-Pooh from Harrods.

star 1923: A.A. Milne writes the poem Vespers for Daphne, published first in Vanity Fair. The family holidays in Wales.

star 1924: Moon meets a swan while on holiday at Poling, Sussex and calls it Pooh.

Blue meets artist, Ernest Shepard (known as Kipper).
When We Were Very Young published, illustrated by Shepard. Milne launched as a children’s writer. Moon’s teddy bear made his first appearance as ‘Edward’ bear.
The Milnes discover Cotchford Farm on Ashdown Forest in Hartfield, Sussex.

star 1925: The family moves in to Cotchford for weekends and holidays.

Ernest Shepard and his wife Florence and son, Graham, visit Cotchford Farm.

‘Edward’ bear becomes ‘Winnie-the-Pooh’, explores the Forest and plays Poohsticks with Moon and Nou. Discovers the 100 Aker Wood and Owl’s tree. On 24 December, the London Evening News publish the story Winnie-the-Pooh and Some Bees. Illustrations by J.H. Dowd.

star 1926: Eeyore has a Birthday published in the August edition of the Royal Magazine and Winnie- the-Pooh, the best-selling of Milne’s books, published in London on 14 October and in New York on 21 October.

Pooh becomes world famous.

John Macrae, President of Dutton Publishing in New York, visits Milnes.

Moon starts morning school at Miss Walters in Chelsea.

star 1927: Now We Are Six, a second collection of children’s verse published in October.

Florence Shepard dies.

star 1928: Moon records Pooh Hums, Vespers and Buckingham Palace for HMV. The House at Pooh Corner published in October introducing Tigger.

star 1929: Moon starts boys’ school and Pooh is left at home.

Two plays produced, The Ivory Door and Toad of Toad Hall, an adaptation of Kenneth Grahame’s The Wind in the Willows.
Blue’s favourite brother, Ken dies in May.
Pooh takes part in The Pageant of Ashdown Forest attended by the Duchess of York (future Queen and mother of Queen Elizabeth II).

star 1930: Christopher starts boarding school. Nou leaves.

Stephen Slesinger visits Milnes and recognises Pooh’s potential for his marketing empire. Milne sells merchandising rights to him.
The Depression in Britain and uSA.

star 1931: Pooh has become a 50 million-dollar-a-year bear.

He stays in England while Daff and Blue visit the uSA.

star 1932: He is pictured in colour for the first time.

star 1933: Slesinger launches a Winnie-the-Pooh game.

star 1935: Pooh is earning more money for A.A. Milne than his serious plays or novels.

star 1939: A.A. Milne’s autobiography It’s Too Late Now published and dedicated to his brother, Ken.

Pooh probably first in Mallord Street, then in Sussex during the War years.

star 1941–1946: Christopher Milne in the Royal Engineers.

star 1947: Christopher graduates from Cambridge.

Elliott Macrae visits Cotchford Farm to arrange the toys’ visit to New York.
Pooh and the toys arrive in America on board Queen Elizabeth.
Elliott Graham becomes their guardian and Pooh is introduced to Dutton’s staff.
In June Pooh and the animals visit Detroit. Start tour of seven cities including Boston.

star 1948: Christopher Milne marries his cousin, Lesley de Selincourt, in July.

star 1951: A.A. Milne publishes his last play, Before the Flood.

Christopher Robin’s animals are now touring the united States.
E.P. Dutton, Milne’s American publisher, insures them for $50,000.

star 1952: Pooh in Miami and District Columbia.

A.A. Milne has a stroke in October and undergoes an operation in December that leaves him partially paralysed.

star 1953: Pooh’s first television appearance on Fred Waring Show .

star 1956: A.A. Milne dies 31 January aged 74. His four children’s books had already been translated into a dozen languages and sold more than seven million copies. Milne memorial service in London.

Daff offers the animals for sale to Dutton.

Clare Milne born to Christopher and Lesley.

star 1960: Winnie Ille Pu published and reaches New York best-seller list. Shirley Slesinger sells merchandising rights to Disney.

star 1966: Walt Disney launches Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree.

Walt Disney dies.

star 1969: Pooh returns to England for V&A exhibition and meets Peter Dennis.

star 1971: Daphne dies.

star 1976: Pooh returns to Hartfield.

E.H. Shepard dies.

star 1978: Mike Ridley opens Pooh Corner shop in Hartfield. Nou dies.

star 1979: Christopher Milne opens restored Pooh Bridge.

Plaque to A.A. Milne and E.H. Shepard unveiled on Ashdown Forest by Christopher Milne.

star 1981: Pooh in Chicago and at the Fifth Avenue Book Fair.

star 1982: The Tao of Pooh published.

star 1983: Pooh flies to England on Concorde with American author Nancy Winters.

Appears on Today programme.

star 1986: Pooh and friends offered to The Children’s Room, New York Public Library.

star 1987: Party hosted by the Mayor of New York to celebrate their new home.

British Petroleum applies to sink a bore hole on Ashdown Forest. Protest led by Christopher Milne.

star 1988: Elliott Graham dies

star 1996: Christopher Milne dies.

star 1998: Gwynneth Dunwoody MP launches ‘Bring back Pooh’ campaign.

star 2000: Newly-restored Pooh Bridge reopened with funds from Disney.

star 2011: Pooh’s 90th birthday; an appeal launched to commemorate his life.