- deny (di-NYE) — say that something isn’t true
- exclusive (ek-SKLOO-siv) — a story that appears in one place only
- finale (fuh-NAL-ee) — the last part of a show
- founder (FOUND-ur) — the person who set up or started something
- illusion (i-LOO-zhuhn) — something that appears to exist but does not; a trick
- namesake (NAYM-sayk) — the person for whom someone or something is named
- photographic (foh-tuh-GRAF-ik) — if someone has a photographic memory, they remember things in great detail
- refurbished (ri-FUR-bishd) — fixed up and made to seem new
- stagehand (STAYJ-hand) — a person who works behind the scenes at a theater
- superstitious (soo-pur-STISH-uhss) — believing in bad luck
- unnatural (uhn-NACH-ur-uhl) — not usual or normal