Thank you to my very special agents Marianne Gunn O’Connor and Vicki Satlow, and to my brilliant editor Emma Hargrave, along with the great team at Black & White Publishing in Edinburgh – especially Campbell Brown, Lina Langlee and Janne Moller. Much gratitude to my first readers Alison Walsh, Ila Moldenhauer, Tracey Skjæråsen, Nina Rolland and my sister Jane Birman. Thank you to my brother Fintan Blake Kelly, my sister-in-law Eimear and the Conyard family for their Mayo hospitality. Thank you to my dear friends Kate Bootle, for her editorial guidance, and Jo Southall, for first bringing me to Arizona. A mention to Kate and Rob at Bespoke Inn in Scottsdale for their hospitality during my time in Arizona.
To all my old friends, especially Donna Ansley, Monica McInerney and Sinead Moriarty for never losing faith. And to my new friends in Scotland, especially soul sister Thalia Vazquez, my fellow cohort at Edinburgh Napier, my inspirational tutors David Bishop and Laura Lam, and my bus pal Becky Sweeney. A shout out to Aurora Writers’ Retreats, and especially to Karen Rosenstock, Vanessa Rigby and Melody Nixon. And to all my wonderful friends for their enduring support especially Ann Seach, Emma Cha’ze, Page Allen, Hege Isaksen, Elisa Bjersand and Suzy Wilson. I am thinking also of dear friends lost in the past few years – Jenny, Karen, Jason, Serge and Paula – and those who lost them, especially Cathy, Pat, Cora, Manoushka and Bernie. Their love endures.
A huge thank you to my family. To my Aunty Joyce, for whom Joy is named, and for whom I wrote the small tribute to my late uncle Amancio D’Silva, to my mother-in-law Mary Ansley, my brothers Paul and Jed. Most of all thank you to my son Corey and my stepdaughter Helena. Love you so much! And if this book belongs to anyone it is to my darling Barry, who has fed, watered and provided shelter for this struggling writer, year after year. You are my hero!