Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.
—TITUS 2:2
God speaks through men and women who are seasoned enough to realize their errors and can prevent you from repeating any problems or issues. God use seniors and seasoned men and women who possess wisdom to help protect your from unnecessary attacks. Seasoned men are to bring discipline to the young men in the faith and the older women to train the young women how to conduct themselves in their daily affairs. The season men and women are to be good teachers. God uses them as great models and examples of life but most importantly in the faith. I have benefited greatly in my Christian walk by having older women and men of God in the faith to be accountable to.
Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers (1 Timothy 5:1).
The Bibles says in Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law” (ESV). In other words, where there is no prophetic vision, revelation, divine guidance, and prophecy the people are unaccountable. God will use men and women who carry vision for others to commit to.
God speaks through spiritual leaders whom we may relate with. Spiritual fathers, mothers, mentors, coaches, and counselors will keep us accountable. The voice of the Lord will be released through people who have your best interests at heart. There is safety in a multitude of advisors. God has sent me spiritual leaders to whom I am able to reach out to keep me humble, sharper, and relevant.
He who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is trustworthy conceals a matter. Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory. He who is guarantor for a stranger will surely suffer for it, but he who hates being a guarantor is secure (Proverbs 11:13-15 NASB).
God will send you people who are wise, smart, and loving who will tell you the truth. My prayer is not that God sends me people who will give me sugar but people who will keep me seasoned with salt. The Bible says that we are the salt of the earth and light of the world. The Lord will use people in your life to keep you current, relevant, and up to date. Just as we are given natural parents and guardians in our lives, we should have spiritual fathers and mothers to cultivate us.
I realized that the most important wisdom I received didn’t come from reading the Book of Proverbs but through the prophetic revelation, divine guidance, prophecy, and vision given by those I am in covenant relationship with. There is something amazing about hearing the voice of God and seeing the love of the Father through spiritual leaders. Samuel heard the voice of the Lord through a familiar voice in Eli. Samuel ministered unto the Lord before he ever encountered God personally. He had to learn how to serve the Lord first and later came the encounter. He was dedicated back to the Lord by his mother Hannah. He was dedicated to serve the Lord in the priesthood.
Later, God called him to the prophetic ministry as well. He learned to serve under a spiritual leader until God Himself revealed and called him personally. First Samuel 3:1 says, “The boy Samuel ministered before the Lord under Eli. In those days the word of the Lord was rare; there were not many visions.” In those days there was no prophetic vision due to the closed spiritual climate. Eli was responsible for the spiritual environment as a high priest. He was to steward and keep the priesthood sacred. He allowed his own sons to do whatever without holding them accountable. The prophetic revelation, direction, vision, and frequency were scarce. The heavens were closed because of Eli’s lack of spiritual vision.
God use the young prophet Samuel to bring back holiness and the order that God required out of Eli’s leadership. Samuel later was sent to anoint King David and the prophetic voice was established through the school of the prophets.
God calls the young because they are strong and He calls the seasoned because they know the way. There is a balance in this and there will be a merging of generations respecting each other’s differences, especially in age. God is doing a new thing, but He hasn’t removed or done way with the foundational things. I believe the young need the old and the old need the young. We are not to be an island to ourselves. Everybody needs someone in their life to help them along the way. Regardless how old we become we are not done with learning something.
We are living in a lone-ranger Christianity and society where there are those who refuse to listen to wise spiritual advisors. Some believe they don’t have to submit and run spiritual things by those in authority. I believe that God’s plan for the Spirit-filled believer in this hour is submission to the local church. There is nothing wrong with conferences, seminars, webinars, and workshops by other spiritual leaders that provide extra training, education, equipping, and impartation. But we should also be connected to a local pastor and network of other believers.
As I travel the nations I have those whom I hear the wisdom of God from who keep me grounded in my faith. These individuals I trust with my spiritual condition and soul. Whenever there is a dark area in my soul, these covenant leaders and peers are able to pick me up and minister to me. In addition, I have submitted to not just one alignment but several people who can correct, adjust, assess, and hold me accountable for the doctrine I share.
As a public figure and prophetic leader in the Body of Christ my submission to other apostolic and prophetic leaders keeps me protected, guarded, and aligned. Every Spirit-filled believer should be a part of a local church but also voluntarily put themselves under the accountability of that local leadership to serve that church in their spiritual gifts. I have several vertical and horizontal spiritual alignments. I have a primary spiritual covering and secondary, third, and fourth accountabilities.
Having a mentor, coach, and spiritual father and mother is great, but make sure you also have a pastor and church to get fed from as well. I believe you should have more than one true voice speaking in your life. God will send people in your life who will be experts in areas your pastor is not called to. Find people who know the voice of God and have your best interests in mind. Now, for millennials this may be a tough pill to swallow. The word submission to some is control in their mindset.
God is not using vagabonds, renegades, and lone rangers. Some young people may ask, “Why should I let a pastor or anybody control my life?” However, the truth of the matter is this—the Word of God talks consistently of the importance and the value of wisdom. Submission and having a spiritual covering is not control but wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to make good, spiritual, God-honoring decisions. However, there are some young people who lack the wisdom of God.
This is why I believe it is so necessary among millennials that we learn the principle of sitting at the feet of spiritual leaders such as pastors, parents, mentors, advisors, and seasoned men and women of God. Every major decision I have ever made in my life I have done with the approval and consent of my pastor. Why? I trust my pastor. He’s a man whom God has sovereignly put into my life to assist in my spiritual walk. Pastors are given a great responsibility to become watchmen over our souls, and we are in their care or under their covering.
Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you (Hebrews 13:17 KJV).
You know what? I’ve been tremendously blessed every time I made the personal decision to submit myself under good leadership. I have people who speak into my life during the most crucial seasons and they help me get delivered, healed, and whole again. It’s a mutual submission as the Bible says that we are to submit one to another in Christ (Eph. 5:21).