image Index image


Algeria, tips from, 109

Allergies, 81

American Academy of Pediatrics, 42

Antacids, 117

Attitude, positive, 67


Baby boards, 112

Baby monitors, 28, 89

Babysitters, 67, 116

The Baby Sleep Book (Sears), 43

Baby sleeping bags, 123

Back, sleeping on, 19, 21, 29

Balkans, tips from, 110

Balls, bouncing on, 72

Bananas, 101

Baths, 46, 109

Bedtime stories, 47, 61, 126

Bikes, stationary, 76


number of, 22

with satin trim, 79

special, 23, 48, 60, 122

spraying with perfume, 80

swaddling with, 35, 36, 122

warming, 79

Blowing, 50

Books, reading, 61, 126

Bottles, 29, 49, 69, 82, 98, 119

Brazelton, T. Berry, 42

Breast-feeding, 32, 38, 49, 81, 98, 119

Breathing techniques, 59, 75

Buttermilk, 110


Car rides, 51, 54, 67, 71

Car-seat pillows, 129

Car seats, 24, 67, 78

Cats, 24, 96

CDs, 50, 54, 68, 73, 78, 93, 106, 107, 125

Checklist, 58

China, tips from, 110

Clocks, ticking, 75

Colic, 62

Comforters, 22

Co-sleeping, 28, 124

Cradles, self-rocking, 55

Crib gyms, 27

Cribs. See also Mattresses position in, 80, 100, 112

rocking feet for, 129

safety and, 25–27, 28

vibrating, 89

Cricket sounds, 71

Crying, 35, 62, 64, 70, 117

Curtains, 50


Day and night cycles, 41, 63

Diaper rash, 33, 99

Diapers, 55, 61, 76

Dishwashers, 77

Distractions, 83

Doctor, checking with, 19, 31, 119

Dogs, 24, 96

Dolls, 129

DVDs, 50


Ears, stroking, 82

Experts, comparison of, 42–43


Face, stroking, 77

Fans, 49, 129

Feng shui, 111

Ferber, Richard, 42

Flathead syndrome, 21

Front packs, 48


Gassiness, 81, 82, 113

Goodnight Moon, 47

“Good night,” saying, 47, 108

Gripe water, 100


Hands, warm, 81, 91

Heartbeat, sound of, 48, 75, 122

Holding positions, 88

Honey, 109, 110

Humidifiers, 117

Hunger, 41


Illness, 34, 41

Immunizations, 33

India, tips from, 106

Iran, tips from, 109


Juice, 29


Knitting, 78


Laundry, 69

Leg cradle, 109


colored, 80

level of, 50, 90, 102

night-, 124

Loneliness, 41

Lullabies, 46, 93, 125, 129–34


Massage, 46, 61, 62, 103, 106, 124


bouncing, 66

selecting, 23, 25, 39

warming, 119

Mattress liners, 39

Medications, 29

Mindell, Jodi, 43

Mobiles, 27, 49

Moonlight, 102

Motion beds, 123

Movies, 80, 118

Music, 47, 54, 68, 73, 106, 107



benefits of, 35

as breaks, 55

length of, 63

routine for, 39, 51

scheduling, 33, 54

setting up room for, 35, 50

skipping, 34, 51

Nasal aspirators, 126

Native Americans, tips from, 112

Night-lights, 124

Noise, 97

Nursery rhymes, 126, 135 37


Oatmeal, 109

Onions, 95, 101


Pacifiers, 24, 38, 88

Pajamas, 46


different techniques of, 71

taking turns by, 60

Patting, 50, 74, 78, 110

Peppermint tea, 82

Persistence, importance of, 57

Pets, 24, 96

Pillows, 22, 129

Plants, 101

Play, 39, 40, 64, 86

Prayers, 47

Pumpkin, 100


Rain sticks, 92

Relaxation techniques, 59, 75

Rocking, 48, 49, 55

Room temperature, 22, 38, 41


adjusting, 40, 66, 67

creating, 39, 51, 68, 90


Scents, 80, 99, 116, 129

Schedules, 33, 60, 66

Scotland, tips from, 109

Sears, William, 43

Shaken Baby Syndrome, 97

Sheets, 22, 123

SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), 19, 20–21, 96

Sleep: The Brazelton Way (Brazelton), 42

Sleepers, 22, 89

Sleepiness, signs of, 33, 34

Sleeping bags, 122

“Sleeping through the night,” 32

Sleeping Through the Night (Mindell), 43

Sleep nests, 124

Sleep patterns, typical, 32, 56–57

Sleep wedges and forms, 123

Slings, 48, 66

Smoke detectors, 27

Socks, 75

Solve Your Baby’s Sleep Problems (Ferber), 42

Songs, 54, 64, 77, 86, 87, 93, 125, 129–34

Sounds, soothing, 50, 58, 68, 69, 71, 75, 76, 77, 78, 92, 113, 117, 122, 123

Stairs, walking up and down, 70

Stories, 47, 61, 126

Strollers, 24, 71, 79

Stuffed animals, 23, 48, 74, 88, 122

Sudden Infant Death

Syndrome (SIDS), 19, 20–21, 96

Swaddling, 35, 36, 122

Swinging, 24, 59, 78, 97, 106


Talking, 63, 65, 91

Tea, 82, 113

Teddy bears, 48, 88, 122

Teething, 41, 51, 88

Thumb-sucking, 96

Tibet, tips from, 112

Tiredness, signs of, 33, 34

Toes, wiggling, 102

Toys, 23, 59, 74, 87, 88

Traveling, 72

Tryptophan, 116


rubs, 103

sleeping on, 29

Turkey, 116

TV, 56


Vaccines, 33

Vacuuming, 69

Video cameras, 28


Waking up, 38, 40, 41, 73

White-noise machines, 123

Wind chimes, 113

Windows, 27

Wipes, 76

Worrying, 103


Sweet Dreams!