The cool mornings from the week before had turned humid the day of tryouts for the Spring Talent Show. Sticky sweat poured down Tobias’s back.
He was anxious for the audition, even though everyone who auditioned made it into the show. He was worried he would make a mistake. And what would others think of his dancing? This would be his first time dancing in front of a crowd.
Tobias pushed those thoughts aside. He had just enough time to go through his two-minute routine once more before breakfast. He placed the hoops on the ground and nodded to Declan to start the music.
“You got this, Tobias,” Declan said.
Using both feet, Tobias popped the hoops into his hands. One in his left, the other in his right. He started with traditional footwork while spinning and twirling the hoops.
From there, keeping the same beat, he repeated the move. But this time he turned clockwise in a continuous circle, moving the hoops faster. Next, he faced Declan and changed his footwork, moving his left leg to the back and then to the front. Then he switched legs.
For his finale, Tobias popped another hoop into his hand. He quickly interlocked all three across his back, like he was wearing a jacket.
He then popped two more hoops up, one in each hand. Five hoops spanned across his back and to his arms. Like an eagle flying, he spun in a circle as he danced.
As the last beat ended, Tobias grinned.
“AIEEEE! I did it! Declan, I did it!” Tobias shouted, unlocking the hoops. “AIEEEE!”
Declan jumped up and gave him a high five. “You did it!”
The school day dragged on, and Tobias was jittery all day. By the time everyone gathered in the auditorium for tryouts, Tobias was ready to turn on his music and dance.
On stage, the talent show director gave a few directions to organize the students. “Group and solo acts, please pick up a number. Groups one through ten, line up in order. Everyone else, stay seated and line up when called.”
Tobias and his sisters were numbered six and seven. Josh and Joel’s duo were five.
“Don’t give them any thought,” Declan said. He nodded toward the duo.
Josh and Joel had on white gym shorts and bright blue jerseys. Joel held a bright pink football. They ignored Tobias. But as their number was called, Josh turned toward him.
“Get ready,” he said. “You’re about to watch the best.”
Pop music blared from the overhead speakers. Josh and Joel did a football dance routine, starting with a huddle to a kickoff to a pass to a touchdown.
Throughout, they added in twirls and leaps keeping in time with the music. They ended with a synchronized cheerleader straight jump, followed by a hurdler, and finished with a toe touch.
Everyone applauded, including Mary and Anne. While Josh and Joel weren’t perfect, they did entertain the crowd.
“Beat that,” Joel spat out.
Tobias tightened his bandana and walked on stage.
Declan shot him a thumbs-up.
The drumbeat synced with Tobias’s heartbeat. He worked through his routine flawlessly. Near the end, though, as he placed his foot on the last two hoops to make his span of five, his foot slipped. And he fell. The hoops bounced and rolled away.
Josh and Joel laughed.
Tobias, embarrassed and ashamed, stormed off the stage.