- ancestors (AN-ses-turs) —
- family members who lived a long time ago
- Choctaw Nation (CHOK-taw NAY-shuhn) —
- a Native sovereign nation in southeast Oklahoma
- coordination (koh-OR-duh-nay-shuhn) —
- the ability to control body movements
- endurance (en-DUR-enss) —
- the ability to keep doing an activity for long periods of time
- flexibility (flek-suh-BIL-i-tee) —
- the ability to bend or move easily
- fry bread (FRYE-bred) —
- a flat bread made from fried dough that is a signature food among many Native communities
- illusion (i-LOO-zhuhn) —
- something that appears to be real but isn’t
- interlock (in-ter-LOCK) —
- to interweave or interlace, one with another
- powwow (POW-wow) —
- a gathering of Native Americans featuring traditional dances and music
- regalia (ri-GAY-lee-uh) —
- the special clothing a Native dancer wears during traditional dances