

I. Introductory Prophecies, 1:1—6:13

A. The Great Arraignment, 1:1-31

B. Prophetic Insights—the Nation and Its Capital, 2:1—4:6

C. The Song of the Vineyard, 5: 1-30

D. The Transforming Vision, 6:1-13

II. The Book of Immanuel, 7:1—12:6

A. The Syro-Ephraimitic Conspiracy, 7:1—9:1

B. The Prince with the Fourfold Name, 9:2-7

C. The Eternal's Pleadings, 9:8—10:4

D. God's Rod of Anger, 10:5-34

E. The Shoot from the Stump of Jesse, 11:1-10

F. The Rehabilitated and Rejoicing Remnant, 11:11—12:6

III. Oracles Against Foreign Nations, 13:1—23:18

A. Concerning Babylon, 13:1—14:27

B. Concerning Philistia, 14:28-32

C. Concerning Moab, 15:1—16:14

D. Concerning Damascus and Ephraim, 17:1-14

E. Concerning Ethiopia, 18:1-7

F. Concerning Egypt, 19:1—20:6

G. Concerning “the Wilderness of the Sea,” 21:1-10

H. Concerning Dumah (Edom), 21:11-12

I. Concerning Arabia, 21:13-17

J. A Solemn Utterance from the Valley of Vision, 22:1-25

K. Concerning Tyre, 23:1-18

IV. World Judgment and Israel's Redemption, 24:1—27:13

A. Desolations in the Earth, 24:1-23

B. The Songs of the Redeemed, 25:1-12

C. The Song of Our City of Refuge, 26:1—27:1

D. The Lord's Redemptive Concern for His People, 27:2-13

V. Six Woes of Warning, 28:1—33:24

A. Woe to the Politicians, 28:1-29

B. Woe to the Proud Formalists, 29:1-14

C. Woe to the Perverse and Insubordinate, 29:15-24

D. Woe to the Pro-Egyptian Party, 30:1-33

E. Woe to Those Who Trust in the Flesh, 31:1-9

F. Three Homilies for Jerusalem, 32:1-20

G. Woe to the Assyrian Destroyer, 33:1-24


VI. Retrospect and Prospect: Indignation and Salvation, 34:1—35:10

A. When God Brings Judgment, 34:1-17

B. Promises for Holy People, 35:1-10

VII. Historical Interlude: Isaiah and Hezekiah, 36:1—39:8

A. Sennacherib's Invasion, 36:1—37:38

B. Hezekiah's Sickness, 38:1—39:8


VIII. The First Ennead: The Incomparable Deity, 40:1—48: 22

A. The Comfort and the Majesty of God, 40:1-31

B. Israel Assured of Help, 41:1-29

C. God Introduces His Chosen “Servant,” 42:1-25

D. “Ye Are Mine”: I Am Your “Holy One,” 43:1—44:5

E. “Beside Me There Is No God,” 44:6-23

F. God Commissions Cyrus and Assures Israel, 44:24—45:25

G. Israel's God Is Able, 46:1-13

H. Babylon Falls, 47:1-15

I. Summons to the New Exodus, 48:1-22

IX. The Second Ennead: The Servant of the Eternal One, 49:1—57:21

A. The Eternal's Reassurance to Zion, 49:1—50:3

B. The Eternal Vindicates His Own, 50:4-11

C. The Eternal's Promised Deliverance, 51:1-23

D. Ransom of the “Captive Daughter of Zion,” 52:1-12

E. “The Suffering Servant of the Lord,” 52:13—53:12

F. The Lord's Covenant Love for Zion, 54:1-17

G. The Summons to God's Proffered Mercy, 55:1-13

H. Sabbath Keeping and Worship, 56:1-8

I. The Bane of Apostasy and Idolatry, 56:9—57:21

X. The Third Ennead: Future Glory, 58:1—66:24

A. True and False Piety, 58:1-14

B. Realization and Redemption, 59:1-21

C. A Description of Glorified Zion, 60:1-22

D. The Herald and the Program of Salvation, 61:1-11

E. The Eternal's Covenant, 62:1-12

F. The Drama of Divine Vengeance, 63:1-6

G. God's People at Prayer, 63:7—64:12

H. God's Answer to His People's Supplications, 65: 1-25

I. The Lord's Recompense and His Reward, 66:1-24
