
I. The Preface, 1:1-3

A. Identification, 1:1

B. Initiation, 1:2

C. Certification, 1:3

II. Jeremiah's Induction, 1:4-19

A. Jeremiah's Call, 1:4-6

B. Jeremiah's Consecration, 1:5, 9

C. Jeremiah's Commission, 1:4-10

D. Jeremiah's Confirmation, 1:11-19

III. Arraignment of the House of Jacob, 2:1—10:25

A. The Infidelity of Israel, 2:1—3:5

B. A Plaintive Call to Repentance, 3:6—4:4

C. Enemy from the North and from Within, 4:5—6:30

D. The Temple Sermon, 7:1—8:3

E. Miscellaneous Oracles, 8:4—10:25

IV. Confessions and Predictions, 11:1—20:18

A. Jeremiah and the Covenant, 11:1—12:17

B. Parables and Pronouncements, 13:1-27

C. The Drouth and Its Moral Implications, 14:1—15:9

D. Confessions of Jeremiah, 15:10-21

E. Miscellaneous Materials, 16:1—17:18

F. Symbolic Actions: Meaning and Results, 17:19—20:18

V. A Forecast of the End, 21:1—29:32

A. Beginning of the Final Siege, 21:1-10

B. The Fortunes of the House of David, 21:11—23:8

C. Oracles Against False Prophets, 23:9-40

D. The Parable of the Figs, 24:1-10

E. A Preview of the End, 25:1-38

F. Opposition to Predictions of Doom, 26:1—29:32

VI. The Book of Consolation, 30:1—33:26

A. The Preface, 30:1-3

B. From Tragedy to Triumph, 30:4—31:1

C. Restoration Assured, 31:2-40

D. Restoration Dramatized, 32:1-44

E. Further Assurance of Restoration, 33:1-26

VII. Counsel for Kings, 34:1—36:32

A. Counsel Concerning Babylon, 34:1-7

B. Counsel Concerning Slaves, 34:8-22

C. The Example of the Rechabites, 35:1-19

D. Counsel Preserved in a Book, 36:1-19

E. The Book Destroyed, 36:20-26

F. The Book Rewritten, 36:27-32

VIII. The Fall of Jerusalem, 37:1—40:6

A. The Fatal Flaw in the City's Defenses, 37:1-2

B. Hopes with No Foundation, 37:3-10

C. Jeremiah Arrested and Imprisoned, 37:11-15

D. A Secret Conference, 37:16-21

E. A Cistern Episode, 38:1-13

F. A Final Interview, 38:14-28

G. The City Falls, 39:1-10

H. Jeremiah Gains His Freedom, 39:11-14

I. The Rewards of Faith, 39:15-18

J. Jeremiah Makes His Choice, 40:1-6

IX. In the Wake of Ruin, 40:7—44:30

A. The Governorship of Gedaliah, 40:7—44:3

B. Ishmael's Atrocities, 41:4-18

C. The Flight to Egypt, 42:1—43:7

D. Jeremiah in Egypt, 43:8—44:30

X. God's Message to Baruch, 45:1-5

XI. Oracles Against Foreign Nations, 46:1—51:64

A. Preface, 46:1

B. Oracle Against Egypt, 46:2-28

C. Oracle Against the Philistines, 47:1-7

D. Oracle Against Moab, 48:1-47

E. Oracle Against Ammon, 49:1-6

F. Oracle Against Edom, 49:7-22

G. Oracle Against Damascus, 49:23-27

H. Oracle Against Kedar and Hazor, 49:28-33

I. Oracle Against Elam, 49:34-39

J. Oracle Against Babylon, 50:1—51:64

XII. Historical Appendix, 52:1-34

A. Zedekiah's Accession and Revolt, 52:1-3

B. The Siege of Jerusalem, 52:4-5

C. The Famine During the Siege, 52:6

D. The Fall of Jerusalem, 52:7

E. Zedekiah's Capture and Fate, 52:8-11

F. Demolition of Jerusalem, 52:12-16

G. Temple Vessels Taken, 52:17-23

H. Fate of the Princes, 52:24-27

I. Three Deportations of Captives, 52:28-30

J. Favor Shown Jehoiachin, 52:31-34