Iry stood on the pier. I could see him as my floater drifted closer. He was dressed in typical Ancient clothing, like something I had seen in the books of America Colonial times. We all dressed that way, only the people of Akana were more peasant. Girls who were not married wore the same pants and same white blouse that the males did.

I stopped guiding the floater and allowed it to make its own way there with the help of the waves. While he wasn’t alone, he did wait solo at the edge for me, arms to his sides, his shoulder length hair catching the breeze. Behind him were two Sybaris Elders in their black cloaks, their hideous faces hidden.

As the wind whipped I caught the stench of Sybaris. Iry included. I had forgotten about his musky odor. My only visits to him were ethereal, and there were no smells. He had told me to focus and I would smell him. I didn’t see how that was possible.

I wondered why the Elders were present. That worried me some.

My floatation device made it to the wooden pier and knocked into it.

“It’s good to see you, Vala,” Iry said. “Toss me that rope so I can secure this.”

After tossing up my bag, I threw the rope his way and he secured it, then reached down his hand. After some hesitancy, I took it. Before he pulled me to the pier, he squeezed my hand, closed his eyes, and smiled.

I knew at the moment, he was drawing that ‘feel good’ that a Mare was capable of delivering. A part of me felt violated by him taking my energy without asking. As soon as I gained my footing, I pulled my hand from him. It was then I looked up and saw her.


She walked forward in all her tribal robe glory. I shifted a dagger filled stare to Iry. “You betrayed me?” I asked.

He squinted in confusion and murmured, “What?” then looked behind him.

It was apparent to me that he was just as shocked as I was to see her standing there.

“Vala,” he said, “I did no such thing.”

I wanted to tell him that I believed him, then Nito rushed over.

You should be placed under arrest,” she said, “and not allowed into the village or any village for that matter.”

“She has the right to return,” Iry said.

“She has lost that right.”

“Why?” Iry asked. “Because she defended herself against when you sought her out unjustifiably?”

“Sharp is your tongue, little man. I shall have it. Do you know to whom you speak?”

I know our laws. I teach our laws.”

“There are no laws when it pertains to humans,” she snapped. “They are not protected.”

She spun and looked behind her. “Elders, have him hand this human to me for apprehension.”

“No,” Iry insisted. “Elders, she has returned to be chosen in ceremony tomorrow.”

“She is no more than a criminal and a threat to the community,” Nito argued.

“She…” Iry stated, “she is a Mare, and in all fairness should be allowed to be chosen. It is a mark of greed that Her Highness wants her apprehended. Surely you can see she wants the Mare for herself?”

Nito hissed. She actually hissed at Iry.

Even though I was fearful of sinking, I was prepared to jump into the water.

Nito wasn’t just any Sybaris, she was a high priestess, a princess. She was third in line to the throne of the Ancients. Making eye contact with them was strictly forbidden, as I made sure to do as she stood behind Iry.

“Elder!” she cried out. “Command this educator to step aside.”

My insides shuddered as the dark robed Elder made his way toward us. He sickened me, his stench worse than any other Sybaris. Knowing how they fed on my brother made my bowels churn.

His voice was raspy and he spoke a language I did not understand. He said a single sentence, turned, and walked away.

The corner of Iry’s mouth raised in gloating smile, and Nito’s anger told me the Elder had refused.

She sneered at me. “You will be mine at the ceremony. The educator is low level. He led you here.”

“You baited me and threatened me,” I argued.

“It proves the control I have and you will be under my control soon enough, Mare.” With that, she rushed away, almost gliding down the pier.

When the passage across the pier was clear, I turned to Iry. “Can they take away my choice?”

“No. Not that I know of,” he said. “However, we’re talking about Nito, and she will do everything in her power to change the rules.”

“Can she?”Iry took a deep breath. “Let’s hope not.”