That cake layer reached the bottom of the hill and stopped rolling about halfway across the field. Stick Dog got it and rolled it the rest of the way to the woods. Poo-Poo, Stripes, Mutt, and Karen hadn’t seen anything for the past couple of minutes. They were way too busy—and way too happy—eating the cake slices they’d brought back.
They hadn’t seen Stick Cat at the top of the hill.
They hadn’t seen that entire cake layer rolling down the hill.
Stick Dog waited until they were done eating before speaking.
“You guys?” Stick Dog asked. He had placed himself strategically between his friends and the cake. They couldn’t see it.
Mutt answered, “Yes, Stick Dog? What can we do for you?”
“I just wanted to ask you two questions,” answered Stick Dog. “First, how was the cake?”
“It was so sweet,” said Poo-Poo.
“And moist,” added Stripes.
“It was amazing,” said Mutt.
“Super-amazing,” added Karen.
“I’m happy to hear it,” Stick Dog said, and smiled. He waited a moment. He knew Mutt, Karen, Stripes, or Poo-Poo would ask him what the second question was.
He was right. It only took a moment.
Poo-Poo asked, “What’s your second question, Stick Dog?”
“Well, I just wanted to know,” Stick Dog answered slyly. He then took two steps to the left—and revealed the entire cake layer behind him. “Would you like some more?”
The End.