In writing the second book in the RED RIVER OF THE NORTH series, I used many of the same resources as I did for Untamed Land, and they are listed there. In appreciation for their willingness to share their time and knowledge of this era, I add:
Bill Grant, who grew up in the area in which the story for this series is set and knows well the history of Walsh County. He also loaned us a book that proved invaluable.
John Jogoda is a veritable walking encyclopedia of firearms history, the tanning of hides, and hunting practices, both current and historical.
Don Peterson added to his resume by becoming a consultant on poker playing to the point of rough-drafting the card game scene for me.
Sharon Tissue read the manuscript and added many valuable comments.
As always, Sharon Madison and Sharon Asmus, from Bethany House Publishers, helped shape the final copy.
To all of these, along with my family and friends, who always encouraged, sometimes prodded, and often listened to me groan, my heartfelt thanks.