“What are you doing? Why is Thaw snarling so badly?” Snow demanded, worried for Thaw, though she knew Tarass would not harm the pup.
“He’s being put out of the room, since he won’t tolerate what I’m about to do to you,” Tarass said.
Snow heard the latch on the door close and Thaw’s barks and scratches against the door, and she hurried forward to rescue the angry pup.
The next thing she knew she was scooped up in her husband’s arms and what happened next shocked her. She found herself thrown over his legs, after he sat on the bed, and his bare hand rested on her backside. Her first thought was to warn him that he better dare not take his hand to her bottom in a punishing manner, but then another thought came to her.
“If a paddling entices you, I suppose I can endure it.”
“It’s not a paddling I had in mind, wife,” Tarass said and his hand gave her backside a squeeze before it slipped between her legs and his finger worked its way ever so slowly and firmly inside her.
She gasped. “What are you doing?”
“Giving you what you want, wife.”
She gasped again when she felt more than one finger enter her and couldn’t hold back another gasp when his other hand slipped underneath her, his finger finding one of her nipples and playing with it until it turned rock hard.
There was no denying that he was bringing her pleasure. Her senses were alive like never before and if he continued, she would certainly experience the satisfaction her sisters had spoken about, and she had never thought she would experience, but…
“I want you inside me. I want our vows sealed.”
Tarass yanked her off his legs and onto her feet, his hands gripping her shoulders. “And our vows will be sealed when you obey me and rest, for God help me, wife, my thirst is too great for you to have you only once this night.”
His hands fell off her and he walked to the door. “Sleep well and I will see you in the morning.”
Snow stood stunned. He had taught her more than he had intended. He might have wanted her to learn to obey him, but she had learned that he would deny himself when he believed her too tired and his passion too demanding. He had put her well-being before her own needs. There was only one problem with his decision.
She was not as delicate as he thought.
“Tarass,” she called out softly.
He didn’t turn or take his hand off the latch. “What?”
“At least give me a kiss before you leave.”
A low growl rumbled in his chest and he warned himself against even responding to her.
“Please, I don’t want either of us to take anger to bed. I’ll slip on my shift.” She followed the bed to the end and searched with her hands to find where she had dropped the garment. Her fingers found the soft wool and hastily snatched it up. “I’m putting it on now.” She struggled a bit to slip it over her head, but when she finally got it on, the material fell softly down her body.
He warned himself not to do it, but he had to agree with her. He wanted to take no anger to bed with him this night.
She stretched her arm out in front of her to reach out for him.
Tarass took hold of her arm with reluctance and warned himself not to take her in his arms even though she wore the shift. He’d never be able to let her go if he did. His manhood was hard and throbbing with the want of her and his mind was filled with images of making love to her.
It would be so easy to surrender to his need, to her, but she needed to learn to obey him. Something she had failed to do again and again, and he feared it would one day cost her dearly. She had to learn, even if the lesson hurt him possibly more than her.
“One kiss,” he snapped.
“One kiss,” Snow repeated and stood on her toes as he brought his head down, and their lips met.
Snow felt his hesitation, the tenseness in him, and she knew he fought his own passion. She kissed him lightly, letting her lips linger on his until her tongue peeked from her mouth to tempt his lips apart.
His lips wouldn’t budge. They held tight. He was a stubborn man, but then he claimed she was a stubborn woman.
Snow brushed her lips over his before she moved them off his, then she rested her hand on his cheek and said softly, “Thank you for rescuing me today from my own foolish decision to wed a man I didn’t love. It thrills me to be wed to a man I love with all my heart.” She let her lips brush over his as she turned her head away.
A growl rose up deep from within his chest. “Damn it, wife.”
His hand was at the back of her neck in an instant, holding it firm as his arm coiled around her waist to yank her against him, and his lips came down on hers in a kiss that punished and pleased all at once.
Snow’s arms went around her husband’s neck when he lifted her with his one arm, leaving her feet to dangle above the floor as he kissed her like a man long starved for the taste of her. He didn’t let up. He punished her lips with a passion that raced through her, tingling every inch of her senseless.
He kept hold of her as he walked to the bed and he reluctantly pulled his mouth away from hers when he set her on her feet, and said, “You did that on purpose, wife.”
Snow heard more passion than annoyance in his voice, and she smiled. “Aye, I did.”
Tarass planted his nose against hers. “Now you pay the price.”
She gasped when he ripped her shift off her, sending gooseflesh running over her entire naked body and an endless throb between her legs.
Tarass scooped her up and dropped her on the bed, then yanked his garments off and fell down over her, planting his hands on either side of her head to support his body so that his chest faintly brushed hers.
“The whole time you were gone from me I couldn’t get you out of my head,” he whispered.
His breath fanned her lips in a whisper of a kiss, sending gooseflesh rushing over her.
“I thought of you in my bed and what I would do to you.” He faintly touched his lips to hers. “Not just for a few minutes or an hour, but for the whole night. How I would explore your body with my hands and lips, discover your most sensitive spots, responsive spots, familiarize myself with every inch of you… and make you mine.” He brushed his lips back and forth slowly over hers. “You belong to me, wife, now and forever.”
How was it that this man continued to steal her heart over and over again? He could be maddening, stubborn, demanding, commanding, and still she loved him.
“And you belong to me, husband, now and forever,” she whispered and faintly touched her lips to his.
“Our vows and consummation may officially bind us, but the words we just exchanged bind our hearts and souls,” he said.
When his lips came down on hers, Snow rushed her arms around his neck and pulled him close. Since going blind, she hadn’t thought a man would ever love her, let alone find a man who would want to wed her, and here she was in the arms of a husband who not only had wanted to marry her, but made his love known.
Tarass pulled his mouth away from hers, not that he wanted to. “You make it difficult to go slow.”
“Then don’t,” she said and eased her legs apart. “I am eager to feel you inside me.”
“Good Lord, wife, you’re going to have me spill my seed before I get inside you,” he said, his manhood aching so badly he feared his words would prove true.
Snow grabbed his cheeks with her hands, keeping her eyes focused on the gray blur in front of her. “No, you mustn’t do that. Your seed belongs in me where it will flourish and grow a bairn made of our love.”
He rested his brow on hers. “You fire my passion with words alone.”
“Then slip inside me and love me.”
“I want to, but I also want to touch and kiss every inch you.”
“We have all night and morning,” she whispered with a smile.
He smiled himself, then realized she couldn’t see it and gave a soft chuckle. “You are wicked, wife.”
“I know nothing about being wicked in bed, but you could teach me.”
“I have a feeling you won’t need lessons,” he said and before she could say anymore he kissed her.
It was no simple kiss. It was a kiss filled with the deepest of passion, of need, of want, of an insatiable hunger and his wife responded in kind.
He wanted to go slow, have her experience the full pleasure of making love, but his passion had simmered too long from when they had first been disturbed. He couldn’t wait and he sensed she couldn’t either with the way she eagerly arched against him, inviting his manhood to enter her.
Snow was lost in a haze of passion, barely able to focus. She gripped his arms as his lips drifted down along her neck to nibble there and send more gooseflesh rushing over her. She would lose her sanity if she did not feel him inside her soon.
“I’ve waited long enough, husband, do your duty,” she snapped, then moaned from the pleasure his nibbles brought her.
“Or what?” he teased, raising his head to see her eyes heavy with passion.
She looked about to chastise him when tears suddenly glittered in her eyes and he felt as if he’d been punched in the stomach.
“Or you will greatly disappointment me,” she said, a soft moan leaving her lips as she arched and rubbed against his manhood.
The idea that he would disappoint his wife angered him. “Never, ást, never will I disappoint you.” He kissed her gently. “I love you more than you know.”
Snow had no chance to respond, his kiss capturing her words, though it wasn’t the reason for her slight gasp, which his kiss also captured. It was feeling his manhood probe between her legs and the tip slip slightly inside her.
“Hold me tight,” he ordered, not wanting to hurt her but suddenly realizing how petite she was next to him and, though he felt how wet she was, he worried his sizeable manhood would cause her undue pain.
This was one time she obeyed him without question, her slim hands gripping his arms with all the strength she had.
He pressed his cheek against hers. “You will tell me if I cause you pain.”
“You cause me pain,” she said hastily.
“I’ve barely entered you,” he said, ready to pull away from her.
“Exactly,” she said and released a moan combined with a chuckle as she worked her hips to instinctively urge him further into her.
He brought his lips to her, but didn’t kiss her. “I’ll give you what you want, wife, and more than once tonight.”
“Promise,” she whispered against his lips.
“Aye,” he said, “now open your mouth and spread your legs farther.”
Snow once again didn’t hesitate to do as he said and his lips came down on hers. He didn’t slip slowly into her, he plunged quickly into her. She let out a small cry that faded into his mouth.
Then he began to move.
His lips left hers, and there were no more words after that only her moans of pleasure.
She tossed her head back with each strong thrust, moans falling liberally from her lips. She could feel the width and length of him and loved that he fit so perfectly inside her. It felt like they were one, never to be parted.
She only wished she could see his face, though his growing groans as he drove in and out of her let her know of his mounting pleasure.
Everything faded around her and all she could feel was his steady thrusts and her passion turning so wild and demanding that her body responded of its own accord.
Their bodies worked in an instinctive rhythm that intensified to the point that Snow thought she’d scream. She did when suddenly her body exploded in such a powerful, mind-shattering sensation that she couldn’t help but cry out. The exquisite sensation rippled through her body, her moans flowing along with it.
As soon as his wife cried out in climax, he let himself go and joined her, letting loose a growling groan that intensified as his powerful climax went on to last longer and bring greater satisfaction than he’d ever experienced.
He collapsed on her, stripped of strength, something that had never happened to him before this. Her arms went around him to squeeze tight, though he felt her lack of strength as well.
They were both spent and that made him smile.
He rolled to his side, his wife’s arms keeping hold of him, and his arms went around her. They remained locked together in more ways than one. He didn’t want to let go and he could tell she didn’t either.
At that moment, he fully understood what his mum had told him about love.
When you find true love, you never want to let it go.
“I never want to let you go, ást,” he whispered.
“I never want you to let me go,” Snow responded softly.
They fell asleep like that, until a chill woke Tarass and he pulled a blanket over them, stirring Snow awake to press closely against him. He ran his hand down over her backside to ease her even closer and his manhood instantly sparked to life.
She had to be sore from the pounding he had given her, especially since she had been a virgin, but she hadn’t complained, hadn’t said a word about it. He needed to leave her alone.
“I want you,” she whispered, surprising him.
He was ready to slip into her again, but said, “You must be sore.”
Snow kissed and teased his neck with light nibbles. “You deny me pleasure, husband?”
Tarass turned her on her back, spread her legs apart, and knelt between them. “I’ll watch you as you climax this time.”
He realized his words too late and Snow felt his regret when he tensed.
“Hearing your groans as they grow lets me know what my eyes can’t see.” She chuckled. “Though you might bring the roof down on top of us.”
He went to chuckle himself when her small hand reached down, brushing his leg as she searched for his manhood. And when she found it, he feared she might be right. His groans just might bring the roof down on them.
“You are large and soft yet hard,” she said as she stroked him. “I love the feel of your manhood.”
“He’s yours to touch anytime you want,” Tarass said, trying to keep control, her gentle, innocent touch driving him mad.
“I’m pleased he belongs to me.”
Her sigh of pleasure was difficult to ignore. His manhood certainly didn’t ignore it. It grew in her hand.
“You swell even larger,” she said on a soft gasp. “It is amazing that you fit inside me so perfectly. Though, I think it would be wiser for us to make sure you do fit.”
Tarass smiled and laughed gently so that she could hear what she couldn’t see. “I agree wholeheartedly.”
“You feel like you’re ready,” she said, giving his manhood a tug.
He slipped a finger inside her and he was relieved to hear her gasp and not wince. “You’re ready as well.”
“For you… always,” she said with a wickedly, passion-filled smile.
He eased her hand off him, grabbed her backside and tugged her forward to meet his manhood, and slipped into her, smoothly and slowly, filling her with the length of him.
Snow moaned as he did, taking all of him with ease and pleasure, delighted to have him inside her once again. She knew it wouldn’t be long before she climaxed, having grown far more excited when she touched him than she had ever expected. Actually, a few words, a simple touch, was all that was needed to stir her passion for her husband. She found it both exciting and worrisome, since she feared he might grow tired of her demands on him.
She let out a long, slow moan as he began to move inside her and her thoughts turned to the pleasure he brought her with little effort. Lord, but she loved her husband and joining with him made her love him even more.
She feared disappointment showed on her face when she climaxed much too fast to her liking, but it was surprise that replaced the disappointment when her husband teased her to life once again and she joined him in another overwhelming satisfying climax.
Sleep claimed them once again and Snow thought it had to be morning when she woke to her husband’s hands roaming her body intimately.
“I can’t keep my hands off you,” he whispered.
It was a quick joining and when she woke once again it was to find Thaw in bed with them, sleeping between them, Snow having felt past the pup to touch her husband’s arm.
“You put Thaw between us on purpose,” she said when she felt his hand close around hers.
“The last time I slipped out of you, I heard you wince. I couldn’t trust myself or you not to make love again. Thaw was the easiest solution to the problem, though don’t think it will become a habit.”
Snow laughed gently. “A wise decision, since I am a bit sore, though it was well worth the small discomfort.”
“I will have Runa sent to you,” Tarass said, feeling guilty that she suffered some discomfort.
“Not necessary. Willow explained what I should do if the problem presented itself.”
“Your sister looks out for you. I am grateful for that,” he said, bringing her hand to his lips to kiss.
She sighed heavily.
“What’s wrong?” he was quick to ask, while Thaw lifted his head to lick her face.
“I fear I will make a terrible wife,” she admitted.
“Why would you think that?”
“You kiss my hand and you spark passion in me. I will be far too much of a demanding wife in bed.”
Tarass laughed, not a chuckle, but a hefty laugh. “You will never be too demanding for me.”
“You think it’s humorous, but what if I am?” she asked seriously.
He laughed again. “Then you will have worn me out and I will go to my grave a happy man.”
Snow felt him move off the bed. “Where are you going?”
“If I remain here with you any longer, Thaw will find himself put out of the room again. Besides, I have duties to see to you.”
“I’m one of those duties,” Snow said, sitting up in bed, ignoring the blanket that fell to her waist, leaving her breasts exposed.
“Now you did that on purpose. Even one night together tells you how much I enjoy your breasts,” Tarass accused, turning his head away as he slipped on his shirt.
Thaw jumped off the bed and barked at the closed door.
“Someone approaches,” Tarass said.
Snow just finished covering herself when a knock sounded at the door.
“It’s Rannock and it’s a matter that cannot wait,” he called out.
Tarass opened the door.
“James Macardle is here on an urgent matter and must speak to you posthaste,” Rannock rushed to say.
“What matter?” Tarass asked as he walked to fetch his boots.
Snow’s eyes went from one gray blur to another, though she turned her head away from both when she thought she caught a flash of color from the flicker of a flame. But it was so brief, she couldn’t be certain. Her brother’s arrival the day after her wedding was more concerning than what had probably been nothing more than her imagination as was Rannock’s hesitation to respond. It sparked alarm in Snow.
“Tell me, Rannock,” Tarass ordered.
“Lord Polwarth claims that Lady Snow is not legally your wife.”