
L.M. Montgomery’s Rainbow Valleys: The Ontario Years, 1911–1942 has been a collaborative effort at every turn. From the beginnings of the project on a co-editing model, through the generous efforts of our contributors to work with us and each other, to the helpful guidance of McGill-Queen’s University Press, a sense of mutual support has consistently informed the creation and production of this volume.

We are grateful to the institutions and individuals who have helped to bring the chapters into their present form. Among them, we would like to mention a few specifically: Elizabeth Epperly, Benjamin Lefebvre, Jean Mitchell, and Mary Rubio for their encouragement and useful advice at various stages of the project; Christy Woster for providing the cover image of the first edition of Rainbow Valley; Sally Keefe-Cohen and the Heirs of L.M. Montgomery for their professionalism and interest; the helpful staff at the Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph, and at the Ontario Archives; the Lucy Maud Montgomery Society of Ontario and its members, especially its leadership; McGill-Queen’s University Press’s astute anonymous readers, support staff, and production team; and editor Mark Abley, from whose wisdom and intellectual generosity we have benefited greatly.

We thank the Symons Trust Fund in Canadian Studies at Trent University for their generous support of this project through an award in aid of publication.

This book has been published with the help of a grant from the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, through the Awards to Scholarly Publications Program, using funds provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. We gratefully acknowledge this publication support.

We thank our colleagues and friends at Trent and Lakehead for their contributions to an environment that supports and stimulates intellectual endeavour. We thank other friends, some of whom are also family members, for support of various kinds. In particular, Rita thanks Brian O’Byrne, Adam O’Byrne, and Julia O’Byrne; Lesley thanks the Ottawa Clements as well as Julian Clement and Alexandra Clement-McNamara.


Material written by L.M. Montgomery is excerpted with the permission of Heirs of L.M. Montgomery Inc. L.M. Montgomery, Emily of New Moon, The Story Girl, and Blue Castle are trademarks of Heirs of L.M. Montgomery Inc. and are used with permission.

Anne of Green Gables, Rainbow Valley, Rilla of Ingleside, and other indicia of “Anne” are trademarks and/or Canadian official marks of the Anne of Green Gables Licensing Authority Inc. and are used with permission.

Permission for photographs from L.M. Montgomery Collection, Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph Library.

The interview in chapter two appears with permission of Jack Hutton, Bala’s Museum with Memories of Lucy Maud Montgomery.

A composite of images of Goldwin Lapp, Robert Brooks, and Morley Shier was acquired from the Uxbridge Historical Museum and provided by the Canadian Virtual War Memorial Photo Collection, Veterans Affairs Canada (Shier).

Permission from Allan McGillivray, Decades of Harvest (Uxbridge: Scott History Committee, 1986) for images of two 1895 maps of the township.

Katherine Cameron’s “L.M.M.” appears by permission of Oolichan Books.

Interviews appearing in the appendix appear with permissions of Kathy Wasylenky, Melanie Whitfield, and Tess Dempster.