Sarah—I couldn’t ask for a better agent. I can’t believe it’s been four years since we found each other. Time has flown by! I’ve grown so much as a person and a writer during our time together. I appreciate your willingness to fully embrace my journey, even if it has turned out a little different than we first envisioned together. As I’ve told you before, I believe with all my heart that I am on the right path now, and you have supported me each step of the way. You’ve been with me through the lows and the highs. Thank you for always having my back.
Dave—Thanks for taking a chance on me and welcoming me into the Bethany House family. I remember attending the Bethany House spotlight at my first ACFW in 2013. At that point, writing for Bethany House was only a distant dream. And now, just a few short years later, that dream is a reality. I am so appreciative of you and everyone at Bethany House.
Jessica—You are a complete pleasure to work with. I appreciate how much time and effort you’ve put into making this story the best it could be. Thank you for fully embracing my story and providing amazing input.
To Rachel’s Justice League—You ladies bring me so much joy and make the writing journey even more special. Having each and every one of you in my life is truly a blessing. I look forward to each day that I get to spend time in our group, talking with all of y’all. Your enthusiasm, fellowship, and friendship means the world to me. I hope I can continue to write stories that will inspire you and others.
Susan—Seems like just yesterday that we met in seventh grade and realized we shared the same birthday. It’s been a crazy ride ever since! I hope that we get to spend many more birthdays together. Thanks for always being there for me. Through life’s ups and downs, you are always a constant.
Alison—Who would’ve thought that us meeting on Twitter would have turned into such a wonderful friendship! Thanks for making me laugh, listening to me vent, and empathizing with the struggles and joys we share as authors.
Dana and Lee—You are a constant source of encouragement, and even more importantly, fun. I’m looking forward to reenacting more scenes with you for years to come at conferences.
Aaron—I love you. Thank you for being fully supportive of my writing and even reading all my books. You have always encouraged me to follow my writing dreams. You get my crazy writer mind and still love me for it.
Mama—Words can’t express how much I love you. You’ve always been my biggest supporter and have believed in me no matter what. You instilled in me the idea that if I set my mind to something and worked hard enough, I could achieve my dreams. Thank you for all you have done for me.
Daddy—You were the man who first prayed with me, showered with me love, and showed me the way. I know you’re in heaven right now, but I couldn’t be writing the stories that I write today if it hadn’t been for the strong foundation of faith that you laid for me.
And finally, to the Lord, for all You have done for me. No matter how many times I fall, You’re always there to pick me up. Thank You for using writing to open my eyes to even more of You and Your unfailing love.