This eBook contains material published in print in May 2014 in the ninth edition of The Rough Guide to Sicily by
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© Rough Guides 2014
ISBN: 9781409341994
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CREATIVE TEAM Contributor: Ros Belford Editor: Polly Thomas Layout: Pradeep Thapliyal Cartography: Ashutosh Bharti Picture Editor: Rhiannon Furbear-Williams Proofreader: Jan McCann Managing Editor: Monica Woods Assistant Editor: Dipika Dasgupta Production: Charlotte Cade Cover Design: Nicole Newman, Rhiannon Furbear- Williams, Pradeep Thapliyal Editorial Assistant: Olivia Rawes, Rebecca Hallett Senior Pre-press Designer: Dan May Programme manager: Helen Blount Publisher: Joanna Kirby
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The publishers and authors have done their best to ensure the accuracy and currency of all the information in The Rough Guide to Sicily, however, they can accept no responsibility for any loss, injury, or inconvenience sustained by any traveller as a result of information or advice contained in the guide.
This digital edition published 2014 by Rough Guides Ltd.
ISBN: 9780241008096
We’ve gone to a lot of effort to ensure that the ninth edition of The Rough Guide to Sicily is accurate and up-to-date. However, things change – places get “discovered”, opening hours are notoriously fickle, restaurants and rooms raise prices or lower standards. If you feel we’ve got it wrong or left something out, we’d like to know, and if you can remember the address, the price, the hours, the phone number, so much the better.
Please send your comments with the subject line “Rough Guide Sicily Update” to We’ll credit all contributions and send a copy of the next edition (or any other Rough Guide if you prefer) for the very best emails.
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Ros Belford co-authored the first edition of this guide, and has since written and broadcasted extensively about Italy and the Mediterranean. She has two daughters and spends as much time as she can on the Aoelian island of Salina.
Ros Belford: On Salina, thanks to Emma, Gaetano, Max, Ilana, Chiara, Alex, Corallina and Ondina Zangari; to Giulia Profeti for a summer retreat in Valdichiesa; to Franco the bus driver for being the “anima di Salina” and making every day start well; to Pela for extraordinary insights; to Annamaria and Nico for a magical night on the mountain; and to the Costa family for letting Paolo Noce exist. To Melo, Liviana, Silvana and Alessandra for letting me make Il Gambero my office the week the internet died; to Giorgia, Katerina, Elena and Cristiana for nine summers in the piazza; and to Pina for moral support, sunset chasing and making silicone jellyfish. Elsewhere in Sicily, thanks to Franco Masera for showing me the footpaths of Filicudi; to Michele Gallo for an amazing tour of Porto Empedocle; to Antonio Sarnari and the artists of Il Gruppo di Scicli for an unforgettable weekend; to the Missione Amici dei Santi Angeli for an extraordinary opportunity; and to Sarah Milthorpe, Hannah Milthorpe and Seby and Silvia at Blu in Ortigia for aperitivi, moral support and trips to the beach and Lidl. Most of all to Ismene, Juno and Giovanni.
Thanks to all the readers who have taken the time to write in with comments and suggestions (and apologies if we’ve inadvertently omitted or misspelt anyone’s name):
Richard Andrews; Amanda Brown; Angela Butler; Tim and Maggie Cawkwell; Vittorio LaCerva; Mark Dyer; Agnes and Paschal O’Flaherty; Gary French; Bernice Garlick; Gija Gee; Ian House; David Humphreys; Kyrie James; Carrie and Tim Johnson; Julia Keddie; Elizabeth Kelly; Andrew Kemp; Jan Ksienzyk; Sian Lerwill; Laura Maldonado; Ian and Mo Nelson; Didier Pico; Susan Plowden; Pedro Polla; Michael Brian Readhead; Louise Restell; Sofie Reynders; Michael Riding; Bonnie and Rick Salsman; Anna Searle; Doug Simpson; Jennifer Speake; Katie and Stever Tabor; Kevin Tierney; John Townend; Ian Valentine; Sue Watson; John White; Mikael Zacho.
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