George, the goofy monster who had been decontaminated the day before, walked cautiously up to his door station with a crutch. He was still pretty bruised from the CDA agents’ decontamination.

“George, I know you can do this,” Charlie, his assistant, said encouragingly. “I picked out an easy door for you in nice, quiet Nepal.”

“You’re right,” George said. He handed Charlie his crutch and stepped up to the door.

At that moment, Sulley came running through the door, trampling poor George. “Gangway! Look out! Coming through!” he yelled. “Sorry, George,” he called over his shoulder as he dashed off.

Charlie’s eyes opened wide. A child’s sock was stuck to George’s chest. He started to call out the contamination alert. “Twenty-three—” But George wasn’t going through that again! Before Charlie could finish, George grabbed his assistant, stuffed the sock into his mouth, and tossed him into the kid’s room, shutting the door.

Meanwhile, Sulley charged through the factory until he reached the secret passageway. Growling ferociously, he ripped the tool panel off the wall and ducked inside. He ran through a maze of pipes and rooms, searching for Boo.

Suddenly he heard Boo whimper. Sulley ran toward the sound. Boo was already in the secret lab. Randall had strapped her to a chair in front of the extraction machine. Waternoose was watching. “I never should have brought you in on this. Because of you, I had to banish my top Scarer,” he told Randall.

“Ah, Sullivan got what he deserved,” said Randall.

Fungus set the dial on the control panel. The machine revved up.

Boo’s brown eyes grew wide with terror as the scream extractor moved closer and closer to her face. Opening her mouth, she began to scream.

ROARRR! Sulley cried, running toward the sound.

The machine was only an inch from Boo’s face when Sulley burst into the lab, roaring like a thousand lions. He smashed the machine out of the way. It skidded across the floor and hit Fungus and Waternoose, pinning them against the wall. Sulley ran to the chair and released Boo.

“Kitty!” she cried happily.

“Stop him!” Waternoose yelled. Randall growled and chased after them.

Just as Sulley reached the exit, he was hit in the face by something invisible. Two more invisible punches sent him reeling. Suddenly Randall unblended from the wall. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that, Sullivan,” he said. With a whip of his tail, he sent Sulley flying out into the Monsters, Inc. hallway.

Sulley wobbled to his feet—only to get hit in the face with a snowball! There, right in front of him, was Mike!

“Look,” Mike told him. “It’s not that I don’t care about the kid!”

Sulley looked over his shoulder. Randall would be there any second. “Mike, you don’t understand…” he began. But before he could finish, the invisible Randall slammed him against the wall.

Unaware that his friend was being pummeled, Mike continued his speech. “I was just mad, that’s all! I needed some time to think. But you shouldn’t have left me out there!”

“I’m being attacked!” Sulley gasped.

“No, I’m not attacking you,” Mike said. “I’m trying to be honest. Just hear me out.”

Boo hurried to Mike’s side and tugged at his arm. She pointed to Sulley, whose head suddenly jerked back. Randall was trying to strangle him!

But Mike still didn’t get it. “Oh, come on, pal,” he said, starting to get choked up. “If you start crying, I’m gonna cry. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

Sulley gasped, flailing his arms and legs. Mike was annoyed. “Hey, I am baring my soul here. The least you could do is pay attention!” He hurled his last snowball at Sulley’s head. Sulley managed to duck, and the icy missile hit Randall in the face. Randall stumbled backward. Sulley took his chance and punched him hard.

When Randall hit the wall, he returned to his normal color. “Hey, look at that,” Mike said. “It’s Randall!” Suddenly he realized what had happened. “Ohhhhhh.”

Sulley grabbed Mike and Boo and took off running.

“Get up!” Waternoose, who was still stuck behind the machine, shouted at Randall. “There can’t be any witnesses!”

Meanwhile, the trio was charging down the hallway. “I’m glad you came back,” Sulley told Mike as they sprinted along.

“Hey, somebody has to take care of you—you big hairball,” Mike said. He turned to glance back over his shoulder—and gasped.

Celia, her snakes flowing wildly, leaped through the air. With a warlike whoop, she tackled Mike!

“Schmoopsie-Poo!” Mike cried. “I really can’t talk!”

Sulley grabbed Mike’s arm and started to drag him away. “Come on!” he said.

But Celia wasn’t going to be left behind this time. Holding tight to Mike’s leg, she got dragged along, too. “Michael, if you don’t tell me what’s going on right now, we are through!” she yelled.

Neither Sulley nor Celia was letting go. Mike was getting stretched like a rubber band. “Okay, here’s the truth,” he said. “You know the kid that they’re looking for? Sulley let her in! We tried to send her back, but Waternoose has a secret plot and now Randall’s behind us and he’s trying to kill us!”

Celia gasped. “You expect me to believe that pack of lies, Mike Wazowski?”

Just then the hood covering Boo’s face fell backward. “Mike Wazowski!” she said. Surprised, Celia let go.

“I love you, Schmoopsie-Poo!” Mike called back to her as Sulley pulled him along.