I had thirty seconds of grace when I woke up the next morning—the tiniest moment of not-remembering before the golem of pain climbed back on, smashing its full weight into my chest repeatedly while it choked me, laughing its golem-y ass off.
I was being sodomized by my own life.
And not the fun kind of sodomy, either.
I wondered if actually opening my eyes might improve things, so I tried it.
Rumpled absence where Dean had been, cold to the touch.
For all I knew he was downstairs on the computer, telling Setsuko what a drag I was, the pair of them plotting out how to ditch me for their next session of hot monkey love.
Which for some reason engendered in me less anger at my faithless husband than a sudden all-consuming white-hot desire to whack his insipid strumpet as hard as I could full in the simpering, prissy, prettily golden fucking face with the flat of a heavy shovel.
Afterward I’d make Dean look, gripping his head from behind so he couldn’t shy away.
“Go ahead,” I’d whisper, tracing his ear’s delicate rim with the tip of my tongue, hot and slick. “Try fucking her now.”
Hey, a girl can dream.
And the skanky bitch deserved it.
Not least for having convinced me to leave her alone in my house, watching over my children.
I found Dean downstairs in the kitchen. He was just standing backlit at the window, looking out. The girls were still asleep in their cribs.
I couldn’t step over the threshold, couldn’t muster the will to move another inch forward.
Maybe I’d fall down, right there in the door frame. Maybe I’d disintegrate, every numb atom of my being whirling away into some welcome void, nothing left but the fistful of salt grains and ashes that had once been my tiny black heart.
They’d sift slowly to the floor—spirals of glitter and smoke, serendipity tossed from Charon’s decks at departure—making a tiny, negligible pile that was worthless as I had been.
I choked on that thought, some willful noise trying to fight its way out of my throat.
Dean turned around and started walking toward me without a word. He took me in his arms, fingers of his left hand snaking up into the locks of hair at the nape of my neck so he could press my cheek to his chest. Tenderly.
I could hear his heartbeat. Feel it.
I closed my eyes again and wept, trying with all my strength to keep from making a sound, to keep from betraying myself with the smallest hint of motion, or of breath.
“Shhhh, Bunny,” he whispered. “Shhhhhhhh.”
“I don’t know how to do this…, ” I said, “survive it. I can’t. I don’t know what to do and it all just hurts so much. Too much.”
“You don’t have to know anything,” he said, kissing the top of my head. “You don’t have to do anything. Not a single thing. It’s all right. It’s over. We’re all right.”
I shook my head, slight range of movement between the broad plain of his hand, the solid shield of his chest. “You don’t—”
“What?” he asked, lips brushing the top of my head again. The part in my hair.
“Love me.”
“Don’t believe that. Don’t think it.”
He waited, and when I couldn’t say anything more, asked, “Not what?”
“Like her,” I said. “Not the way you love her.”
Dean bent his knees, just a little. “Put your arms around my neck.”
He lifted them himself, pressing them to curve around his neck one at a time, so gently.
“Open your legs,” he whispered. “Just a little.”
I did.
He cupped his hands under my ass and lifted me, no effort at all.
“Wrap them around my waist,” he said.
I did.
“Tighter,” he said. “Tilt your pelvis up.”
I shook my head against his neck.
“Yes,” he said. “I want to feel you.”
So I did.
“Cross your ankles behind my back,” he said. “Tight.”
I did.
“Like that,” he said. “Just like that.”
And he carried me just like that across the next two rooms.
When he reached the sofa, he lowered himself down. Slowly, not letting me go, until my ass was resting on the middle cushion and he was down on his knees before me.
He bent forward until my back touched the pillows behind me, then he took my arms down from around his neck.
“You are the most honorable woman I have ever known,” he said.
I looked up into his eyes.
“You are my wife. You are the mother of our beautiful daughters.”
I waited.
“That means so much to me,” he said. “It means the world.”
I looked down at our clasped hands.
“The most courageous woman. The most admirable.”
I wriggled against him, just a little bit.
“I’m awed by your strength, and your kindness.”
Tell me I’m pretty.
“When I look at you, Bunny—”
Tell me I get you hard.
“I see a woman I don’t deserve.”
I shut my eyes.
It was like listening to a total stranger describe the Statue of fucking Liberty. Some bronze paragon in a goddamn toga, seen from the deck of the Staten Island Ferry.
Neither his lover, nor beloved—merely the embodiment of some principle he liked to imagine himself upholding, or, better yet, defending.
Because that’s what decent men did.
And Dean was still utterly convinced he was a decent man, so this was an occasion to feel really, really good about himself.
For being so fucking decent.
“I am absolutely dedicated to our marriage,” he continued. “With all my heart.”
Tell me I’m better in bed than she is.
“I’m dedicated to our family—”
Tell me she’s not hotter, and tighter, and wetter.
“I’m dedicated to the girls—”
Tell me you never think of her when you’re fucking me, because I’m the best you’ve ever had—so good there’s no room for anyone else in your head.
“To our future—”
Tell me she could never get you off the way I do. That you love my mouth and my tits and my ass. That you love how I feel when you’re sunk all the way in. That you can’t wait to taste me again.
“I will never again do anything to jeopardize what we have. It’s too precious. I admire you too much.”
We’d been in the same position for what, five minutes now? He’d carried me across the entire house with all my weight bearing down on the juncture of my pussy and his belly.
And the point of contact had moved lower on him when he’d laid me down on the sofa: the full length of his cock now pressed against the core of me.
So limp one might think he possessed no genitals at all.
I twitched again. A bit of grind.
I looked up into his eyes.
He’d started to fucking cry.
“Everything Setsuko loved about me—”
“Every single thing was something I’d learned from you. Something you taught me. The way I dress—”
He choked on that, couldn’t finish voicing the thought.
Tell me you think I’m pretty.
Go ahead, lie.
I deserve that much.
“What was I supposed to do?” he said, sobbing. “A beautiful woman in her twenties fell in love with me… what was I supposed to do?”
I’m only thirty-goddamn-two.
I shoved him away from me, sitting straight up.
“What were you supposed to do?” I hissed.
He covered his face with his hands.
“You were supposed to keep your dick in your pants, Dean. Bring it home to your goddamn wife unbesmirched by the slime in your trollop’s malicious, conniving little cunt.”
I shoved him away from me.
His back hit the edge of the coffee table, wrenching it across the carpet.
It was made of solid cherry, my uncle Hunt’s wedding present to us both.
My uncle had built it himself: planed its planks smooth, joined them seamlessly, rubbed beeswax into the grain until it glowed, warm and red.
Inset at its center was a bronze plaque that had once graced the brick wall encircling the lushness of my grandparents’ no-longer-extant rose garden.
Dean and I had been married there. Standing on a pathway of bricks my great-great-grandfather had made out of Centre Island clay. Surrounded by a hundred friends.
I’d been the tenth generation to live there. The last.
“I’m sorry,” my husband said. “I’m so sorry.”
He sank down in front of me, ass dropping to rest on his heels.
He covered his face once more.
Penitent. Sobbing.
“You were supposed to be kind,” I said, yanking his hands down. “That’s what you were supposed to do, you worthless piece of shit.”
“Bunny—” He couldn’t even look at me.
“That’s what you were supposed to do,” I said.
I got to my feet.
Left him there.
Went upstairs to gather our daughters in my arms.