In Herefordshire, Hertfordshire and Hampshire hurricanes hardly ever happen. My elocution teacher said the problem was that my mouth was too quick to stretch into a smile when I spoke. ‘You’ll never get on in polite society like that, Miss Buxton.’ Tulip, dandelion, buttercup – I said them all wrong. Bottle, cup, saucer were not much better. My mouth was too weak, it needed discipline and Mrs Waterfall was the woman to give it.
‘You won’t go wrong with her,’ Auntie Dorothy told me. ‘She’ll throw in deportment if she thinks you’re worth it.’ Head up, shoulders back – heel-instep-toe, heel-instep-toe. I had been walking all wrong since I was a baby. No sooner had she shown me how to do it properly than I started stumbling across the room like a cripple.
‘How come bath should be said barth but fat is definitely not fart in high society?’ I asked Auntie Dorothy.
She laughed but cautioned, ‘Just do as she says, it’ll come out all right.’
‘And bank’s not barnk and Mansfield not Marnsfield.’
‘Oh, Queenie love, just do it. She’ll see you married to a prince.’
I brought tears to Mrs Waterfall’s eyes when I finally managed to extinguish the candle while breathing out the word ‘what’. ‘Hope,’ she told me then. ‘Miss Buxton, there is at last reason for hope.’
Auntie Dorothy swore the pink bit on coconut ice tasted different from the white – she knew everything about sophistication. She served coconut ice on a china plate, cut into neat squares, and ate it with a fork. Her feet up on a chair she called a French lounger, with her little poodle Prudence – coiffured into fancy shapes like a posh privet hedge – she delicately stuffed ounce after ounce into her oval mouth as I watched.
She’d inherited the sweet shop from her late husband Montgomery when he died in the Great War. Not in a battle – he was run over by a tram on his way back to barracks. Auntie Dorothy was still upset about the half-pound of treacle toffee that had mysteriously disappeared from his pocket by the time his dead body reached the hospital. ‘Who could do such a thing, Queenie? Would you credit it? We live among barbarians,’ she said.
She’d run the shop on her own for years. ‘With Prudence, Queenie. That dog kept everyone in line for me. Didn’t you, my little poppet?’ But to get out of the French lounger for some little boy with a lazy eye and hair flying up like iron filings, wanting a chew that barely cost a ha’penny, began to try Auntie Dorothy’s patience. ‘Don’t get me wrong, Queenie, it knocked baking pork pies day in day out, like my sister, into a cocked hat. But it’s not what Montgomery would have wanted for me. I was his Duchess.’ With no children of her own to help her, this was where I came in. In the big city, Auntie Dorothy had wanted to start calling me Victoria – it had more elegance as a name. I had my own bedroom, my own wardrobe and a dressing-table with three mirrors. If I angled those mirrors just right, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of Queenies would appear, all smiling smugly at their good fortune. But not one Victoria was waving at me among that crowd. ‘Don’t worry, love, we’ll stick to Queenie – it’ll do till you’re more genteel.’ Auntie Dorothy loosened her corset the day I came to London to live with her. ‘Oh, Queenie, I’ll make a good catch of you,’ she said, tightening mine.
Elocution and deportment lessons twice a week – Bourne and Hollingsworth or Selfridges for a new outfit every Saturday afternoon. At first Auntie Dorothy had come with me to Oxford Street, reclining on the shop seat telling the assistants how I took after her side of the family, all Lees being exceptionally graceful. But when the assistants began to scratch their heads trying to find things in her size – moving buttons, taking out seams – she stopped coming. She started pressing money into my hand instead, only bothering to get off the French lounger to put up the closed sign and measure out some more coconut ice.
I worked in the shop, woken every morning by Prudence attempting to scare off the newspaper delivery with a growl as terrifying as an old man clearing his throat. Men, rushing on their way to work, cast their eyes over my display of papers – neat with all the headlines on show – before choosing which horror they wanted to read about that day. After that it was mostly little kids, two or three coppers sweating their palms green, wanting some liquorice or a quarter of humbugs. As I got the bottles down and shook their favourites into a bag, I was followed round by eyes which, in that moment, loved me better than their mum.
I noticed him at first because he went for the Mail but then picked up The Times. ‘Is it The Times you want?’ I asked him. And he looked round like I’d just bellowed at him from the stars and blushed as pink as bacon.
‘Did you say it right, Queenie?’ Auntie Dorothy asked. ‘Only, men for The Times will want to be spoken to properly.’
I was ready for him the next time. It was my best breathy voice, which would have plumped Mrs Waterfall proud, that said, ‘We have The Times, if that is what you require?’
He gulped as loud as a stone down a well before saying, ‘Thank you, I will take The Times.’
‘What does he look like?’ Auntie Dorothy wanted to know.
‘Tall, skinny, not bad-looking,’ I said.
She was watching for him the next time.
He tipped his hat at me as he left, ‘It’s a lovely day today,’ he said.
That was enough to convince Auntie Dorothy, ‘He has an eye for you, Queenie. I knew it as soon as you said he blushed.’
A lot of men came into the shop trying to make me blush. ‘Aren’t I sweet enough for you?’ most of them got round to joking. Blowing me kisses and winking. Calling me their sweetheart, or their sugar-baby. Offering to show me how sweet they could be if I went with them to the pictures. Auntie Dorothy just shook her head at those advances. ‘The cheeky ones,’ she told me, ‘will be Cockneys. You’ll want nothing to do with Cockneys, they’re all jellied eels and knees-ups. No, that one’s a gentleman. No spivs or ne’er-do-wells ever read The Times.’
He started coming in twice a day. Before every one of his visits – The Times in the morning and a half pound of something or other about quarter past five – Auntie Dorothy got off her lounger long enough to see me dressed right. ‘What about that yellow cardigan, Queenie love? You look like an angel in that.’ She’d check my face for newsprint smudges, taking her hankie and spitting on it to wipe my forehead or a bit off my cheek. You’d think I was going on stage the way she winked at me for good luck as she opened the door from the back room into the shop.
‘Good morning,’ says he.
‘The Times?’ says I.
‘Thank you. A lovely day today.’ Or variations like ‘rather cloudy’ or ‘a little inclement for the time of year’. And I’d agree, no matter what his weather forecast. His gaberdine coat was always done up, every button, and the belt too. His shirt collar was always white. And when he lifted his hat, for that brief moment of hello or goodbye, his hair was shiny as liquorice. Auntie Dorothy thought him the nearest thing to a prince she’d seen since the day her late husband Montgomery adoringly looked up at her from one bended knee.
‘Has he asked you yet?’ she teased me, like a best chum at school.
‘Asked me what?’
‘You’ll soon find out.’ And I did.
A little boy, Sidney, was playing with some tin soldiers on the counter. They were all being executed by Sidney’s firing squad, which was his two straight fingers, a squinting eye and a bang. My job was to flip the dead one over.
‘It ain’t ’im I shot. You killed the wrong one.’
I was just asking Sidney whether his mother wouldn’t be wanting him home for his tea when the man came in. It was neither morning nor quarter past five and he had no gaberdine coat on. Sidney was lining up his victims again.
‘It’s time to go home now, Sidney. You can come again tomorrow.’
‘I ain’t finished yet.’
I swept up his blinking soldiers into a bag, threw in a piece of aniseed twist and said, ‘Go on, hop it.’
After the sulking Sidney had slammed the door the man took a step forward. ‘I wonder if you would care to come for a walk with me tomorrow afternoon, in the park – I’ve been assured it’s to be a lovely day.’ Straight out with it like he’d been practising and had to say it in a rush or his tongue would tie. My mouth was just dropping open with the surprise so it wasn’t me who said yes, it was shouted from the back room by Auntie Dorothy.
‘Good. I’ll call for you at one.’ And he went to leave but then said, ‘I’m sorry but I don’t believe we’ve ever been introduced. Bernard Bligh.’
I said, ‘My name’s . . .’ and he smiled for the first time ever when he interrupted with ‘Queenie – yes, I know.’
We’d been stepping out for about four months – every Thursday early evening, Saturday night and a walk on Sunday if it was nice – when I began to hate the back of his neck. It was bony and scrawny, looked more like the back of a heel with his ears sticking out like a knobbly ankle. And there was a vein on his temple that wiggled like a worm under his skin when he ate – just a little but enough to put me off my sandwiches, which we often packed up to eat in the park, by the fountains or under a tree. He had this way of screwing up his face as if he was wanting to dislodge a tickling hair from up his nose. He did it first when he met Auntie Dorothy. I had to ask her, ‘Is it normal?’
‘Didn’t see it, love,’ was all she said.
I don’t know how she missed it – it made him look really queer. And he dithered over change. He was paying for a pot of tea and two pieces of Simnel cake at Lyons, going through his coppers, putting them in lines on the table, then counting them off into his hand. Then doing it again to make sure, while the waitress was standing looking at him like he was backward. Did it at the pictures too, holding everyone up while he rummaged in his trouser pocket, jiggling it to hear the change then counting out his ha’pennies and threepenny bits. A man from the back of the queue complained that he and his wife would miss the sing-song.
But Auntie Dorothy said he was a gentleman. She spent most of our evenings together explaining to me why. Did he or did he not open doors for me? Only a gentleman would do that. He walked on the outside of me when going down the road. ‘You’ll not get splashed by a carriage,’ Auntie Dorothy told me.
‘Auntie, when did you last get splashed by a carriage?’
‘Well, a motor-car, then, or a tram. And don’t be cheeky.’
He stood up if I stood up and wouldn’t sit down until I sat down. And for two months all he did was shake my hand when we said goodnight. And when he did pluck up the daring to kiss me, he puckered his lips so tight it felt like kissing a chicken’s beak.
‘He don’t talk much, Auntie.’
‘That’s good – you’d not want a chatterbox.’
But, crikey, he lived in Earls Court with his father, he was a clerk at Lloyds Bank and he liked fresh air. Surely after four months there was more to know about him than that?
He spoke more with Auntie Dorothy than with me. First time he came for tea there she was sitting upright on her lounger, her corset back on but not doing much, wishful-thinking red lips painted on way past her natural mouth and an inch of grey roots on her hair that gave the impression that the rest of it, which was dyed black, was hovering, waiting to land. All three of us were listening to the dog licking its private parts when Bernard piped up to tell Auntie how his great-great-grandfather changed their family name from Blight to Bligh in the hope of reversing a run of bad fortune.
‘Did it work?’ Auntie asked. And he laughed all jolly. I just sat with my mouth open. He’d never said anything near half as interesting to me. ‘Do you think there’ll be a war?’ Auntie asked him. And he talked for a good ten minutes on how, unfortunately, he thought it unavoidable. Alone with Bernard I only ever heard my silly voice, making no more sense than when my teeth chattered with the cold, but the silence was just too loud for me.
‘He’s shy with you, love, and that’s as it should be,’ Auntie assured me. ‘You’re lucky there, Queenie. That man is a brick – you’ll be safe as houses with him.’
So I asked her, ‘Do you think we’re courting?’
‘Of course you’re courting,’ she told me.
‘Is that all courting is?’
And she said, ‘Well, what did you think it was?’
I’d seen girls who were courting. They looked dreamy-eyed on the world, floating on feet that never felt the ground. They plucked at daisies for most of the day, sighing, ‘He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me’. When they danced, their best boys held them so close you couldn’t pass a paper between them. And when they kissed, it was rapture that made their legs buckle, delight that made it taste of nectar. Courting girls thought their best boys to be fashioned by the hand of God Himself.
I moved the dressing-table mirror to see what all the other Queenies thought of courting Bernard. Not much. They were all a bit down in the mouth about it.
‘Bernard, I’ve enjoyed our little trips but I don’t think we should see each other any more.’ I said it on a park bench, as a drizzle of rain was just starting to polka-dot his coat. Like a baby who’s just been slapped but doesn’t know it smarts yet, it happened ever so slowly. His face went from plain-day, through quizzical, then headlong into hurt. I never thought Bernard could be caught by feelings but there they were. Unmistakable it was, the quivering lip, the watering eye. He was about to cry. It was the most exciting thing he’d ever done.
‘No, Queenie, please don’t say that. I’ve grown very fond of you. Our walks mean a lot to me.’
‘I didn’t know you’d be so upset,’ I said. I thought only women felt emotion – all men far too practical for such silliness.
‘Yes, Queenie, I really am very fond of you. I know I’m older than you and perhaps not as gay as you’d like. But over these months . . .’ He stopped, turned his head away from me and there it was, the back of his neck.
‘It’s just, Bernard . . .’ I began, but he spun back fast, held my hands tight in his.
‘Please, please don’t say any more. Just give me another chance. Please, please, Queenie . . .’ And he was crying, only one tear but crying none the less when he said, ‘I was hoping to persuade you that we should get engaged.’
Oh, blinking heck, I thought, which is not what you should think when your best boy’s just proposed. ‘Well, never mind, then, I’ll see you again on Thursday, Bernard,’ was what I said. And that was how it was left.
We’d been for a walk along the river up to Big Ben. It wasn’t late when Bernard and I reached the sweet shop. I couldn’t get the door open. I thought it was just stiff – we’d had a lot of rain. It cracked an inch but then wouldn’t budge. There was something behind it. Bernard had a go using his shoulder as I called out for Auntie. I was about to yell again when Bernard said, ‘She’s behind the door on the floor.’
And I teased him, ‘That rhymes – you’re a poet, Bernard,’ before I’d quite realised what he’d said.
She was laid out on the floor clutching the closed sign to her breast. Pale as sorrow apart from her wishful-thinking red lips. And as out of place as a fallen tree trunk on a road. I thought if I could just return her to her natural position on the lounger she’d be all right.
‘Auntie, get up?’ I said, as Bernard knelt beside her feeling her pulse and putting his cheek right to her nose.
‘What are you doing?’ I asked him, but I got no reply. It was then I noticed the two coiffured back paws of Prudence sticking out from under her like the wishbone on a chicken. Bernard jumped when I screamed at her, ‘Auntie, you’ve fallen on the dog!’
And then I’m not quite sure what happened. But Bernard was there, pulling me away from Auntie, taking me into the back room, sitting me down on the lounger and saying twice, maybe three times or more, ‘Queenie, are you listening? Just stay here. It will be all right. Just sit here until I come back.’ I could see him through the window glass in the door putting a blanket over her. Then leaving the shop and coming back in with Mr Green from the greengrocer’s next door. Some other people came in, I know they did – whispering and shaking their heads while Bernard was trying to make me drink some foul sweet tea.
‘What’s happened to her?’
‘There’ll be an ambulance coming soon.’
‘Will she be all right? What about the dog? Should you fetch her in here? Only she’ll fret and bark when they come.’
‘Mr Green’s kindly taken the dog,’ he said. And then he sat by me to hold my hand.
Auntie Dorothy had had a stroke. They assured me at the hospital that she was killed outright and, honestly, truly, wouldn’t have known that when she fell she crushed poor Prudence flat. She’d only got off her lounger to put the closed sign up and measure out some of her blinking coconut ice.
At her funeral, burly, broad-shouldered, fat-handed butchers – Father and four of Auntie’s brothers – were gasping and sweating to lift her in her coffin. They had to rope in Bernard, who stepped forward without a word to put his skinny clerk’s shoulder under one end. Our singing of ‘Abide With Me’ was accompanied by their grunting and grumbling as they carried her up the aisle. She would have laughed. Her Montgomery, Auntie Dorothy would have told them, would have had no trouble lifting her because she was his Duchess.
Mother’s funeral outfit looked to be last worn for King Ted’s or his late mother’s passing. With her hand on my arm, which still clasped a damp, tear-stained handkerchief, she said, ‘Don’t worry, Queenie. You can come back home now. There’s plenty for you to do around the farm.’ And I’m not sure if I said it out loud because my elocution teacher would have despaired, but I know I thought it – Not on your nelly, Mother! You’ll not get me back there. I looked over at Bernard, smoking in a huddle with Father and the other men.
‘No,’ I told her. ‘I’ve some good news for you. I’m getting married, Mother, to Bernard Bligh.’