As I write these acknowledgements, I’m under a stay-in-place order due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and I am filled with gratitude. Not just for all the people who helped me write and produce this book - this book seems pretty trivial at this moment. Right now I’m grateful that so far all my loved ones are safe. I’m grateful that, for the most part, this crisis is bringing out the best in people. I’m grateful for every single person who is doing their best to be a light in the darkness. Thank you.
Meanwhile, many thanks to the Henery Press team, especially Maria Edwards, Kendel Lynn, Christina Rogers, and Art Molinares. Massive thanks as always to trusted first readers Denise Lee, Erick Vera, and Anne Dickson, and critique group stalwarts Claire M. Johnson and Michael J. Cooper. And a huge shout-out to the fabulous Martha Francescato for the sharpest eyes ever.
I’m so grateful for the support I’ve gotten from fellow writers (House of Clues gang, Camille Minichino, and Ann Parker, I’m looking at you) and independent booksellers, particularly Dori Jaroslow at Books Inc. and Anne Saller at Book Carnival.
I don’t know what the world will look like after this pandemic. As a writer, what I do is imagine a hundred different outcomes of a given situation and go with the one that’s most interesting. But this time I’m really hoping for the boring. I hope, by the time you’re reading this, that we’re all going to be able to do something as normal, as trivial, as mundane, and as amazingly fabulous as going out to a movie together.