Dear Diary,

My cousin Meg said something once about how at school you have to downplay how much you know, so no one gets annoyed. That’s when I realized there are still people in the world who would think less of a young woman for being a so-called bluestocking, whose nose is always in a book.

You never have to worry about being called a know-it-all among the Porter-Malcolms—especially at Trivia Night.



Chapter 21

I ran back upstairs at the last minute, rethinking my ponytail. It had never occurred to me to take pains with my appearance for Trivia Night, but maybe a less girlish coiffure would help Neill see me as a peer, as opposed to his usual habit of treating me like a semiliterate child.

When I slid into the back seat of my parents’ car, Bo made a show of inching toward the middle without actually moving anything but his shoulders. The weather was chilly enough that I didn’t mind the tight squeeze, though had it been Jasper sitting next to me I would have elbowed him out of my territory on principle.