Dear Diary,

I’m not going to write anything down because I will never ever want to remember this time in my life.

Maybe I should just throw you in the fire.

No offense.



Chapter 28

I would have caught a dramatic illness on my dash through the freezing rain. Then at least I would have an excuse to spend the next few months lying pale and wasted in my frigid garret, coughing spots of blood into a lace hankie. Instead, I woke with nothing worse than a headache and swollen eyelids to betray my inner turmoil.

There was no dramatic confrontation. I avoided my friends, and assumed they were doing the same. Even amid the noise of the hallways, silence surrounded me, slowly thickening until it felt like a solid enclosure, cutting off air and light.

Wednesday it snowed all morning, big fluffy flakes that blanketed the world in white. Unfortunately for me, there wasn’t enough accumulation to cancel school. On the way to third period I caught a glimpse of Arden in the distance, wearing a burgundy scarf I’d never seen before. It clashed wonderfully with her hair. I would have loved to tell her so, instead of concealing myself behind a bank of lockers until she passed out of sight. Had she and Lydia mended the breach in their friendship? Perhaps they’d united against a common enemy. Namely: me. I would probably never know.

Nothing happened Thursday. Not a blessed thing—unless you count dwelling on unhappy thoughts as a pastime.

On Friday, I found someone else to offend.