Chapter 10

Jen Reid to Justin Taylor:

Pretending to plan my dream wedding is fun and all, but I miss you.

Justin Taylor to MRS. Reid:

Are you saying that so I wont get mad at you for going cake tasting without me?

Jen Reid to Justin Taylor:


Ok, no. I really do miss you.

Justin Taylor to MRS. Reid:

And you really are going cake tasting without me?

Jen Reid to Justin Taylor:

You get all the cake you want from Sarah.

Justin Taylor to MRS. Reid:

Yes, I can. No sugar-free vegan cake in Sweet Reality!

Jen Reid to Justin Taylor:

:-P Now I dont feel bad. Also, the wedding planner keeps hitting on me, and it’s your fault.

Justin Taylor to MRS. Reid:

Sorry. :-( But you can handle him. It’s only a couple more days.

Jen Reid to Justin Taylor:

If he tries to kiss me again, I’m going to be very cross with you.

Justin Taylor to MRS. Reid:

Would it make you feel better if I kiss J-dawg when I get out there?

Jen Reid to Justin Taylor:


Jen Reid to Justin Taylor:

Depends on how good a kisser Logan is.