Somehow, writing acknowledgments for the end of a series seems even more daunting than for the first book. As if this is my chance to fit in everyone I may have forgotten along the way. I’m so very grateful for everyone’s support, and I apologize to anyone left out.
First and foremost, thank you to my husband for your unwavering love and support. Thank you to Stephanie Thornton again for inspiring this series. None of this would be possible without you, Marie, and Michelle. Go Team Steph!
Thank you again to my wonderful agent, Michelle Richter, and to the Kensington team, especially Wendy McCurdy, Norma Perez-Hernandez, Lauren Jernigan, and Lulu Martinez. Thank you also to the copy editors (and I’m sorry I can’t use hyphens).
Marty Mayberry and Kara Reynolds, thank you for being the absolute best. Thank you to K.D. Proctor and Elizabeth Newmann for your valuable feedback and insight. Thank you to Karen Sargent and Kari Lemor for your first-chapter critiques. A special thank you to Lex Leonov for your help with the LGBT+ characters. I apologize for any mistakes that crept in due to my ignorance.
Thank you to all my friends and family who’ve supported me. You’ve been amazing, and I’m incredibly grateful to have you all in my life. Thanks, Adam, for telling me how to pasteurize eggs to make cookie dough and fuel this book. Oh, and thank you to my local gym.
I hope you enjoyed REALITY WEDDING. Writing this series was a privilege. The best thing for a writer is to know when readers liked their book. If you did, please consider leaving an honest review.
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