THE COVID-19 debacle has been described as a dystopian nightmare from which we cannot seem to awaken. If the people who planned this event get their way, the science fiction-type existence we have experienced for a few months will become permanent. It is referred to by “experts” and the media as “the new normal.”
There has been no attempt to hide what the drug companies, Bill Gates, and the global elites have in mind for the future. It is living life in a perpetual state of emergency that justifies several rules including mandatory vaccines, immunity passports, continued restrictions on personal freedoms, more government control, constant surveillance, social distancing, and a rebuilding of the world based on unelected people who have put themselves in charge.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) and The Great Reset
The World Economic Forum was founded by Professor Klaus Schwab and was originally called the European Management Forum. WEF is a non-profit organization based in Geneva and its original goal was to help European companies to adopt U.S. management practices, and to promote good corporate citizenship. The organization advised that companies should consider clients, customers, employees, and the communities in which they were based when making their decisions.
In 1987 the organization was renamed the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its stated mission changed. WEF decided to be the global platform for “public-private cooperation.”1
Founder Schwab has some interesting ideas. In an essay posted on the WEF site, Schwab endorses stakeholder capitalism, and proposes that private corporations should be trustees of society. He thanks Greta Thunberg for “reminding us that adherence to the current economic system represents a betrayal of future generations” due to its lack of environmental sustainability. You just have to love a powerful guy who gets his advice from a depressed teenaged high school dropout!2
WEF’s strategic partners include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Wellcome Trust and several drug companies.3 Many important announcements concerning vaccines are made at annual meetings of the WEF in Davos, including the launch of GAVI by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Vaccines for COVID-19 are an important part of “the new normal” envisioned by WEF and its allies.
Within a short period of time after the pandemic was declared, the WEF launched an elaborate COVID-19 platform with thousands of pages of content. The site is titled “The Great Reset.”4 We encourage you to spend some time exploring this site. Even months later it is difficult to believe that this amount of information was assembled after the pandemic was declared. A date was already posted for January 2021 for an event centered around The Great Reset theme.5
In documents posted on the site, Schwab seems almost delighted about the pandemic, writing “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.” He urges a “Great Reset” which would “steer the market toward fairer outcomes,” and encourages governments to enact reforms that include changes to wealth taxes, withdrawal of fossil fuel subsidies, and new rules governing intellectual property, trade, and competition. The Great Reset agenda should ensure that investments focus on equality and sustainability, green infrastructure, and incentives for companies to improve their environmental, social and governance metrics.6 The announcement of the “Great Reset” was made by the Prince of Wales and Schwab at a virtual meeting in June, only a few weeks after the lockdowns had occurred.
Schwab’s comments are eerily reminiscent of those made by Former WHO Director-General Margaret Chan’s following the fake H1N1 pandemic which she helped to engineer a few years ago. She said in a speech that “ministers of health” should take advantage of the “devastating impact” swine flu will have on poorer nations to get out the message that “changes in the functioning of the global economy” are needed to “distribute wealth on the basis of” values “like community, solidarity, equity and social justice.“ She further declared that the pandemic should be used as a weapon against “international policies and systems that govern financial markets, economies, commerce, trade, and foreign affairs.”7 In other words, Chan looked at fake pandemics as a form of social engineering, to be executed according to her beliefs, of course.
Apparently, pandemics give smart elite people the opportunity to rework the world as they see fit. The WEF platform clearly states that the “old system” must be replaced by a “…new social contract” that ensures that “…we live up to the expectations of young people.” Referring to a “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” the WEF proposes that the 2021 meeting will bring together “…key government and business leaders in Davos…” The global media and social media, the very organizations that controlled the COVID-19 narrative, are mentioned as vehicles to mobilize millions of people to join in the remaking of the world.
An important question to ask is whether or not the world’s ordinary citizens – people like us and like you – want the Prince of Wales, Greta Thunberg, Facebook, Google, and Schwab deciding how the world will be organized and how we will live from this point forward.
Other Global Organizations Mobilized Too
The Global Fund, along with board member Dr. Deborah Birx, sprang into immediate action, committing up to one billion dollars to help countries fight COVID-19. The money was allocated to “accelerate the development, production, and equitable global access to safe, quality, effective and affordable COVID-19 diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines…”8 These three words became literally a mantra, which were repeated again and again by drug companies, world leaders, and health authorities.
The European Union and its partners hosted an international pledging conference starting Monday, May 4, 20209 at which the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation pledged $100 million dollars. The event was hosted by Yrsula von der Leyen, President of the European Union, and one country leader after another repeated the mantra, along with his/her pledge, that money was needed for diagnostics, treatment, and safe vaccines.10
Almost $7.4€ was raised, and the representatives of the organizations that would receive the money, such as WHO, CEPI and GAVI, all gave testimonials about the importance of diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines.
Paul Farmer and his organization, Partners in Health, mobilized immediately to contract with state and local governments for “contact tracing” services. Some “experts,” such as Tom Frieden, former Director of the CDC, estimated that as many as 300,000 people will need to be hired to fill demand.11
An announcement was made by Rockefeller Foundation President Rajiv Patel on April 20, 2020 that the Rockefeller Foundation was investing $100,000,000 to perform COVID-19 testing and contact tracing. The plan was to begin with three million tests per week, ramping up to 30 million per week in 6 months. There are approximately 330,000,000 million people in the U.S., which means that the foundation’s goal is to test all of us. As many as 300,000 people will be hired as part of what Patel calls a “community health corps” to execute the plan. Those who have been exposed to COVID-19 will be identified and quarantined. According to Patel, this is the only way that Americans can safely go back to school and to work.12
The Real Goal: Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines
Bill Gates has stated clearly that his goal is universal vaccination. He wrote in GatesNotes on April 30, 2020, “One of the questions I get asked the most these days is when the world will be able to go back to the way things were in December before the coronavirus pandemic. My answer is always the same: when we have an almost perfect drug to treat COVID-19, or when almost every person on the planet has been vaccinated against coronavirus.”
Gates states that a treatment is unlikely to be discovered anytime soon, ignoring considerable evidence that hydroxychloroquine is both inexpensive and effective. He says the world cannot function normally until everyone (over 7 billion people) receives a vaccine. In essence Gates is declaring that he will decide the fate of the world and its citizens.13
Fauci agrees that the world will not return to normal until a vaccine is available.14 In late March/early April, he said that a COVID-19 vaccine would not be ready for at least 12-18 months, and that such a vaccine would be needed before many restrictions could be lifted. Many vaccine advocates, such as Dr. Paul Offit, said “When Dr. Fauci said 12-18 months, I thought that was ridiculously optimistic, and I’m sure he did too.”15 It’s almost unthinkable that the lives of seven billion people could be placed on hold for this length of time, but in COVIDLAND, almost anything seems possible.
Like so many statements Fauci has made, his predictions about a COVID-19 vaccine changed. Just a few weeks later he said that hundreds of millions of doses could be made available by early 2021. His confidence lies, in part, because he says he’s part of the team that is involved in developing the vaccine.16 Gates stated that based on this timeline, safety and efficacy might be compromised, and also that the vaccine may only be effective for a few months, which means repeated vaccinations will be necessary. What a windfall for drug companies! To return to normal 7 billion people must agree to receive not just one, but several COVID-19 vaccines.17
The problem is that it is highly unlikely that an effective vaccine for COVID-19 will ever be developed.
A Short History of Flu Vaccines
Today, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the Centers for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization all aggressively promote flu vaccines. The origin of this recommendation goes all the way back to the 1918-1919 flu pandemic, which killed about 50 million people worldwide. There was little understanding of how the epidemic occurred, but doctors started promoting vaccines to prevent influenza. Early flu vaccines were tested in the military, but by 1947 it was determined that “the incidence of disease was no different in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.”18 In spite of this, the vaccine was promoted for use in the general population.
In early 1957 an outbreak of the Asian flu began in China. Concerned about another epidemic, Maurice Hillman at Walter Reed Army Hospital sent virus samples to drug makers and encouraged them to make a vaccine. The epidemic eventually caused almost two million deaths worldwide, 70,000 of those deaths in the U.S.19 Millions of doses of vaccine were given to Americans, but the vaccine was again proven to be worthless.20
Vaccine advocates claimed that the historic failure of vaccines was because they were given too late and put forth the theory that starting before a flu outbreak would result in a higher efficacy rate. In response, in 1960 public health officials started recommending routine vaccination, which became a public policy within a few years with virtually no additional data to support such a policy. In fact, the evidence pointed to routine flu vaccines as a major public policy failure. CDC chief epidemiologist Alexander Langmuir and colleagues wrote in a 1964 paper that they “…reluctantly concluded that there is little progress to be reported. The severity of the epidemic of 1962-63 …demonstrates the failure to achieve effective control of excess mortality.”21 They went on to say that routine vaccination should be continued only if better evidence could be found to justify the significant cost of the vaccination program.
The CDC conducted a randomized, double-blind trial designed to determine if the flu vaccine prevented morbidity and mortality, and concluded, “Despite extensive use of influenza vaccines…attainment of (improved morbidity and mortality) has never been demonstrated.”22 A Food and Drug Administration review arrived at the same conclusion, and cautioned that there were methodological flaws in many of the studies reviewed.23
Today’s Recommendations
Based on the history of the vaccine, it is not surprising that continuing to market the flu vaccine to the public requires considerable misrepresentation. This starts with overstating both the incidence of and risks associated with getting the flu. First, we are all exposed to flu viruses all the time; the flu virus is constantly present and does not make a brief appearance during “flu season.” Another issue is that influenza is often confused with influenza-like illness (ILI) which can result from 200 viruses in addition to influenza A and B. These viruses produce the same symptoms as flu, which include fever, headache, aches, pains, cough, and runny noses, making it impossible to distinguish between the two without diagnostic testing. An individual is seven times more likely to have an influenza-like illness than influenza, but ILI is rarely serious.
Nonetheless the Centers for Disease Control promotes flu vaccines, stating, “Influenza is a serious disease that can lead to hospitalization and sometimes even death. Every flu season is different, and influenza infection can affect people differently. Even healthy people can get very sick from the flu and spread it to others.”24
Although the CDC offers conflicting narratives about the flu; on another page of its website, the agency states, “CDC does not know exactly how many people die from seasonal flu each year.”25 In other words, the CDC aggressively promotes a solution for a problem that it cannot quantify.
Safety of Flu Vaccines
What can be more easily quantified is risks associated with the vaccine. On several occasions, flu vaccine programs have been terminated due to side effects. In October 1976, The National Influenza Immunization Program (NIIP) started with about one million vaccinations per week for a new strain of swine flu, and this number grew quickly to four million per week. Within only two months, ten states had reported cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) linked to the vaccine. In December 1976, the program was discontinued.
By January 1977, more than 500 cases of GBS had been reported. Some patients recovered completely, some partially, and 25 people died. The NIIP determined that the risk of developing GBS within 6 weeks was 10 times higher for those receiving a flu vaccine than for unvaccinated people. While this should have been the end of promoting population-wide vaccination for flu until safety could be established, flu vaccine promotion programs continued.
This debacle took place at a time when news reporters aggressively investigated government agencies and health professionals and reported their misbehavior. CBS’s hit show 60 Minutes featured a lengthy story about the flu vaccine. Wallace announced at the beginning of the segment that Washington D.C. had decided that all Americans should get a flu vaccine to prevent what the government predicted would be a pandemic. Forty-six million Americans received a vaccine, and eventually almost 4000 Americans filed lawsuits against the U.S. government for claims totaling $3.5 billion dollars. Two thirds of these claims were for neurological damage or death.
According to Wallace’s report, the swine flu “pandemic” started at Fort Dix in New Jersey in January 1976. One soldier who felt sick participated in a forced march and later died. Four others became sick and recovered. An army doctor sent samples of throat cultures from several soldiers to the New Jersey Department of Health for testing. The department reported that many samples were the common flu, but they could not identify the virus that sickened the four soldiers who recovered or the one who died. These samples were forwarded to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where they were identified as the swine flu. Remember, there were a total of five affected individuals in the U.S. at this time.
Dr. David Sencer, who was head of the CDC at the time, oversaw the rapid development of a vaccine for the swine flu and an aggressive program to promote it. Wallace asked how many cases had been confirmed around the world at the time that the program was launched and he replied that there were several reported but none were confirmed, and acknowledged that there were no outbreaks of swine flu confirmed anywhere in the world.
The CDC’s consent form stated that the vaccine had been tested but did not disclose the one being administered was different from the tested vaccine. The form included nothing about the risks of many of the side effects experienced by recipients including GBS and death.
Wallace asked Sencer if he knew that there were risks of neurological damage due to the vaccine, and Sencer replied that he had no idea. Dr. Michael Hattwick, who directed the surveillance team for the swine flu program at the CDC, told a different story. He says he knew of cases of GBS and told his superiors, and that Sencer did know.
The CDC launched an aggressive promotional campaign that included a list of famous people who had already received the vaccine. These included then-President Gerald Ford, Elton John, Mary Tyler Moore, and Ralph Nader. When asked about the vaccine on camera, Mary Tyler Moore told Wallace that she did not receive the vaccine and that she had not given the CDC permission to use her name in its campaign.26
This was not the end of flu vaccines, however. Aggressive campaigns were launched in 1992, 1993, and 1994, and were again were shown to increase the risk of GBS.27 28 29
As of November 2013, there were 93,000 reactions attributed to flu vaccines reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) including 1080 deaths, 8888 hospitalizations, 1801 disabilities, and 1700 cases of Guillain Barre Syndrome.30
Data from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program shows that the flu shot is the most dangerous vaccine in America. During one reporting period, out of 134 cases settled before the court, 79 were due to the flu shot, including three deaths. Guillain-Barre syndrome was the most common injury, but others included acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, transverse myelitis, shingles (herpes zoster), neuropathic demyelination, seizures, neuropathy, brachial plexopathy, rheumatoid arthritis, optic neuritis, and Bell’s palsy.31
The adjuvants in flu vaccines include mercury (25 mcg), formaldehyde, polyethylene glycol, egg protein, polysorbate 80, MSG, pig gelatin, and antibiotics. Between 2009 and 2010, fetal deaths reported to VAERS had increased significantly due to the addition of thimerosal.32
Continuing Issues with Efficacy
The side effects are concerning and become even more so when considering the vaccine’s continued poor performance. A 2005 study concluded that the benefits of the flu vaccine were overstated, and “...[even during two pandemic seasons] the estimated influenza-related mortality was probably very close to what would have occurred had no vaccine been available.”33
Cochrane Collaboration is the most independent medical research organization in the world. A Cochrane review analyzed the impact of flu vaccines on healthy adults, including pregnant women and newborns, by looking at 90 reports of 116 studies that compared flu vaccines to placebo or to no intervention. Combined, the studies included close to ten million people. Cochrane concluded that 40 people would have to be vaccinated to prevent just one case of influenza-like illness (ILI), and 71 people would have to be vaccinated to prevent one case of influenza. The vaccine had no effect on number of working days lost or hospitalization rates. The vaccine also had almost no effect on pregnant women or their newborn babies. Live aerosol vaccine was similarly useless.34 In another review, Cochrane reported that flu vaccines were not effective for the elderly either.35
Cochrane conducted a similar review to evaluate the efficacy rates (defined as prevention of confirmed influenza and influenza-like illness), and adverse events of influenza vaccines in healthy children. The review included 75 studies and showed:
The researchers found “no evidence of effect on secondary cases, lower respiratory tract disease, drug prescriptions, otitis media… (only) weak single study evidence of effect on school absenteeism and keeping parents from work.” In other words, the children had almost no reduction in risk of developing the flu, flu-like illness, or of developing complications from flu. The vaccine was shown to be almost worthless.
Side effects were noted, however, and some were serious such as narcolepsy and febrile convulsions.
The researchers expressed surprise that the current recommendation is to vaccinate healthy children starting at 6 months of age in the U.S. and several other countries based on such limited evidence, and advised that research is needed in order to identify all potential harm resulting from flu vaccines.
Just as important, researchers identified issues concerning study design, funding, and scientific misbehavior. The Cochrane group reported that industry-funded studies showed more positive results than those funded with public money. They reported that “An earlier systematic review of 274 influenza vaccine studies published up to 2007 found industry-funded studies were published in more prestigious journals and cited more than other studies independently from methodological quality and size. The review showed that reliable evidence on influenza vaccines is thin but there is evidence of widespread manipulation of conclusions and spurious notoriety of the studies. The content and conclusions of this review should be interpreted in light of this finding.”36 According to Tom Jefferson, head of the Vaccine Field Group at the Cochrane Database Collaboration, “The vast majority of the studies (are) deeply flawed. Rubbish is not a scientific term, but I think it’s the term that applies.”37
Translation: A lot of scientific misconduct is required to report conclusions that support flu vaccines.
Even the package inserts on the vaccines state that they are not effective. For example, the package insert for FLULAVAL 2013-2014 formula for Influenza subtype A viruses and type B virus states, “…there have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccinations with FLULAVAL.”38
Flu Vaccines and Healthcare Workers
Despite this information, healthcare workers (HCW) are routinely forced to get an annual flu shot, and often threatened with termination if they refuse. One of the reasons is that reimbursement rates from Medicare/Medicaid are tied to vaccination rates for hospital staff. Hospital systems must have a 90% or higher vaccination rate or they lose 2% of their funding from these programs.39
The flu shot does not protect patients, since patients do not get the flu from asymptomatic healthcare workers, whether or not they have been vaccinated. A meta-analysis conducted by CDC researchers confirmed this, showing that flu vaccines for healthcare workers offer little protection. The analysis looked at four studies from long-term facilities or hospitals and concluded that the impact on lab-confirmed flu was not statistically significant. The researchers noted that there are no estimates available on the number of deaths from flu in frail elderly people. Furthermore, the researchers ranked the quality of evidence for HCW vaccination on mortality as moderate and the quality for both influenza and hospitalization as low.40
Physician Daniel O’Roark, an outspoken critic of mandatory vaccines, refers to flu season as the yearly “influenza hysteria and the absurdity known as mandatory vaccination of HCW.” O’Roark states that it has until recently been considered absurd to mandate medical treatments of any type for people who are mentally competent; for minors and those who were incompetent, consent would be given by parents or those with legal power of attorney. The reason, according to O’Roark, is that all medical treatments, including vaccines, subject people to varying degrees of risk.41
Healthcare workers are fighting back. A New Jersey appeals court ruled in favor of a nurse after she was fired for refusing a flu shot without claiming a religious or medical exemption, stating that the hospital that employed her “unconstitutionally discriminated against” June Valent when she was unfairly denied unemployment benefits.42
Nationally, 17% of hospital workers refuse the flu vaccine, and during the 2014-2015 flu season, 30% of hospital workers in New Jersey, Florida, and Alaska refused. There are 3662 hospitals in the U.S. and 966 report that 25% of their workers say “no,” and 140 report that half or more are saying “no” to flu vaccines.43
Flu Vaccines and Pregnant Women
Pregnant women are also coerced into getting flu vaccines. According to the CDC’s website, “if you are pregnant, a flu shot is your best protection against serious illness from the flu. A flu shot can protect pregnant women, their unborn babies and even the baby after birth.”44 But the package insert for the H1N1 vaccine states, “It is not known whether these vaccines can cause fetal harm when administered to pregnant women or can affect reproduction capacity.”
Another study concluded that flu vaccines cause an inflammatory response in pregnant women and that inflammation increases the risk of both preeclampsia and premature birth. The researchers added that more research is needed to determine that flu vaccines are safe.45 The package insert for FLULAVAL states, “Safety and effectiveness of FLULAVAL have not been established in pregnant women or nursing mothers.”46
The FDA states that unless vaccines are specifically intended to be used in pregnant women, pregnant women are not eligible to participate in clinical trials, and that if a woman becomes pregnant during a clinical trial, she should not receive any more vaccines.47 Yet the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology says, “Any of the licensed, recommended, age-appropriate, inactivated influenza vaccines can be given safely during any trimester. Therefore, it is critically important that obstetrician–gynecologists and other obstetric care providers recommend and advocate for the influenza vaccine.”48
What We Can Expect From the COVID-19 Vaccine
Obviously, nothing has been learned from previous flu vaccine programs, and nothing has changed. The rush to develop a COVID-19 vaccine is on, and speed seems to be most important – much more than safety. On April 6 Bill Gates announced that his foundation would invest billions of dollars to fund companies that develop COVID-19 vaccines. “Our foundation is trying to be as helpful in a very constructive way as possible. And that’s why I’ve talked to the head of the pharmaceutical companies. We’ve talked to a lot of the agencies, including -- CDC and NIH about how we work together on the vaccines and the drugs.”49
This time, risks associated with the vaccine might be even greater. Fauci acknowledged this in an interview with Howard Bauchner MD, Editor in Chief for JAMA, April 8, 2020. “One of the things you have to be careful of when you’re dealing with a coronavirus is the possibility of enhancement.” He said that some vaccines cause antibody dependent enhancement (AED), which paradoxically leaves the body more vulnerable to severe illness after inoculation.50
Other scientists are urging caution. Vaccines developed for feline infectious peritonitis virus increased risk of cats becoming infected, and the same result has been found in animal studies for other coronavirus vaccines.51
SARS-CoV vaccines induced antibody response but caused immunopathologic-type lung disease and excessive and dangerous host immune response and severe pneumonia when tested in mice.52 53 Researchers who conducted another study wrote, “These data raise significant concerns regarding [double-inactivated vaccine] DIV vaccine safety and highlight the need for additional studies of the molecular mechanisms governing DIV-induced eosinophilia and vaccine failure, especially in the more vulnerable aged-animal models of human disease.”54
There are also considerable conflicts of interest concerning Moderna, a U.S. biotech company, which is the leading contender for bringing a COVID-19 vaccine to market. Its vaccine is the first one to be used in clinical trials. The vaccine uses a new technology called messenger RNA (mRNA).
Vaccines normally work by training the body to recognize and respond to viruses and bacteria. They are made from small or inactivated samples of a virus that result in an immune response when injected into the body.
mRNA vaccines trick the body into producing the viral proteins by using messenger RNA. When injected into the body, cells read the “instructions” to build a viral protein and create viral molecules. The immune system then produces antibodies to attack them.
This technology has never been approved for use before. There are many unknowns, including whether this technology is safe, and how long immunity would last. And then there are those recurrent conflicts of interest.
Fauci is head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. Scientists in his agency, in conjunction with researchers working for Moderna, developed mRNA technology55 in collaboration with The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation (CEPI)56 and patented it.57 Six of the researchers listed on the patent application work for the NIAID and are:
Moderna’s January 6, 2020 letter to shareholders included this statement:
“We believe mRNA vaccines have the potential to provide some critical advantages for preventing the spread of debilitating and deadly infections. A November 2019 review of novel vaccine technologies published in Nature Reviews Immunology and written by John R. Mascola (from NIH) and Anthony S. Fauci noted the potential of mRNA, stating, “The combination of preclinical and clinical data bodes well for the potential of mRNA vaccines to serve as a rapid and flexible platform that will be useful in responding to both seasonal and pandemic influenza, and by extension to any newly emerging infectious agent.”58 There is nothing quite like having the head of the NIAID on your side when trying to rush a new technology to market!
In February 2020, Moderna reported that it had shipped the first batch of the mRNA-1273 vaccine against novel coronavirus to the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) for use in a planned Phase I study in the U.S. The study is called “Safety and Immunogenicity Study of 2019-nCov Vaccine (mRNA-1273) to Treat Novel Coronavirus.”59 In the rush to develop a vaccine, researchers are being permitted to bypass the usual protocol that includes testing on animals and have moved directly to human trials. “Outbreaks and national emergencies often create pressure to suspend rights, standards and/or normal rules of ethical conduct. Often our decision to do so seems unwise in retrospect,” wrote Jonathan Kimmelman.60
Bill Gates firmly believes in the technology, writing, “That’s why I’m particularly excited by two new approaches that some of the candidates are taking: RNA and DNA vaccines. If one of these new approaches pans out, we will likely be able to get vaccines out to the whole world much faster.”
“Our foundation—both through our own funding and through CEPI—has been supporting the development of an RNA vaccine platform for nearly a decade. We were planning to use it to make vaccines for diseases that affect the poor like malaria, but now it’s looking like one of the most promising options for COVID. The first candidate to start human trials was an RNA vaccine created by a company called Moderna.”
He added that “In order to stop the pandemic, we need to make the vaccine available to almost every person on the planet.” He states that the Gates Foundation is working with CEPI, WHO, and governments to figure out how to make seven billion doses of vaccine; 14 billion doses if it turns out to be a multi-dose product.61
What a bonanza for drug companies. If Gates’ and Fauci’s dreams come true, and seven billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine are made – just one for almost every man, woman and child on the planet – at a cost of even $50 per dose the drug companies would take in $350 billion dollars just for one dose!
But there is more…
Bill Gates not only wants to see the entire world vaccinated, he has invested a considerable amount of money in technology that would allow vaccines to be delivered using a digital identity that keeps track of who has received vaccinations. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has invested $21 million to develop vaccine technology that injects invisible nanoparticles under the skin that can be read by smartphones.
Kevin McHugh, assistant professor of bioengineering at Rice University describes the technology as “something like a barcode tattoo.” “The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation came to us and said, ‘Hey, we have a real problem – knowing who’s vaccinated. So our idea was to put the record on the person. This way, later on, people can scan over the area to see what vaccines have been administered and give only the ones still needed.’”62
Researchers have already published a study showing that the technology works with a vaccine against COVID-19.63 Gates funded another study in which researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Institute of Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing and the Global Good, Intellectual Ventures Laboratory in Bellevue, Washington determined that “near-infrared quantum dots” can be implanted under the skin along with a vaccine to encode information for “decentralized data storage and bio-sensing.“ The researchers created a platform capable of encoding data on individuals for at least 5 years after administration, and which could be read using a smartphone.64
Fauci agrees with this also, and in an interview on CNN on April 10, 2020 he said that the government is considering issuing certificates of immunity to Americans to identify who has been infected. He further said that he could imagine a time when people would be required to carry such identification in order to move around freely.65
This is not as futuristic as it might sound. A digital identity program, launched in 2018, is being implemented in poor, rural communities in West Africa right now. Trust Stamp is an “identity authentication” company that has partnered with the Bill Gates-funded GAVI vaccine alliance and Mastercard. The partnership’s product is a GAVI-Mastercard Wellness Pass which is a digital vaccination record, identity system, and payment system. Mastercard has stated publicly that it is committed to promoting centralized record-keeping of childhood immunizations and professes to be the leader in a program called “World Beyond Cash.” Funding for this project was matched by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.66
The initiative uses a technology called Evergreen Hash that creates a “3D mask” based on a single picture of a person’s face, palm, or fingerprint. Each person receives a “hash” that evolves over time, for example, every time a child or adult receives another vaccine.67
The technology is promoted as a way to help people living in areas without internet access, medical care and traditional banking; but, it is also being used for other purposes, such as “biometric voter management” in countries like Ghana. Like so many other Gates-funded projects, the recipients of the program are less enthusiastic about it than those promoting it. Many question using much-needed financial resources to re-register millions of people to vote when there are so many other more pressing issues in many of these countries, such as hunger.
Trust Stamp is also marketing its services to prisons and parole officers as a replacement for ankle bracelets, and to police departments for use in surveillance and “predictive policing.” Contact tracing software has already been used to track participants in protests in response to the killing of George Floyd.68
Some people are already alarmed that the cashless payment systems could at some point be mandated, particularly since cash has been, for the first time, characterized as being “dirty” and a potential method for spreading COVID-19.
The ID 2020 Alliance is another initiative that launched its new digital identity program in September 2019. The Alliance is comprised of multiple partners including the government of Bangladesh, the GAVI vaccine alliance, and several other partners in government and academia. The program uses vaccination to establish digital identity and was originally promoted as a means for tracking people in third world countries who do not have birth certificates or medical records. But the city of Austin, has joined ID2020 and is working with partners to use it to “empower homeless people with their own identity data.”69
An Israeli company founded by a former spy is now partnering with Rhode Island to use artificial intelligence to profile Americans who are already infected with COVID-19 or who are at risk of becoming infected. This information can then be given to government officials so that both individuals and the communities they live in can be targeted for mandatory testing, treatment, and lockdowns. The company says it is negotiating partnerships with several other states, hospital systems and healthcare providers, and has already signed a contract with Mayo Clinic.70
Is this a good idea?
There are many people who are frightened by the idea of the federal government collecting and monitoring personal health information, particularly after Edward Snowden, a former contractor for the CIA, revealed that American intelligence agencies were conducting extensive internet and phone surveillance on almost the entire population without anyone’s consent.
The opposition is not to all data collection. For example, the U.S. Census is mandated by the constitution and is taken every ten years for the purpose of determining the number of seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives, and also to determine where billions of dollars in federal aid will be distributed. Minimal information is collected, and it has never been used in an inappropriate manner.
There are many episodes in history, however, in which data gathering was done for more nefarious purposes. The Soviets gathered data on its citizens on several occasions and used the information to promote “re-education,” collectivism and a Communist agenda.
The Nazis used the census of 1939 as a means for gathering massive data on German citizens. In partnership with Dehomag, a German subsidiary of IBM, a punch card system was used to determine, among other things, the religion of each and every German. IBM developed a Hollerith Machine to tabulate the data. A precursor to the computer, it was used to sort the cards to arrest and move Jews to concentration and death camps. The Germans used this system in other European countries as well.
At the time that these plans began, no one had any idea that the data gathered could or would be used for these purposes. Consider that the data collection and sorting technology was very primitive as compared to the technology Gates and his followers are currently proposing for Americans and their health records.
No Way Out
Perhaps the most frightening aspect of COVID-19 vaccine is the speed with which others are joining with Gates and Fauci to require that all people be vaccinated, and even that tattoos or implants be mandated.
In an article in USA Today on August 10, 2020 three doctors, Michael Lederman, Maxwell J. Mehlman and Stuart Youngner, state that a COVID-19 vaccine should be mandatory, and that severe penalties should be imposed on any who refuse to be vaccinated.71 They wrote, “Private businesses could refuse to employ or serve unvaccinated individuals. Schools could refuse to allow unimmunized children to attend classes. Public and commercial transit companies — airlines, trains, and buses — could exclude refusers. Public and private auditoriums could require evidence of immunization for entry.” Additionally, they wrote, tax penalties, higher insurance premiums, and even denial of both government and private services should be denied to anyone who will not get the shot; and that all religious and medical exemptions should be denied.
The doctors also endorsed the creation of a “registry of immunization,” and the issuance of “certification cards” with expiration dates, which would force people to get booster shots as determined by the government.
Lederman, Mehlman and Youngner go so far as to compare the fight against COVID-19 to World War I and World War II, writing, “Everyone contributed, no one was allowed to opt out merely because it conflicted with a sense of autonomy, and draft dodgers who refused to serve were subject to penalties. True, conscientious objectors could refuse to use weapons for religious reasons, but they were obligated to help out in other ways, serving in noncombatant roles. There are no such alternatives for vaccination.”
This is a ridiculous comparison. It is estimated that there were 37 million deaths attributed to World War I, and 70-85 million deaths during World War II. In mid-August 2020 there were approximately 762,000 reported COVID deaths worldwide.72
There is even more screening and tracking already in use…
There seems to be no end to the surveillance that is justified by COVID-19. At the Dubai airport, trained COVID-sniffing dogs are used to detect persons who are positive. The Dubai Health Authority has established a screening area in which trained canines sniff samples from armpits of travelers. If the dogs suspect COVID, passenger are then forced to take a nasal PCR test.73
Some states require that employers regularly conduct temperature checks, and screen for symptoms regularly. Employees can be required to undergo screening as a condition of employment.74
COVI-PASS is an immunity passport that can be scanned at a distance to determine a person’s COVID status. It’s described as a “digital health wallet” that allows “everyone the ability and peace of mind to return to work, life and travel.”75 When read it flashes green if a person has tested negative, red if the person has the virus, and yellow if it is time to be re-tested. In May, it was reported that the passes were being shipped to both governments and businesses in over fifteen countries, including Italy, France, India, and the U.S.76
The problems with products like COVI-PASS are horrific. We have already documented the inaccuracy of the tests, which means that hundreds of millions of people could be excluded from work, school, and general participation in society. Health information is supposed to be private, including immune status, and the passes display a person’s status. Even the World Health Organization has concluded that “there is not enough evidence about the effectiveness of antibody-mediated immunity to guarantee the accuracy of an “immunity passport” or “risk-free certificate.”77
Even schools are contemplating the use of surveillance. School officials in New Albany, Ohio announced that it was testing a system that would involve students wearing an electronic device that would track their location. The device would let officials know if students are social distancing and allow immediate contact tracing if a student tested positive for COVID-19.78
In addition to the electronic tracking, the hysteria over COVID-19 has resulted in draconian rules in the few schools that plan to offer live classes in school buildings. Teachers and students must wear masks, children must maintain six feet distance between desks and even when walking in hallways, there is no recess, no lunch period, no music classes, no singing, and few or no extracurricular activities.
There are even more rules for athletes. High school athletes are forced to sign a “pledge” stating that they will be regularly tested, agree to be quarantined if they are in contact with anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 or if they themselves test positive, get a flu vaccine, wear a mask at all times, participate in contact tracing, practice physical distancing and wash their hands frequently as conditions of playing sports.79
Colleges and universities are requiring that all students agree to random testing and will not be permitted on campus if they refuse. At Ohio State University, faculty and staff are required to do a “health check” daily which involves answering questions and temperature taking, after which they are issued a check mark that allows them on campus.80
A booklet developed by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services called “Local Community-Isolation Site Operation Manual” describes protocols for the operation of isolation camps for those who are not able to self-quarantine because they live with other people. It includes job descriptions and guidelines for transporting COVID-positive patients to the facility.
These are just a few of the rules outlined in the manual:
This sounds like instructions given to people reporting to prison.81
Wisconsin is not the only state that has such facilities. The National Guard in Arkansas was charged by the Governor to transport COVID-positive people to an isolation facility near Little Rock in July 2020 if they were unable to quarantine completely alone82
Government overreach is even worse in some other countries. In Melbourne, Australia, citizens cannot leave their homes between 8PM and 5AM. The only permissible reason for leaving one’s home at any time is work, study, to shop for “essential supplies,” medical care, and daily exercise for a maximum of one hour. Exercise must be performed no more than 5 km from one’s home. Only one person per household is permitted to shop, and only once per day, and shopping must be conducted within 5 km of home. All non-essential businesses are closed which is almost all businesses. No guests are permitted in homes, and weddings are not permitted. All children are learning at home; no schools are open.83
New Zealand experienced 100 days with no cases, and after four members of the same family were deemed probable cases, the country started locking down again. In Auckland, where the family lives, most businesses and schools are closed, and bars and restaurants can only offer takeout food. In the rest of the country, people can still go to work, and children are in school, but masks and social distancing are required.84
The population of Auckland is 1.6 million and the population of New Zealand is 4.8 million. There are four “probable” cases in Auckland and the city is locked down tight and the rest of the country is restricted. Is this the new normal? The world must be free of all COVID-19 cases for people to regain freedom? Freedom can be taken away as soon as there is a “probable case?”
We the people need to unite for one purpose on which we can all agree – we need to take our freedoms and liberties back again. If we do not, there will come a time when no one can protest – about anything. The only thing standing between where we are now and a complete inability to gather and protest is one more capricious and senseless order from our rulers.
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