All citizens of the world must wake up and act now!
MANY WELL-MEANING people are circulating petitions and sending emails to government leaders. Detailed and well-researched information has been presented to our rulers as evidence that their policies are ill advised and harmful. As we have seen, the despots are not interested in science, and in fact are not interested in our welfare at all.
We are not going to change the minds of people who can hurt us in such egregious ways.
There is something we can do. We can unite! The tens of millions of Americans who are fed up with this insanity can gather and declare our independence from tyranny. Our American initiative is called MAKE AMERICANS FREE AGAIN and we hope that it will become the template for other countries to declare freedom from their rulers as well.
With this initiative, we the people are announcing a new normal to the despots – it is called Citizens in Charge. Politicians are not the boss of us. They only have jobs because we elect them, and we can un-elect them. Health officials have no authority over our lives either. Here is a message for all the despots – and you know who you are – your 15 minutes are up. Citizens are now in charge!
Acting now flips the script on the despots and sends the clear message we are done with their precedent-setting. We the people must set the precedent of standing up for our freedoms. While the following points are specific to the current situation, it is entirely appropriate to consider these actions at any point in the future when government officials forget their role – which is to represent and do the work for the people!
To accomplish our goal, we are forming a huge group of Americans around a simple, easily understandable platform:
“I want the freedom to accept or reject vaccination for myself and my minor children. The state or federal government cannot force me or my minor children to be vaccinated without my express permission.”
We are one-issue voters. We agree to vote for politicians who are for our platform and we vote out those who are not. We make this choice regardless of party affiliation and without any consideration for other political issues, understanding that there is no issue more important than the basic freedom from unwanted and potentially dangerous medical intervention.
If you agree with this platform, you join our group. If not, you don’t. Simplicity is important.
As we develop our database of people who are of like mind, we will help them connect with one another at the local level to fight against remaining COVID-related restrictions. We have seen that large numbers of people defying lockdown restrictions usually get away with it. A great example is the recent protests and riots. Thousands of people were in one place without social distancing and nothing happened.
Others include entire counties that have notified their rulers that they are opening up, sheriffs who have informed the despots that they will not enforce the rules, and huge churches that have held services in packed rooms with singing allowed.
There is strength in numbers, and people need to be able to find like-minded people so that they can join forces, pressure government officials, and even engage in civil disobedience if necessary.
The despots have not yet built concentration camps, usually referred to as re-education centers in other countries ruled by despots. This is most likely coming soon, however, so we need to act now!
It is especially important that we stay razor focused on the simplicity of our approach. Everyone can understand it. Everyone can explain it. It is a yes or no question for a politician. Simplicity is key since we have already seen that the complicated approach does not work.
We have also planned activities that we think are important to the types of people who are interested in our simple platform – freedom from unwanted and harmful medical intervention.
We will provide resources and guidance for parents who decide to withdraw their children from schools (different than schooling at home as directed by despots while your children are still enrolled in public or private schools).
Studies show that 40% of parents are considering this, and more would do it if they knew how. There are a couple of reasons for this. Many parents have discovered that their kids were not learning much at school, and the psychological damage that will result from the draconian plans the schools have developed will last for a lifetime. These include the requirement to wear masks, stay 6 feet apart from other children, no shared supplies, no lunch, no recess, and riding to school on a bus with one child in every other row.
Some states have already passed laws mandating that children receive dozens of vaccines as a prerequisite for enrollment. Many are considering adding mandatory COVID-19 vaccines when they are available, too.
Parents need assistance in choosing online schools and/or curricula; identifying parents, adults, or babysitters who can supervise children whose parents work outside the home; and arranging local activities for home-schooled children like social gatherings, sports, arts and theater classes, and field trips. Home schooled kids do not lack social interaction, or any other benefits of traditional schools. We have built a resource center to assist parents in making this transition.
In addition to providing better education and protecting children from ridiculous rules and vaccine mandates, increased home schooling will provide another great benefit. School districts receive funding, in part, based on enrollment. Declining enrollment means less funding, and some buildings may even have to close. While many parents may choose to continue to home school regardless of what schools do, some systems may figure out that they cannot ignore what local parents want and become much more accommodating.
We are developing a network of lawyers who will represent people whose civil rights are being violated by any government official or agency, and who will organize class action lawsuits when warranted. Lawsuits for loss of income, destruction of businesses, wrongful death, mental and emotional abuse, and violation of civil rights are just a few of the lawsuits currently being filed. Families of children who have gone backwards academically should sue. Until we can get rid of the despots, we need to keep them busy in court day after day after day and find ways to go after them personally. Government officials often do bad things and they rarely face consequences. This time they have stepped so far over the line that many are most likely personally liable for what they have done.
Once we regain our freedom, we collectively agree to help businesses that are struggling to survive. We purchase anything we can from them, offer business advice, financial support when possible, and assistance in relocating, negotiating with landlords and other help as needed.
Rationale for Doing Things This Way
Why do things this way instead of trying to persuade politicians based on science? Enormous amounts of work and money have been invested in trying to prevent and reverse vaccine mandates. Well-researched documents have been prepared for legislators; health professionals and other experts have provided exceptional testimony; and parents have told horrifying stories about their injured children. The problem is that for every document the pro-freedom side presents, the other side presents one too. For every health professional or researcher who provides testimony, mandate advocates present one to say the opposite. For every consumer who offers a story in support of freedom of choice, a consumer who insists that “anti-vaxxers” are a danger to her children tells a story too. At the end of the day there is no winner. Petitions and emails also have little impact.
A major barrier is the gargantuan funding drug companies and medical associations give to political campaigns and political action committees (PACs). It is reasonable to assume that these entities expect a return on their investment. Historically their investment seems to have paid off; thus, they continue to support politicians who support their agenda.
The limitation of political contributions is that they cannot buy votes. And what politicians want more than anything is to remain in office. Thus, blocks of voters, if large enough, can be formidable.
Another problem is the complexity of the vaccine issue, with competing experts, confusing research, and the ability of elected officials to claim that more research is needed, more time is required for thought, or more people need to be consulted before decisions can be made.
Thus, the key to swaying politicians is to make the proposition simple: “I want the freedom to accept or reject vaccination for myself and my minor children. The state or federal government cannot force me or my minor children to be vaccinated without my express permission.” Are you a yes or a no on this issue? If you choose not to answer, our group will assume the answer is no.”
It is common for state representatives and senators to win their races by only a few hundred or a few thousand votes, which means that a group of us in a district equal to the winning margin in the last election can be very threatening to a politician’s future. It is not necessary to target all pro-vaccine politicians in a legislative body. Our success in a few districts can be expected to influence others who do not wish to lose their elections over this issue.
We have a limited time to take our country back! It is time to act now!