As I mentioned in the dedication, this book wouldn’t be here without some of the most wonderful editors and authors I’ve worked with over the years, so I’ll say it again. Thank you to Matthew Bright, Anthony Cardno, Nicci Robinson, Victoria Villasenor, and Jerry L. Wheeler. You are the glitter of the holidays I still find stuck to things mid-March.
I mean that in the best way, really.
I need to further underline Jerry L. Wheeler and Matthew Bright, Jerry for his always-brilliant editing and Matt for making this book so darn pretty. That’s right, he’s not just an editor, he’s a massively talented artist. Trust me, I understand you might want to try to hate him for it, but he’s just too nice and cuddly.
More massive thank-yous go to Marie Bilodeau and Lydia Hawke, who are so very often my wing-women when it comes to self-publishing (by wing-women I mean they take my panicky texts because I have to fill in a form somewhere and remind me I’m a human adult and capable of filling in forms and calm me down again).
Last, of course, but by no means least, my husband, Dan and our rescued husky, Max. If it weren’t for my husband, I couldn’t do this. Every time I finish a book I realize how freaking lucky I am to have fallen in love with such a brilliant man. (That’s not rose-tinted glasses, by the way, he graduated university with a literally perfect GPA, which a friend pointed out just before our first date, so let’s all cheer how incredible it is I made it past the sheer intimidation factor alone.)
Max gets thanked mostly because if I don’t people get mad at me, and he’s a husky and if he feels left out there’ll be hell to pay. Also, I love him.