Living with Crohn’s and Colitis Cookbook is a great first step for anyone with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) who would like to explore a change in their diet and nutrition to better their health. This cookbook, written by Dede Cummings, a fellow Crohn’s patient, features tips on living a more holistic lifestyle by looking at the person as a whole and learning how to deal with all aspects of their condition. It is filled with practical, accessible, and up-to-date knowledge that will assist someone with IBD in exploring alternative ways to achieve their health goals.
Everyone with IBD is different; this is what makes us unique and a bit challenging. We are responsible for finding what works for each of us. We must educate, explore and implement what is given to us and make it our own. What may work for one person with IBD may not work for another.
Being a Crohnie myself, I know it can be daunting when first trying to navigate your diet and nutrition, which is why I support this book and was honored to contribute to it. One of the first books that helped me find alternative methods to treat my Crohn’s was written by Dede. That book, Living with Crohn’s & Colitis: A Comprehensive Naturopathic Guide for Complete Digestive Wellness, co-authored by Dede’s naturopath, Jessica Black, ND, opened my eyes to a world I did not know existed.
I understand how overwhelming it may seem when first diagnosed with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. I know this from my own experiences as well as from the many stories I have heard through my foundation, The Crohn’s Journey Foundation. Every day I hear at least one new story of someone taken aback and confused by a diagnosis they had never heard of before. When I was first diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, I did not take it seriously. It was not until September 2012, when I was hospitalized and felt like I could not survive another day, that I really accepted that this was a serious disease. I wanted guidance on how to help myself get better and realized in order to do this, I had to look beyond western medicine. Looking back at that time, armed with the knowledge I now have, I see the necessity of a whole mind, body approach..
After reaching out to Dede, I continued my research and began to reach out to other holistic and alternative practitioners and advocates. I pursued my foundation and made it a mission to teach others who were also struggling with Crohn’s and IBD that there are other options besides medication—it is a whole soul, body, and mind approach. I wanted to emphasize that yes, diet does matter.
I am very passionate about holistic approaches to IBD, and that is why I feel this book is needed. Remember; take what you find in here as an outline to achieving your health goals. This book should be a road map where you fill in the blanks and figure out what works for you and what doesn’t. I hope this will inspire you, as it has me.
Sending love to all your bellies,
Founder, The Crohn’s Journey Foundation