Agni, Ars Interpres, Australian Book Review, Conjunctions, Denver Quarterly, Ecopoetics, Griffin Review, Hurricane Blues Anthology, Manhattan Review, Meanjin, New American Writing, New England Review, Overland, Poetry Ireland, Poetry Review, Southwest Review, Sub-Tropics, The Age, The Australian, The Australian Literary Review, The Best Australian Poetry 2007, The Idaho Review, The Iowa Review, The West Australian, The Yale Review, Transitions
The television excerpt on Canto Interpolation: Closed off on their properties…is from the December 4, 2006, broadcast of The 7.30 Report (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), at
Thanks to the University of Western Australia; Churchill College, Cambridge University; and my family. Also thanks to Jill Bialosky, my editor at Norton, for believing in this work.
The author wishes to acknowledge that the writing of this work was assisted by a New Work for Established Writers Grant from the Literature Board of the Australia Council.