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- Affatato, Carmine, 24–29, 37, 44, 45, 95, 103
- Affatato, Charles, 323, 324, 325
- Affatato, Domenick, 323, 324, 325
- Affatato, Domenico, 24, 25, 27, 40–41, 95, 163
- Affatato, Edward, 323, 324, 325
- Affatato, Epifanio, xi, xvii–xviii, 44–48, 78, 125
- in Flanders, 229
- in France, 163, 224, 225–26, 228, 229, 241, 255–62, 264–65, 268, 269, 270, 327
- heroism of, 265, 268, 270, 322, 323
- induction and training of, 162–63, 164
- journey of, 24–29, 36–38, 40–41, 362n
- medals won by, 322
- postwar life of, 322–25, 327
- start of war and, 95–97
- superstitions shed by, 226
- U.S. citizenship papers of, 103–4
- wounding of, 264–65, 268
- Affatato, Filomena Mancuso, 323, 324
- African Americans, 110, 150–51, 247, 248, 333
- Aguinaldo, Emilio, 76
- Aire River, 290, 291, 298, 300, 308
- Aisne-Marne operation, 205–20
- Aisne River, 219, 273, 287
- Alabama National Guard, 149–50
- Alcatraz, Calif., 184, 186–87, 321–22
- Alexander II, Czar of Russia, 94, 179
- All Quiet on the Western Front (Remarque), 213
- Alpine Landing, N.Y., 188, 189
- America, Americans
- becoming, 63–64, 67–68, 77–78, 93, 101–2, 120, 313–14
- character of, 66
- forced integration as, 154–55
- hyphenated, 101, 113, 154
- Teddy Roosevelt Sr.’s views on, 67–68, 101, 102
- American Cemetery 88, 306
- American Expeditionary Forces (AEF), xvi, xxii, 132–33, 203, 239, 240, 317, 328
- Pershing made commander of, 130, 365n
- size of, 147
- American Scene, The (James), 65–66
- American Truth Society, 102
- Amish, 178, 180
- Anabaptists, 178
- Anaconda Copper Mining Company, 86, 104–5
- Ancient Order of Hibernians, 105, 126
- anti-Austrian sentiments, 202
- anti-German sentiments, 173–84, 202
- anti-immigrant sentiments, xvii–xviii, xx, 34, 66–68
- anti-Semitism, 94, 150, 236, 333. See also pogroms
- Argonne, xv, xix, 247–53, 255, 257, 273, 289–93, 296–308, 328
- Argyle Coal Company, 59, 60, 116
- Arlington National Cemetery, Unknown Soldier at, 335–36
- Army, U.S., 122–56
- carelessness with equipment in, 225
- chaplains in (see chaplains)
- draft for (see draft, U.S.)
- forced integration in, 154–55
- Foreign-speaking Soldier Subsection of (FSS), 141–42
- lack of preparedness of, 123–24
- morale problems in, 140–41, 203, 259
- National, 142, 159, 162, 164
- in Philippine-American War, 75–76
- Regular, 123, 142, 148, 161
- training and equipping ineptitude of, 145, 164–65
- ASARCO, 108
- Assembly of God church, 344
- Atlanta, Ga., 117–18, 165–66
- Atlantic Fleet, 73
- Australian Corps, 247, 256, 269
- Austria-Hungary, 17, 70, 91, 104, 146, 202, 272, 328
- at Caporetto, 146, 147
- Jews in, 94
- Slovak views of, 107, 138, 139
- start of war and, 79–80, 83, 84–85
- surrender of, 306
- in Triple Alliance, 97
- U.S. declaration of war against, 128–29, 138, 147
- Austrian Americans, 140
- Authe, 308
- Baker, Newton, 180
- Bar-sur-Aube, 282, 283
- Barzini, Luigi, 96
- Base Hospital 34, 305–6
- Basilicata (formerly Lucania), xvi, 7–12, 52, 315–16
- bayonets, 151, 244, 259–60
- Kocak’s use of, 201, 368n
- Belarus, 30, 92
- Belfast, 19–20, 42, 114, 317
- Belgic (ship), 190, 193
- Belgium, 43, 91, 98, 288
- Germans in, 80, 82, 85, 87, 94, 146, 175, 306
- in Grand Offensive, 247, 300–302
- Belleau Wood, Battle of (1918), 168–71, 197, 199, 204, 275, 276
- Bellizzi, Charles, 195
- Benedict XV, Pope, 103
- Berlin, 81, 306
- Bessemer, Mich., 87–91, 143, 144, 216, 218
- Bessemer Brewing Company, 89, 90
- Bethincourt, 250, 251
- Bible, 174, 178, 346
- Binghamton, N.Y., 106–7, 137–39, 272, 273, 342, 343
- blacks
- in French armed forces, 203–4, 205
- See also African Americans
- Black Tom Island explosion, 114–15
- Blanc Mont, 248, 271–95, 306, 309, 334
- Bliss, Fort, 171–72
- Blue Riband, 31
- Bois de Breteuil, 210, 216
- Bois de Fays, 289
- Bois des Loges, xv, 298–300, 302–6, 308, 341
- Bolsheviks, xviii, xx, 142, 146, 157, 314, 333
- bombing, 203, 224, 232, 308, 327
- Bony, 258, 270, 370n
- boot camps
- fighting at, 149–51
- See also names of specific camps
- Bosnia, 79, 80
- Bouresches, 169, 207, 208
- Brandenburg, Broughton, 26, 29, 33–34
- Brattestø, John, 16, 55
- Brattestø, Magnus Andreas. See Christofferson, Andrew
- Brattestø, Tollef, 55, 84
- Brest, 161, 282
- Brevda, Mr., 4–6, 30
- British Expeditionary Force, 114, 157–58, 317
- British Military Medal, 23, 322
- Brooklyn, 36, 131, 324, 331
- Italians in, 41, 44–47, 95, 97, 103–4, 162, 163
- Brown, Winks, 318
- Browning guns, 46, 139
- Bryan, Eugene C., 142
- Buell, Ralph Polk, 255–56, 258, 263–64, 268
- Buffalino, Mrs., 53
- Buffalino family, 52, 53
- Buffalo, N.Y., 62, 128
- Buffs (regiment), 229
- Burges, Richard F., 153–54, 283–86, 334
- Butte, Mont., 20, 42, 81, 86–87, 104–6, 133
- antidraft sentiments in, 126–27
- postwar, 317–18
- Cahan, Abraham, 50, 93–94, 126
- Cain, James M., 257
- Calabria, 9, 24–25, 97, 103, 104, 225, 226
- California, 76, 118, 227, 336
- Campania (ship), 32, 34–35
- Camp Bowie, 153–54, 283
- Camp Custer, 143–44
- Camp Devens, 165
- Camp Dix, 164, 329
- Camp Forrest, 161
- Camp Funston, 180
- Camp Gordon, xviii, 133, 136–37, 139–42, 147, 152, 159, 231, 272
- FSS at, 141
- “Camp Gordon plan,” 141–42
- Camp Lewis, 133, 149, 173, 175, 181, 186, 188
- Camp Meade, 134, 135
- Camp Merritt, 188–89
- Camp Pike, 144, 206, 340
- Camp Sevier, 171
- Camp Upton, xviii, 134–35, 156, 159, 162–63, 165, 196, 322
- Camp Wadsworth, 150–52, 160, 161–62
- Canto Degli Emigranti, Il (“The Song of the Emigrants”), 12–13
- Caporetto, 146, 147
- Carnegie Steel Company, 11
- Carranza, Venustiano, 108
- Carras, Nicholas, 237–38
- Carrizal, Battle of (1916), 110
- Catholics, 101, 333
- chaplains for, 196–97, 208, 239, 258
- Italian, 9, 103, 140
- Kaszub, 88, 145, 208, 216–17
- Polish, 17–18, 59, 60, 61, 81, 127–28, 140
- Slovakian, 70, 106–7, 140
- cavalry, U.S., 108, 110, 166–67, 346–47
- Champagne, 236, 248, 273–87, 309
- Champigneulle, xv, 298, 299
- chaplains, 196–97, 208, 216–17, 219, 239, 258
- Jewish, 196–97, 234, 268, 270
- marine, 287–88
- Chase, William Merritt, 42
- Château-Thierry, 168, 198, 209, 232
- Chauchat machine gun, 236
- Chicago, Ill., 128, 185–86
- Chinook, Mont., 56, 84, 86, 171, 344
- chlorine gas, 98, 152, 269
- Chmielewski, Chester, 61
- Chmielewski, Frank, 17–19, 58–62, 116, 122–23
- postwar life of, 329, 330
- start of war and, 81–83, 95
- Chmielewski, Joseph (nephew), 330
- Chmielewski, Joseph (uncle), xi, xvii, 17–19, 60–63, 116–17, 122–23, 191
- enlistment of, 129–30
- in Great War, 78, 307–9
- postwar life of, 329–30
- start of war and, 81–83
- training of, 161–62
- in transport to Europe, 190
- Chmielewski, Mary Yablonsky, 61–62, 116, 329
- Chopin, Frédéric, 17
- Christian Science Monitor, xxi
- Christofferson, Andrew, xii, xvii, 13–16, 54–56, 99, 362n
- enlistment and training of, 170–71
- in Great War, 78, 293–94, 307, 309–11
- journey of, 35, 41
- postwar life of, 344–46
- religious conversion of, 55–56, 85, 344
- start of war and, 84–86
- Christofferson, Juline Ostrem, 16, 35, 344
- Christofferson, Nellie, 345
- Christofferson, Norman, 344–45
- Christofferson, Ruth, 345
- Christ Stopped at Eboli (Levi), 7
- Cieminski, Boleslaw, 338, 339
- Cieminski, Mary. See Kondziela, Mary Cieminski
- Cieminski, Maximilian, xii, 87–91, 143
- death of, 213–18, 337–40, 369n
- drafting and training of, 143–45
- in France, xviii–xix, 159, 160, 205–11, 213–18, 234
- missing trigger finger of, 89, 207
- stake in war of, 87–88, 95
- Cieminski, Mrs. Paul, 90
- Cieminski, Paul, 88, 89, 90
- Ciorlano, 57, 243
- citizenship, U.S., 74, 322–23, 372n
- amended law and, 167, 188, 237–38
- draft and, 128–31, 133, 165
- Civilian Public Service (CPS), 321
- Civil War, U.S., 100, 124
- Clapp, Eugene H., 54, 104, 125
- Clark, George B., 278–79
- Clark, Sergeant, 264
- coal mines, 45, 58, 59, 60, 116, 329
- Coburn, Harold D., 183
- Columbus, N. Mex., 108–9
- Committee of the Foreign Born, 185–86
- Committee on Public Information (CPI), 177, 184–86
- con artists, 25–26
- Congress, U.S., xx, xxii, 83, 333–34, 338
- draft and, 120, 123, 124
- entry into war and, 119–21
- naturalization laws and, 167
- Congressional Medal of Honor, 326, 327, 342, 343
- Congress Poland (Russian Partition), 18–21, 92
- Connecticut Fights (Strickland), 218, 369n
- Conrad, Joseph, 17
- conscientious objectors (COs), 100–101, 131–32, 175, 178, 180–81, 319–22
- court-martials of, 181–84, 187, 188
- noncombative service and, 180
- copper mining, 42, 43, 86–87, 104–5, 116, 126
- Cosgrove, Bertram M., 236–37
- Costantino, Leonardo, 191, 194, 226–27, 238–39, 251, 292–93, 301
- courts-martial, 72, 181–84, 187, 188
- Creel, George, 177, 184–86
- Croix de Guerre, 318, 323, 343
- Crump, Irving, 134–35, 155
- Cubberley, Ellwood P., 66
- Cuisy, 250, 251
- Cukela, Louis, 148, 201–5, 207
- Cunard Line, 31, 32, 42, 98–100
- Cunel, 302, 306
- Czechoslovakia, 342, 343
- Czechoslovak Legion, 138
- Danforth, William, 174
- D’Angelo, Pascal, 25
- Daniels, Josephus, 343
- Davenport, Charles, 66
- Day of Sorrow (1919), 333
- Debs, Eugene V., 177
- Declaration of Neutrality (1914), 83–84
- Decorah Posten, 84–85, 86, 99
- democracy, 119, 124, 312, 317
- Democrats, 112–13, 118, 326
- development battalions, 141, 162
- Dewey, Thomas, 343
- Dickebusch Lake, 229
- Doane, Francis H., 265, 270
- Dominican Republic, 111–12
- Domnitz, Aaron, 49
- Dos Passos, John, 191–93, 207–8, 336
- draft, U.S., 120, 123–33, 162
- exemptions from, 128–29, 131, 163
- Hutterites and, 131, 173–75, 180
- opposition to, 126–27, 130–31
- physical exams and, 132, 143
- Dreben, Helen Spence, 153, 282, 334–35
- Dreben, Samuel, xii, xx, 69, 73–78, 364n, 367n
- at Blanc Mont, 282–86, 288, 334
- daughter’s death and, 282, 334, 371n
- Hollywood qualities of, 284, 371n
- in Lorraine, 309, 372n
- marriages of, 153, 336
- in Philippine-American War, 75–76
- postwar life of, 334–37
- in Punitive Expedition, 109–10, 334
- as soldier of fortune, 74, 77, 108, 153
- synagogue of, 234
- in Texas National Guard, 153–54
- Drum, Hugh A., 252–53
- DuBois, W. E. B., 45
- Duffy, Francis, 219, 223, 230
- Duvid (Sam Goldberg’s maternal uncle), 92
- education, 19, 94, 117, 152
- Edward, Prince of Wales, 322
- 8th Irish Fusiliers, 114
- 18th Field Artillery, 171–72
- 81st “Wildcat” Division, 171, 293–94, 307, 309–11
- 82nd “All-American” Division, 142, 152, 159–61, 299, 316
- 320th Field Artillery of, xv–xvi, 142, 159–60, 231–33, 238, 290, 291–92
- 325th Infantry of, 159–60
- 85th Division, 144
- 87th Division, 144, 145
- Eisenhower, Dwight David, 327
- election of 1916, U.S., 112–13, 118
- Ellis Island, 34–41, 46, 48, 115, 189
- Ellis Island Marine Hospital, 38
- El Paso, Tex., 74, 77, 108, 153, 233–34, 282, 334–35
- Emergency Quota Act (1921), 333–34
- Empress of Russia (ship), 189–91, 193
- enemy aliens, 147, 152, 172, 202
- draft exemption of, 128–29, 131
- Germans as, 177–78
- P. Kocak as, 147, 272–73
- England, 68, 74–75, 159–60
- English language, 137, 160, 164
- Cieminski’s scant knowledge of, 143, 144
- Cukela’s use of, 202–3
- school for, 152
- Epieds, 207, 209–11
- Epstein, Alexander (Zender), 3, 5, 30, 50, 91, 92, 93
- Epstein, Harold, 331, 332
- Epstein, Ida Rubinstein, 331, 332–33
- Epstein, Jacob, 50
- Epstein, Julius, 331, 332
- Epstein, Leonard, 331, 332–33
- Epstein, Meyer, xii, xvii–xix, 189
- background of, 2–6, 333
- dietary laws and, 289
- in Great War, 78, 234–39, 289, 332
- induction and training of, 165
- journey of, 30, 32, 35, 42
- in New York, 42, 48–51, 67, 91–93, 125, 331, 332–33
- postwar life of, 330–33
- sinking of Lusitania and, 98–99
- start of war and, 91–95
- Epstein, Sarah, 2–3, 50
- Epstein, Yehuda, 2–3, 5, 6, 30, 35, 49–50, 331
- Espionage Act (1917), 176–77
- ethnic slurs, xix–xx, 137, 149, 196, 223
- eugenics, 66–67, 363
- Everett, William, 347–48
- Ewert, J. Georg, 186–87
- Falkenhayn, Erich von, 107
- Feland, Logan, 278, 280
- Fifficktown, Pa., 58–62, 116–17, 122–23, 129, 191, 329
- 5th Marine Regiment, 147–48, 168–70, 198–205, 207
- Blanc Mont and, 272, 274–81
- 15th New York Infantry (Harlem Hellfighters), 150–51
- 58th Infantry Regiment, 234–37, 249, 289, 330–31
- Finnish miners, 86, 126–27
- Fiore, Rosa, 24, 40, 163
- First Amendment, 177
- First Army, Russian, 80, 82
- First Army, U.S., 302
- 1st Division, 147, 148, 198, 204
- 1st Infantry Regiment, 111, 130, 150
- Fitts, Lieutenant, 227
- Flanders, 96, 130, 152, 158, 229–31, 247, 301, 318
- musical entertainment in, 223–24
- Flying Circus, 203
- Foch, Ferdinand, 168, 198, 200, 228, 246–48
- food, 45, 62, 74–75, 85, 141
- on ships, 31, 32, 33, 191
- in war, 226, 229, 249, 289, 294, 303
- Ford, Henry, 46
- Foreign-speaking Soldier Subsection, 141–42
- Forenza, 7–12, 52, 53, 231, 315–16, 317
- 42nd “Rainbow” Division, 219, 222, 230, 235
- Forverts (Daily Forward), 50, 91, 93–94, 98–99, 119, 126
- 4th “Ivy” Division, 234–37, 249, 251, 253, 330–31
- 4th Marine Brigade, 168–69
- Fourth of July, 147, 184–88
- France, 43, 72, 82, 98, 114, 129, 130, 142, 145–49, 157–61, 163, 164, 167–72, 194–220, 222–28, 231–44, 247–311, 315, 317, 341
- divisions of, 142
- Germans in (see Germany, Germans: in France)
- Germany’s declaration of war on, 80
- Grand Offensive in (see Grand Offensive)
- London Pact and, 97
- number of Americans in, 158–59
- peasants in, 224–25
- readiness for war of, 68
- training incompetence in, 145
- in Triple Entente, 94
- U.S. arrival in, 147, 161, 282
- U.S.-British forces combined in, 228–31
- U.S. troops lent to, 247, 274
- See also names of specific places and battles
- Franco-Prussian War, 309
- Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria-Hungary, 79–80, 82, 85
- French army, Blanc Mont and, 274, 275, 277
- French Foreign Legion, 198
- French Moroccan Division, 198, 203
- Frohman, Charles, 99
- Galicia, 91–92, 96, 333
- Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 6
- gas alarms, 148
- “gas house,” 152
- gas masks, 148, 151, 152
- General Order 151, 237
- George V, King of England, 87, 159–60
- Georgia, training camp in. See Camp Gordon
- Georgia, USS, 72, 280
- German Americans, 324, 334
- at Camp Gordon, 140, 142
- conscientious objectors and, 100–101, 131–32, 178, 180, 181
- election of 1916 and, 112, 113, 118
- as enemy aliens, 177–78
- fear of, 294–95
- reactions to war of, 100–103
- return home of, 100, 365n
- stereotypes about, 245
- German language, 143, 144, 175–76, 178, 179, 321
- Germany, Germans, 18, 42, 85–88, 96–103, 112–15, 118–21, 145–49, 173–87, 315, 322, 326
- back of the head shootings by, 369n
- in Battle of the Somme, 113–14
- in Belgium, 80, 82, 85, 87, 94, 146, 175, 306
- bombing by, 203, 224, 232, 308
- at brink of revolution, 306–7
- at Caporetto, 146
- chlorine gas used by, 98
- emigration from, 21
- in Flanders, 229
- Forverts backing of, 94, 99
- in France, xv, 107–8, 145, 146, 148, 149, 157–58, 168–70, 198–211, 214–16, 219, 225, 228, 232–33, 235, 237–41, 244–54, 256–70, 273–80, 283–300, 303–11, 324, 327, 369n
- as Huns, 85–86, 173, 202
- Jews in, 94
- Lusitania sunk by, 98–100
- Mexican alliance of, 108, 118–19, 167, 346
- passenger ships of, 26–29, 31, 33
- in Poland, 91–92
- postwar, 330–31, 333
- as prisoners of war, 225, 239–40, 246, 267, 291
- readiness for war of, 68
- retreat of, 306
- Russia’s fighting with, 82, 88
- Russia’s peace with, 146
- statistics on, 100, 365n
- surrender of, 246
- in Triple Alliance, 97
- U-boats of (see U-boats, German)
- U.S. declaration of war on, xxii, 124, 126, 128, 138, 146, 180
- vulnerability in line of, 198
- war declared by, 80
- Giosi, Antonio, 243, 296, 305, 306
- Goldberg, Asriel, 21, 40, 63, 165, 346
- Goldberg, Leib, 63
- Goldberg, Samuel, xii, 20–21
- enlistment and training of, 165–67
- furlough of, 233–34
- in Great War, xviii–xix, 346–47
- journey of, 32, 34–35, 38, 40
- postwar life of, 346–47
- Goldberg, Sarah, 34–35, 38, 40, 63, 346
- Gornitz, Dora, 35, 48, 49, 50
- Gow, Kenneth, 152
- Grand Offensive, 247–310
- attack on Hindenburg Line in, 247, 255–70, 274
- Blanc Mont in, 248, 271–95, 306, 309, 334
- Meuse-Argonne offensive in, 247–53, 255, 296–308
- Grandpré, 300, 302, 308
- Grant, Madison, 67, 68–69
- graves, 335–40
- in Flanders, 229, 230
- in France, 196, 216–17, 267, 270, 287–88, 306, 337–38, 342, 343, 370n
- of Jews, 196
- in United States, 318, 325, 327, 335–36, 339–40, 372n
- Graves Registration Service, 217, 288
- Great Britain, 30–31, 129, 241, 254, 315, 334
- in Battle of the Somme, 113–14, 115, 124
- divisions of, 142
- entry into war of, 80
- in Flanders, 96, 130, 247
- in Grand Offensive, 247, 257, 262
- guns used by, 139, 190
- Irish views of, 87, 102, 105, 126, 149, 229–30
- London Pact and, 97
- Military Medals awarded by, 268
- sinking of Lusitania and, 99–100
- in Triple Entente, 94
- U.S. divisions lent to, 228–31, 247, 256, 274
- Greece, Greeks, 129, 141
- Greene, H. A., 183–84
- Gregory, Thomas W., 176, 177
- grenades, 145, 151–52, 227, 244, 260, 263
- E. Affatato’s throwing of, 265, 270
- Valente’s use of, 266, 267
- Gross, Chaim, 50
- Guggenheim family, 108
- Guillemont Farm, 256, 262, 269
- guns, 46, 152, 345
- rifles, 139, 151, 201, 291, 308
- ship, 190–91
- See also machine guns
- Gutentag, Morris, xx–xxi
- Gutowski, Boleslaw, 155–56
- Gutowski, Stanislaw A., 141
- Haggerty, James A., 206–7, 208
- Haig, Douglas, 113–14, 228, 246–47
- Haller, Jozef, 129
- Hamilton, George W., 275–78, 280
- Harbord, James, 204
- Harries, Meirion, 102
- Harries, Susie, 102
- Haugesund, 13–16
- Havre, Mont., 344–46
- Hawie, Ashad G., 149–50
- Hayward, William, 150–51
- Hedges, Chris, xix, 260
- Hendrix, James V., 338
- Herschkowitz, Jack, 135, 156
- high explosives, 211–13, 218, 232, 233, 303
- Hill, James J., 56
- Hillman, Rolfe L., Jr., 124
- Hills, Orlando G., Jr., 209, 211, 214, 215
- Hilt, Reynolds B., 181
- Hindenburg, Paul von, 82
- Hindenburg Line, 157, 240–41, 273
- attack on, 247, 255–70, 274, 288, 323, 324, 325, 327
- mustard gas and, 269
- Hirsch, Baron Maurice de, 50
- Hitler, Adolf, 67
- Hoey, Peter, 258
- Hofer, David, 173–75, 179–87, 188, 319–22
- Hofer, Jacob, 321
- Hofer, Joseph, 173–75, 179–84, 186–87, 188, 319–22
- Hofer, Maria (Joseph’s wife), 320, 321
- Hofer, Maria (Michael’s wife), 320
- Hofer, Michael, 173–75, 179–84, 186–87, 188, 319–22
- Homestead Act, 84
- homesteading, 16, 41, 55, 56, 84
- Hoover, Herbert, 326
- horses, 166, 231–32, 291–92
- House of Representatives, U.S., 121
- Huerta, Victoriano, 77
- Hughes, Charles Evans, 112, 113, 118
- “Hugh Selwyn Mauberley” (Pound), 195
- Hunt, LeRoy P., 280
- Hutter, Jakob, 178
- Hutterites, 173–75, 178–84
- as conscientious objectors, 101, 131, 175, 178, 180–84, 188, 319–22
- courts-martial of, 181–84, 188
- imprisonment of, 184, 186–87, 319–22
- origins of, 178–79
- Immigrant Act (1924), 333–34
- immigrants
- cessation of flow of, 80
- Fourth of July dedicated to, 184–86
- grapevine of rumor, misinformation, and wishful thinking of, 129–30, 140
- quotas on, 333–34
- as refugees, 21
- strange ideas about, 65–68
- immigrant soldiers
- amended naturalization law and, 167, 188
- author’s selection of, 360n
- poor physical condition of, 154
- Ingalls, Albert G., 230, 269
- insurance policies, 144, 296, 339, 341
- International Workers of the World (IWW; Wobblies), 45, 81, 86, 105, 126, 177
- Inverclyde, Lord, 31
- Iraq War, 292
- Ireland, Irish, 19–20, 21, 42–43, 63, 317
- British as viewed by, 87, 102, 105, 126, 149, 229–30
- draft opposed by, 126–27
- election of 1916 and, 112, 113, 118
- in 69th Infantry, 219, 222, 230
- stereotypes about, 149, 245
- iron mining, 90
- Italian Americans, 206, 290, 313, 326
- as blacks, 65
- in Brooklyn, 41, 44–47, 95, 97, 103–4, 162, 163
- at Camp Gordon, 140, 141
- draft and, 25, 129, 132–33
- ethnic slurs and, 137, 149
- start of war and, 95–97
- stereotypes about, 149, 245
- in 310th Infantry, 302–3
- Italy, Italians, 6–13, 16, 21, 40, 51–54, 56–59, 334, 361n
- at Caporetto, 146, 147
- departures from, 24–29
- immigrant remittances to, 9–10, 103
- neutrality of, 96–97
- on ships, 28–29, 33, 34
- unification of, 6, 7
- wartime returnees to, 103
- in World War II, 326–27
- Jackson, David T., 277
- Jacobson, Gerald R., 257, 263, 266
- James, Henry, 65–66
- James, Luther R., 284, 286
- Jastzemsky, Father, 59
- Jewish Welfare Board, 234
- Jews, 1–6, 20, 21, 81, 142, 314, 361n
- at Camp Gordon, 141
- in cavalry, 166–67
- as chaplains, 196–97, 234, 268, 270
- dietary laws of observant, 289
- draft and, 129, 131
- education of, 94
- fall of the czar and, 119
- in Newark, 63
- in New York, 21, 49–51, 66, 91–93, 131, 222, 290, 331
- Rosh Hashanah and, 233–37
- start of war and, 91–92
- stereotypes about, 149, 245
- as veterans, 322–23, 332, 333
- See also anti-Semitism
- Johnson, Douglas V., II, 124
- Jonsson, Patrik, xxi
- Justice Department, U.S., 176, 177
- Kalisz, 91–92
- Kansas, 319–21
- Kasovich, Israel, 33
- Kaszubia, Kaszubs, 88–89, 90, 143
- Kaszubian language, 88, 143
- Keegan, John, 158
- Kelly, Francis J., Jr., 278–79
- Kennedy, David, 177
- Kerensky, Alexander, 146
- Kilmer, Joyce, 219
- Kim, Alexander, 269
- Kinloch, Lieutenant, 161
- Knoll (Picardy), 256, 262–68, 270
- Koblenz, 330–31
- Kobrin, Leon, 49
- Kocak, John, 137, 342
- Kocak, Julia, 106, 137, 147, 342, 343
- Kocak, Matej, xiii, xx, 69–74, 77–78, 137–40, 145, 364n
- as American, 77–78
- bayonet use of, 201, 368n
- in Binghamton, 106–7
- death of, 279–80, 287–88, 342–43
- in Dominican Republic, 111–12
- in France, 147–48, 168–70, 197–205, 207, 271–76, 279–80, 283, 287–88, 342
- furlough of, 137–39
- going AWOL of, 72, 280
- as warrior, 69–70
- Kocak, Mr. (cousin Paul’s father), 138, 140, 272
- Kocak, Mr. (Matej’s father), 70, 71, 72
- Kocak, Paul (Matej’s brother), 106, 137, 342
- Kocak, Paul (Matej’s cousin), 106, 138, 139–40, 147, 272–73
- Kocak, Roza, 72, 343
- Kondziela, August, 89, 143
- Kondziela, Marguerite. See Riggs, Marguerite Kondziela
- Kondziela, Mary Cieminski, 89, 90, 143, 144–45, 339, 340
- König Albert (ship), 26–29, 36–37
- Ko´sciuszko, Tadeusz, 17
- Ku Klux Klan, xx, 333, 335
- labor unions, 86, 93, 329. See also International Workers of the World
- Larimore, N. Dak., 54–56, 84
- Laskin, Emily, 348
- Laskin, Samuel, 361n
- La Società, 104
- Leavenworth, Fort, 319–21
- Lejeune, John A., 274, 277–78
- Lemberg (Lviv; Lvov), 91, 96
- Lengel, Edward G., 248
- Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov), 146
- Leskovar, Christy, 301–2
- Levi, Carlo, 7, 11
- Levin, Samuel, 20, 171–72
- Levinger, Lee J., 196–97, 268, 270
- Lewis, Isaac Newton, 46
- Lewis, John L., 329
- Lewis machine gun, 46, 139
- Liège, 85, 247
- Lithuania, Lithuanians, 3, 18, 82, 123
- Little Italies, 51–52
- Liverpool, 30, 75, 159, 193
- Lodz, 20–21
- London, 74–75, 97, 159–60
- London Pact (1915), 97
- Lone Tree Trench, 265, 270
- Long Beach, N.Y., 325–26, 327
- Long Island National Cemetery, 325, 327
- Lorraine, 236, 309, 372n
- Lost Battalion, 290–91
- Louvain, 85
- Ludendorff, Erich, 157, 168, 198
- Lugg, T. B., 287–88
- Lukens, Carl J., 162
- Lusitania (ship), 30–32, 41–42
- Luther, Martin, 178
- Lutheranism, 15–16, 55
- Lymansville, R.I., 57–59
- lynchings, 176
- machine guns, 175, 203, 206, 232, 238, 257
- German use of, 145, 169, 200–201, 204, 208–11, 215, 219, 225, 235, 237, 250, 253, 262, 263, 264, 266–67, 276, 278, 284, 286–87, 291, 299, 300, 303–4
- Lewis, 46, 139
- in Mexican Revolution, 77
- U.S. training for use of, 161–62, 236
- Mackin, Elton E., 277, 278, 281, 282
- Madalena, Ralph, 327
- Magdalena (girlfriend of Antonio Pierro), 316, 317, 348
- Magyarization, policy of, 70
- Mancuso, Filomena. See Affatato, Filomena Mancuso
- Marcone, Pasquale, 303
- Marcus, Jacob Rader, 150
- Marine Corps, U.S., 71–74, 106, 107, 108, 137
- breaking ranks and retreat of, 276–78, 280
- in Dominican Republic, 111–12
- in France, 107–205, 271–83
- qualifications for, 168
- self-confidence of, 168, 202
- Solo Club of, 201–2, 205, 207
- Marne salient, 198–99, 204, 205, 207, 219, 235, 240
- Mastine, Joseph, 151, 152, 266–67
- Mauretania (ship), 31
- Mažár, Imrich, 139
- McCormack, John, 185, 186
- McKinley, William, 75
- McPherson, Leslie Allen, 304
- McRae, James H., 305
- medical inspection, 27–28
- Mennonites, 101, 131, 178
- Metz, 240, 308
- Meurthe et Moselle district, 232
- Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, 342, 343
- Meuse-Argonne sector, 247–53, 255, 296–308
- Meuse River, 306, 309
- Mexican Revolution, 73, 74, 77, 81
- Mexico
- German alliance with, 108, 118–19, 167, 346
- U.S. relations with, 73, 74, 77, 108–12, 130, 167, 334
- Mezzogiorno, Il, 7–13, 21, 24–25, 28, 29, 41, 52
- Mickiewicz, Adam, 17
- Military Intelligence Division, U.S., 141–42
- Miller, Archie, 52
- Minder, Charles, 245–46, 294–95
- mining
- accidents in, 105, 116, 127, 318
- See also coal mines; copper mining; iron mining
- Minskoff, Sam, 51, 93
- Moellering, Edward, 347
- Montana, 20, 56, 84–87, 178
- enlistment in, 133
- Hutterites in, 179, 321
- See also Butte; Chinook
- Monte Cassino, 110, 327
- Montfaucon, 248–53, 273, 342
- Montgomery, W. S., 287
- morale problems, 140–41, 158, 203, 259, 276
- Moranville, 310
- Morro Castle, SS, 73, 74
- Moselle River, 232, 240, 330
- Mount Vernon, 185
- Mourners’ Parade, 333
- Munson, Edwin S., 163
- music, 12–13, 34, 176, 222–24, 309
- mustard gas, 269, 302, 328
- Mustico, Angelo, 224
- Nancy, 232, 235, 236
- Nantes, 305–6
- Naples, 25–26, 53, 362n
- Naród Polski (Polish Nation), 81–83
- National Guard, 109, 110, 123, 126, 142, 219
- National Registration Day (June 5, 1917), 13–27
- naturalization laws, 167, 188, 237–38
- Navy, U.S., 73, 176, 322
- Nebraska, 16, 41, 55
- Needham, Gordon A., 215
- Nelms, James A., 277
- Neumann, Nellie C., 310–11
- New England National Guard. See 26th “Yankee” Division
- New Jersey, 37, 63, 188, 325, 338
- New Mexico, 108–9, 119, 167, 233, 346
- New York City, 24, 35–42, 44–52, 113, 119, 150
- arrival in, 36–42, 53
- Black Tom Island explosion and, 114–15
- draft in, 125, 126, 131, 165
- Lower East Side in, 35, 48–51, 66, 91–93, 131, 222, 290, 331
- marine recruiting office in, 72, 107
- parades in, 322, 324, 325, 333
- peace demonstration in, 102
- See also Brooklyn; Staten Island
- New York City Department of Sanitation, 323, 324, 325
- New York Harbor, 114–15, 188, 331
- New York National Guard, 111, 125, 130
- 1st Regiment of, 111, 130, 150
- 7th “Silk Stocking” Regiment of, 150–51
- New York Times, 80, 81, 85–86, 125, 127, 158, 186, 270, 336
- Nicholas II, Czar of Russia, 82, 94, 119
- Nichols, G. H. F., 259
- 1919 (Dos Passos), 336
- 90th Division, 304
- 91st “Wild West” Division, 149, 188, 189, 191, 226–28, 239, 253, 292–93, 317
- in Belgium, 300–302
- as Powder River Gang, 227–28
- 2nd Battalion of, 251, 252
- 92nd Marine Company, 139
- 93rd Division, 247, 248
- noncombative service, 180
- nonresistance, doctrine of, 178
- Norris, George W., 120
- North German Lloyd, 26–29, 31
- North Providence, R.I., 125, 163–64, 243, 340, 341
- Norway, Norwegians, 13–16, 21, 54–56
- start of war and, 84–86
- See also Christofferson, Andrew
- O’Connor, Sergeant, 264
- Ogdensburg, N.Y., 111, 267
- Oglethorpe, Fort, 166–67
- Oise-Aisne Cemetery, 338
- O’Leary, Jeremiah, 102, 113, 118
- Olson, Zenas A., 189–90
- 101st Infantry, 215–16
- 102nd Infantry, 160, 205–11, 213–18, 339, 369n
- 105th Infantry, 256, 257
- 106th Infantry, 256–59
- 107th Infantry, 150–52, 161, 162–63, 222, 224–26, 322
- in attack on Hindenburg Line, 255–62, 266–68, 327
- in Flanders, 229–31
- 139th Infantry, 309
- 141st Infantry, 153–54, 281–87, 309
- One Night in a Bad Inn (Leskovar), 301–2
- O’Ryan, John, 223–24, 245, 256–59, 261
- Ostrem, Juline. See Christofferson, Juline Ostrem
- Ottaviano, Antonia, 56–59, 125, 163–64, 340, 341
- Tommaso’s correspondence with, 242–44, 246, 296–97, 300, 303, 341
- Ottaviano, Ascanio, Jr., 163–64, 341
- Ottaviano, Ascanio, Sr., 57
- Ottaviano, Carlo, 163
- Ottaviano, Domenico, 163, 164
- Ottaviano, Giacomo, 163
- Ottaviano, Otto, 341
- Ottaviano, Tommaso, xiii, 56–58
- death of, 305–6, 340–42
- draft registration of, 125
- in Great War, xviii–xix, 238–39, 242–44, 246, 296–300, 302–6, 308, 341
- induction and training of, 163–64, 165
- Padgett, Edward R., 135
- Pale of Settlement, 1–6, 21, 30, 32, 49, 74, 91–94, 119, 236, 334, 361n
- Hutterites in, 179
- roundups of Jews in, 92, 93–94
- start of war in, 91–92
- tzedakah in, 3, 5–6, 333
- See also names of specific places
- Palo, Matt E., 224
- Paris, 80, 81, 334
- German advance on, 168, 169, 198
- U.S. troops in, 147
- Parsons, Lloyd C., 307
- Passing of the Great Race, The (Grant), 67, 68–69
- peasants, French, 224–25
- Peck, DeWitt, 277
- Pellegrini, Angelo M., 33
- Pellicoro, Peter I., 288
- Pershing, John J., 203, 332, 335, 343
- citizenship and, 237–38
- in France, 130, 147, 168, 219–20, 228, 237–40, 246, 247, 252, 253, 274, 334
- open warfare and, 151, 219–20
- in Punitive Expedition, 109–10, 111, 167, 334, 365n
- U.S. divisions lent by, 228, 247, 274
- Pétain, Philippe, 252
- Philippine-American War, 75–76
- phosgene gas, xv, 269, 299
- photographs, 57–58, 165, 169, 317, 345
- Piasecki, Peter F., 128
- Picardy, 255–57, 327
- Pierro, Antonio, xiii, xv–xviii, 145
- background of, xvi, xxii, 6–13, 362n
- at Camp Gordon, xviii, 133, 136–37, 140, 152, 159, 231
- drafting of, 132–33
- draft registration of, 125
- in England, 159–60
- ethnic slurs and, 137, 149
- in Great War, xv–xviii, xxii, 78, 142, 159–60, 231–33, 238, 290, 291–92, 299, 347
- journey of, 41
- postwar life of, 315–17, 347–48
- in Swampscott, xvi, 53–54, 67, 104, 125, 132
- Pierro, Daniele, 10–12, 104, 317
- Pierro, Guarino, 10–12, 104
- Pierro, Maria, 316–17
- Pierro, Michele, 10–12, 104, 125
- Pierro, Nicola, 10–12, 104, 315–16, 317
- Pierro, Nunzia dell’Aquila, 8, 10, 11, 52–53, 316, 317
- Pierro, Rocco, 8, 10, 52–54, 65, 67, 104
- Pierro, Rosa, 10–12
- Pierro, Vito, 10–12, 104, 317
- Piltz, Father Francis, 61, 62
- pogroms, xx, 2, 20–21, 94, 333, 334
- poison gas, xv, 98, 152, 233, 238, 269, 299, 302, 328, 365n
- Poland, Poles, 17–19, 58–63, 143, 166, 334, 361n
- at Camp Gordon, 140, 141
- draft registration and, 127–30
- election of 1916 and, 118
- in Fifficktown, 58–62, 116–17, 122–23
- morale problems of, 140–41
- postwar, 328–30, 333
- start of war and, 81–83, 91, 92, 93
- stereotypes about, 245
- See also Chmielewski, Joseph; Cieminski, Maximilian
- Polish Army (Haller’s Army), 129
- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 17
- Polonia, Wis., 88–89, 128, 338
- Pound, Ezra, 195
- Prager, Robert Paul, 176
- Pratt, Arnold, 301
- prisoners of war, 240
- German, 225, 239–40, 246, 267, 291
- Progresso Italo-Americano, 95–97, 103, 104
- Protestant Reformation, 178, 179
- Protestants, 154, 196–97
- Prussia, 17, 82, 328
- Punitive Expedition, 109–10, 111, 130, 167, 334
- Purple Heart, 372n
- railroads, 25, 39–40, 46, 48, 56, 173–75, 319
- to boot camp, 135–36
- Des Moines, 95
- in France, 147–48
- troop transit, 188–89, 309
- Villa’s attack on, 108
- Raskin, Alexander, 135–36, 327–28
- Rau, George R., 218, 219
- Red Scare era, 142, 314, 333–34
- Reed, James, 124
- Reggio di Calabria, 24, 362n
- religious conversion, 55–56, 85, 196, 344
- Remarque, Erich Maria, 213
- Republicans, 112, 113
- Retz Forest, 199–203
- Rheims, 95–96, 158, 169, 198, 207, 272, 273, 287
- Rhine River, 330, 331
- Rhodes, Pamela Ottaviano, 341, 342
- Ricci, Basil, 341
- Ricci, John (nephew), 341–42
- Ricci, John (uncle), 341
- Richardson, Tracy, 77, 285
- Richthofen, Baron von, 203
- Riggs, John, 339–40, 369n
- Riggs, Marguerite Kondziela, 90–91, 144, 218, 339, 340
- Riker, Matt, 149–50
- Rizzi, Giuseppe Nicola (Joe; Woppy), xix, xx
- Rockefeller, John D., 81
- Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr., 142, 168, 279, 343
- Roosevelt, Theodore, Sr., 67–68, 101, 102, 113, 134
- Rosh Hashanah, 233–37
- Rubinstein, Ida. See Epstein, Ida Rubinstein
- Runyon, Damon, 337
- Russia, Russians, 17, 83, 91–94, 315, 328, 334
- at Camp Gordon, 141
- German fighting with, 82, 88
- Germany’s peace with, 146
- London Pact and, 97
- Serbia supported by, 79–80
- Slavicization of Germans in, 179
- Russian Army, 119, 146, 334
- Hutterites and, 179
- Jews in, 1, 74, 91, 171, 361n
- See also First Army, Russian; Second Army, Russian
- Russian Partition. See Congress Poland
- Russian Revolution (1917), xviii, 119, 146, 157
- saber drill, 166–67
- St. Anthony’s Church, 59, 60, 61, 116
- St. Etienne, 275, 278, 280, 283, 286
- St. Juvin, 298–300, 308
- St. Mihiel, 242, 247, 290
- St. Mihiel salient, 148, 158, 238–41
- St. Quentin Canal, 248, 256, 262–63, 266, 268, 269
- Samsonov, Alexander, 82, 92
- Sanger, Margaret, 67
- Sant’Apollinare, 110, 327
- Sarajevo, 79, 80, 85
- Savage, Arthur, 139
- Savage, Murray, 291
- Savage Arms Company, 139
- Scala Coeli, 24, 29, 163, 323, 362n
- Schucker, Louis E., 310, 311
- Schwegler, Sergeant, 264
- seasickness, 33, 35
- Second Army, Russian, 82
- 2nd Battalion, 251, 252
- 2nd Division, 148–49, 168–69, 198, 204, 274. See also 5th Marine Regiment; 6th Marines
- Sedan, 248, 302
- Sedition Act (1918), 177
- Seicheprey, 158, 160, 206
- Selective Service Act (1917), 123, 125, 128–29
- Senegalese soldiers, 203–4, 205
- Serbia, 79–80
- 76th Depot Division, 165, 189
- 77th Division, U.S., xx, 134, 222–23, 271, 294–95
- Lost Battalion of, 290–91
- in Mourners’ Parade, 333
- 78th Division, 164, 242–44, 296–300, 302–6, 308, 328
- 79th “Baltimore’s Own” Division, 253, 257
- Shertzer, Robert S., 181
- ships, 26–37, 53, 362n
- first-class passage in, 29, 31, 34, 42
- troop transport, 147, 161, 163, 189–91, 231–32, 322, 331
- See also steerage; and names of specific ships
- shrapnel, 211–12, 213, 233, 264
- Shrapnel, Henry, 212
- Shuler, G. K., 169
- Signal Corps, 166, 167
- 6th Division, 161–62, 190, 307–9
- 6th Marines, 148, 204, 274, 287–88
- 16th Machine Gun Battalion, 161–62, 190, 307–9, 329
- 66th (C) Company, 5th Marine Regiment, 147–48, 169–70, 200, 207, 271–76, 278–79
- 69th Infantry (Fighting Irish), 219, 222, 230
- Slovak Republic, 70
- Slovaks, 106–7, 123, 128, 138, 147, 343
- at Camp Gordon, 140
- Smith, Albert C., 163
- socialism, socialists, 105, 125, 126, 177
- of Forverts, 93, 99
- Soissons, 198–205, 207, 209, 240, 275, 276, 279, 342
- heroism at, 200–201, 203–5, 280
- Solo Club, 201–2, 205, 207
- Somme, Battle of the (1916), 113–14, 115, 124
- Sophie, Duchess of Hohenburg, 79–80, 82, 85
- South Dakota, 176, 178
- Hutterites in, 173–74, 178, 179–80, 319, 320, 321
- South Fork, Pa., 58, 59, 60, 81, 82, 116, 122, 123, 329, 330
- Spence, Helen. See Dreben, Helen Spence
- Spire, James, 270, 370n
- Staten Island, 36, 50
- Statue of Liberty, 36, 115, 189
- steerage, 26, 32–35, 42, 75
- description of, 28, 32–34
- profits from, 29
- in troop transport ships, 190–93
- Sterba, Christopher M., 365n–66n
- stereotypes, 149, 245
- Stratton, Harry, 162–63
- Strickland, Daniel W., 209, 210, 211, 218, 369n
- strikes, 124, 127
- Stryckmans, Felix J., 185–86
- Suddenly We Didn’t Want to Die (Mackin), 277, 278, 281
- superstitions, 226
- Sutphen, Joseph W., 188
- Swampscott, Mass., xvi, 10, 41, 52–54, 104, 317, 348
- synagogues, 234, 331
- Syrian Christian, 149–50
- Taft, William Howard, 46
- Talese, Gay, 25
- Talmud, 3, 6
- Tannenburg, Battle of (1914), 82, 92
- taverns, 61, 106
- tear gas, 152
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 260
- 10th Cavalry Regiment, 110
- Texas, 109, 119. See also El Paso
- Texas National Guard, 153–54
- Texas Rangers, 110
- Thiaucourt, 297–98
- 3rd Division, 168, 171–72
- 13th U.S. Cavalry, 108
- 30th Division, 228, 247–48
- 35th Division, xix
- 36th Division, 274
- 141st Infantry of, 153–54, 281–87, 309
- Thompson, Denis, 114, 317
- Thompson, John (nephew), 114
- Thompson, John (uncle), 318
- Thompson, Mary, 19–20
- Thompson, Nellie, 19
- Thompson, Peter, xiii, xvii–xviii, 114, 187–89, 191
- background of, 19–20, 362n
- in Belgium, 300–302
- in Butte, 42, 86–87, 104–6, 317–18
- draft registration of, 127
- enlisting of, 133
- in France, 226, 227–28, 238–39, 251–52, 292, 317, 318
- journey of, 42–43
- postwar life of, 317–18
- wages of, 105, 365n
- Thompson, Rose, 19–20, 317
- Thompson, Sam, 105, 106
- 310th Infantry, 164, 242–44, 297–300, 302–6, 308
- 320th Field Artillery, xv–xvi, 142, 159–60, 231–33, 238, 290, 291–92
- 321st Infantry, 293–94, 310
- 325th Infantry, 159–60
- 328th Infantry, 142, 291
- 345th Infantry, 144, 206, 338, 339, 340
- 362nd Infantry, 188, 251–52, 301–2
- 364th Infantry, 191, 194, 251, 301
- Three Soldiers (Dos Passos), 191–93, 207–8
- Trader, E. J., 71
- trench warfare, 148, 151–52, 157–58, 240, 244, 246, 264
- high explosives and, 212–13
- trigger fingers, removal of, 89, 144, 207, 361n
- Triple Alliance, 97
- Triple Entente, 94
- Trugny, 209–11, 213–18, 337–38
- Turkey, 146, 306
- Turrill, Julius S., 199
- 12th Cavalry Regiment, 166–67, 233
- 26th “Yankee” Division, 158, 205–11, 213–19
- 102nd Infantry of, 160, 205–11, 213–18, 339, 369n
- 27th Division, 160–61, 195, 245, 322, 325
- chaplains with, 196–97
- in Grand Offensive, 247, 259
- lent to British, 228–31, 247
- musical entertainment in, 223–24
- as O’Ryan’s Traveling Circus, 224
- See also 107th Infantry
- tzedakah, 3, 5–6, 333
- U-boats, German, 98, 100, 105, 118, 365
- transport ships attacked by, 147, 191, 232
- Ukraine, 3, 20, 74, 91, 179, 333
- United Mine Workers of America, 329
- United States
- entry into war by, xviii, xxii, xxiii, 69, 101, 118–21, 124, 126, 128, 138, 146–47, 180
- Mexico’s relations with, 73, 74, 77, 108–12, 130, 167, 334
- neutrality of, 83–84, 94, 107
- percentage of immigrants in, 124
- in Philippine-American War, 75–76
- postwar life in, 312–48
- prewar life in, 45–46
- reactions to start of war in, 80–88, 91–97
- as world power, 68
- See also America, Americans
- Valente, Margarita, 325
- Valente, Michael, xiii, xx, 159–63
- background of, 110–11, 365n
- enlistment of, 110–11, 130
- in Flanders, 224, 229
- in France, 159, 161, 224, 228, 241, 262, 266–68, 325
- Medal of Honor won by, 326
- postwar life of, 325–27
- training of, 150, 151, 162, 163
- transport to Europe of, 160–61
- wounding of, 267, 268
- Valente, Patricia A., 313
- Valente, Paul, 111
- Valiani, Maria, 48
- Valiani, Mrs., 48
- Van Deman, Ralph, 142
- Vanderbilt, Alfred Gwynne, 99
- Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 40
- Vaux-devant-Damloup, 309–10
- Veracruz, 73, 74, 77, 108
- Verdun, 232, 236, 238, 247, 248, 298, 309
- Battle of (1916), 107–8, 110, 148, 149, 248, 249, 310
- Verdun Boche, 148, 149
- Vesle River, 219, 235
- veteran’s compensation, 329–30
- Villa, Pancho, 74, 77, 108–11, 130, 167
- Vittorio Emanuele III, King of Italy, 103
- Vosges Mountains, 293–94, 307
- wage increases, 87, 104–5
- Wagner, Richard, 240
- War Department, U.S., xix, 142, 159, 337
- chaplains appointed by, 196
- draft and, 126, 130–32, 162
- National Guard policy of, 150
- War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning (Hedges), xix
- War Risk Insurance program, 144
- Washington, George, 185, 372n
- Weisz, Eugene C., 141
- Wells, H. G., 46
- wheat, 179, 203, 208–9
- Whittle, John R., 270
- Whittlesey, Charles, 335
- Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany, 87, 102, 306
- Wilhelm of Germany, Prince, 249
- Williams, Lloyd, 169
- Wilson, Edith, 185
- Wilson, Leonard J., 201
- Wilson, Margaret, 185
- Wilson, Woodrow, 16, 46, 66, 115, 118–20, 312, 314, 328, 345
- draft and, 123, 131
- election of 1916 and, 112–13, 118
- entry into war and, 119–20, 146
- Espionage and Sedition acts and, 176–77
- Fourth of July and, 185, 186
- Mexico policy of, 73, 108, 109
- on noncombative service, 180
- “Peace Without Victory” speech of, 128
- training and equipping ineptitude of, 145
- U.S. neutrality and, 83–84, 94
- Wipf, Jacob, 173–75, 179–84, 186–87, 188, 319–22
- Wise, Frederick May, 169, 170
- Woevre Valley, 309–10
- Wood, Leonard, 145
- World War I
- Allied victory in, 246–48
- bonding in, xix–xx, 221–22, 243–46
- civilian casualties in, 85, 98–99, 364n
- Eastern Front in, 80, 82, 83, 88, 91–93, 96, 146, 157
- end of, 310–11, 313, 319
- gas used in, xv, 98, 152, 233, 238, 269, 299, 365n
- heroism in, 69, 197, 200–201, 203–5
- military casualties in, 79, 91–92, 96, 108, 114, 124, 146, 157, 158, 169–70, 204, 213–18, 219–20, 230, 239, 268–69, 275, 279–80, 291, 298, 299, 305–6, 311, 312, 315, 364n, 372n
- number of immigrants fighting in, xvi
- shrapnel vs. high explosives in, 211–13
- start of, 42–43, 79–88, 91–97
- treaty in, 312, 313
- World War II, 85, 311, 312, 314, 321, 324–27, 330, 332, 345
- Yablonsky, John, 61
- Yablonsky, Josephine, 61
- Yablonsky, Mary. See Chmielewski, Mary Yablonsky
- Yablonsky, Walter, 60, 61
- Yockleson, Mitchell, 365n
- York, Alvin Cullum, 136–37, 142, 145, 151, 291, 335
- Ypres, 98, 130, 158, 229–31, 247, 301
- first battle of, 96
- Zimmermann, Arthur, 118–19
- Zimmermann telegram, 118–19