All books come to life through the contributions of many people. This book has many. First among them is Lou Cozolino. Not only did he invite me to write it, but he guided me through every step. When the manuscript was not ready for submission he gently encouraged rigorous editing, for which he offered his talents as a superb writer and scholar. His wisdom, warmth, and patience will forever be appreciated.
The insightful readers of selected chapters who offered their expert critiques and edits include: Vincent Felliti, Jodi Trafton, Paul Golding, and Rob Decker.
My wife, Vicki, maintained patience, support, and encouragement through the nearly three-year process. This, despite making a major move, many family transitions, and retiring from our respective jobs.
The team at Norton has been the most professional, sharp, and kind that I have ever experienced in any of my prior fourteen books. Led by Deborah Malmud, with support from Kate Prince, Mariah Eppes, Sara McBride, and Nicholas Fuenzalida, made my work so much easier.