

Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

AAI. see Adult Attachment Interview (AAI)

A1 allele of D2 dopamine receptor, 140–41

alcohol abuse related to, 141

impulsive behaviors related to, 141

absorption, 209–10


inflammation due to, 65

substance, 76–78

ACC. see anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)

accelerated aging

shortening of telomeres and, 87

acceptance and commitment therapy, xxx, 265–66

for anxiety disorders, 266

ACEs. see adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)

ACE study. see Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study


function of, 72

acetylation, 72

gene suppression through, xxiii


receptors for, 165–66


amino, 123

docosahexaenoic, 122

eicosapentaenoic, 122

fatty see fatty acids

acquired characteristics

theory of inheritance of, 68

ACTH. see adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

acting “as if,” 189

action-oriented empathy, 254–55

active listening

in motivational interviewing, 57


coactivation of mental operating systems effects on, 260

synchronized, 264

acute inflammation

chronic inflammation vs., 102

acute stress

case example, 172–75

depression and, 199

progressive effects of, 172–75

acute stress disorders

PTSD from, 134

acute stressor(s)

immune responses in, 168


early patterns of, 42

sickness behavior in, 225

addiction(s), 139–61

in ACC activation, 157

accessing reward circuits in working with, 160

anxiety and, xxvi

building of strengths related to, 156–57

dopamine in, 142–43, 144f

drug delivery methods effects on, 154–55

drugs and, 154–55

gambling and, 142–45, 144f

habits becoming, xxvi

motivation and, 154–59, 158f

motivation–pleasure circuit and, 141–46

nondrug, 155

predilection for, 156

repeated use and, 155

ADH. see alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)

adrenaline, 172

adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), 80, 166

release of, 179

adult attachment

variations in, 47–49

Adult Attachment Interview (AAI), 48

adult attachment styles

assessment of, 48

advanced glycation end products (AGEs)

adverse effects of, 118–19

adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)

anxiety related to, 79

case examples, 195

categories of, 62

depression related to, 79, 219–20, 223

destructive habits associated with, 63–64

DMN effects of, 14

dopamine and cortisol levels related to, 141

epigenetic factors enhancing effects of nurturance or exacerbating effects of, 75

genetic vulnerability and, 74

health consequences of, 61–64

poor self-care associated with, 63–64

public burden of, 64

short version of serotonin transporter gene and, 74–75

suicide related to, 79

adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) questions

in health surveys, 64

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study

described, 62–64

health and mental health ramifications of, xxii–xxiii

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study scores, 62–63

autoimmune disorders later in adult life related to, 65

correlations with adverse outcomes, 63–64

depression and suicide related to, 79

aerobic exercise

benefits of, xxv

affective systems, 3

affect regulatory problems

prefrontal deficits related to, 147

affect stability

early deprivation impact on, xxii

AGEs. see advanced glycation end products (AGEs)


accelerated, 87

inflammation related to, 126


BMI related to, 111

in lean people, 111


as reward and relief from stress, 154

sleep suppressed by, 136–37

alcohol abuse

A1 allele of D2 dopamine receptor and, 141

alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)

enzyme activity associated with, 77–78

Alcoholics Anonymous, 148, 151, 257


case example, 154

cues in, 154

reward-seeking responses in, 154

alcohol use

cannabis smoking vs., 77–78

case example, 77–78


hypocapnic, 187

allostasis, xxvi–xvii, 168–72

defined, 169

described, 170

mediators of, 169–70

allostatic load, xxvi–xvii, 168–72

adverse effects of, 171–72

case example, 172–75

cumulative effects of, 173

described, xxvii, 171

Alzheimer’s disease

as “diabetes type 3,” 102

exercise in lowering risk of, 124

isoprostanes and, 119

LPS in, 111

obesity and, 101


intolerance to, 183–84

learning to tolerate, 184

amino acids

as building blocks for neurotransmitters, 123

amygdala, 160

cortisol effects on, 174

excessive activity of, 229–30

in exposure to stress-provoking stimuli, 179

fast and slow track to, 188–89

functions of, 197

in guiding choices in ambiguous and unpredictable situations, 9

hyperactivation of, xxix

in motivational system, 147, 148

in PTSD, 16

as relevance detector, 22

slowing down fast track to, xxvii

still face impact on, 36

in threat detection, 176

tracks to activate, 22–25, 23f

Analyze This, 1, 12

anger, 3

anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), 8f, 9, 16

addiction effects on activating, 157

in conflict resolution, 22

depression and, 221–22, 232–33

in detecting social and physical pain, 231–32

empathy and, 32, 254

pain and, 32

anterior insula, 7–8, 16

empathy and, 32

pain and, 32


exercise as, 126


dysbiosis related to, 109


exercise as, xxv, 126

anti-inflammatory cytokines, 96

anxiety, 3. see also anxiety disorders

ACEs impact on, 79

addiction related to, xxvi, 156

causes of, 122

depression and, 228

exercise in reducing, 129

focalized, 186–88

generalized, 181–83 see also generalized anxiety

insecure attachment and, 48

organized, 175

stress and, xxvii

telomere length and, 87–88

unhealthy lifestyle behaviors and, xxiv

anxiety disorders

acceptance and commitment therapy for, 266

amygdala effects of, xxix

anxiety organized in, 175

as autostress disorders, 175–89

emotional chaos self-organizing into, 181

exposure exercises for, 5

focalized vs. generalized, 181

formation of, xxvii

generalized, 181–83 see also generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

anxiety sensitivity, 129

benzodiazepines and, 186–87


aerobic exercise as, xxv

anxious memories, 229–30


defined, 172

appendix, 107


cortisol and, 171

sleep loss effects on, 133

appetite cycle

reward system and, 125


avoidance vs, 234–37

Arden, J.B., ix–xi, xix, 82–84

arginine vasopressin, 80, 166

Aristotle, 139, 152

“as if”

acting, 189


in immune system, 98

PICs released from, 98


genetic, 66


increase in, 126

atrial natriuretic peptide, 129


adult, 47–49

avoidant patterns of, 56

disorganized vs. secure, 44–49

endogenous opioids in, 43

implicit memory of, 41

insecure, 48

mental operating networks and, 49–51

neurochemistry of, 42–43

overlapping terms for, 42

oxytocin in, 43

in predicting adult capacity for intimacy and conflict resolution, 48

secure see secure attachment

self-soothing and, 79

variations in, 47–49

attachment research

interpersonal neurobiology and, xix

attachment styles

assessment of, 48

in coping with stress, 42

ethnic, 55–56

social self and, 41–44


contemplative, 256–67 see also contemplative attention

excessive, 39

reorienting of, 214

shift in, 214

attentional disorders

underdevelopment and underactivity in executive network and, 10

attentional flexibility

meditation in improving, 258

attention deficit disorder

case example, 51

attention synchronization, 264


case example, 249–53

emotional outcomes related to, 250

positive, 250–51

positive psychology and, 249–50


defined, 246

autoimmune disorders

ACE study scores impacting likelihood of, 65

as bidirectional causal interactions with psychological disorders, 102–3

chronic inflammation and, 97

development of, 95

feedforward loops and, 199

prevalence of, xxiv

psychological disorders related to, 94, 102–3

types of, 97

unhealthy lifestyle behaviors and, xxiv

automatic thoughts, 189

autonomic-inflammatory reflex

stress-induced, 198

autostress, 163–89. see also stress

case example, 163–89

stress and, 163–89

autostress disorders, xxvi–xvii, 175–89. see also specific disorders, e.g., generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

anxiety disorders as, 175–89

balancing executive and salience networks in, 188–89

case example, 163–89

development of, 176

exposure vs. avoidance in, 177–80

focalized anxiety, 186–88

GAD, 181–83

generalized anxiety, 181–83 see also generalized anxiety; generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

sensitization/priming for, 176–77

slow and fast track related to, 188–89

stress response systems effects of, xxvii

stress transitioning into, 177

top-down, bottom-up, and side-to-side integration in, 180–81

worry as cognitive avoidance in, 183–85


approach vs., 234–37

cognitive, 183–85

exposure vs., 177–80

in GAD, 183

hypervigilance vs., 205, 205f

trauma-related, 209–14

avoidant behaviors

depression and, 234–37

avoidant children

as dismissive adults, 48–49

avoidant patterns of attachment, 56


mid-sleep cycle, 136–37


emotional, 4

meta-, 257

bacterial pathogens

norepinephrine in growth of, 113


in gut lining, 111

Bacteroidetes, xxv, 108

“bad genes”

case example, 60–61

bad habits

case example, 157–58

changing, 157–58

bad health

psychological stressors related to, 163–64


energy, 100, 101

basal ganglia

PICs effects on, 225–26

BDNF. see brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)


avoidant, 234–37

in changing biology, 70

defensive, 193–94

emotional, 43

gambling, 142–45, 144f

health-related see behavioral health

impact on genetic processes, xxiii

impulsive, 141

lifestyle, xxiii, xxiv

passive-aggressive, 39

positive, 250–51

prosocial, 43

telomere length impact on, xxiii

withdrawal, 234–37

behavioral activation technique

within cognitive behavioral therapy, 236

behavioral health, 64–66, 92–93

case example, 91–92

CDC on, 92–93

continuum of, 149–50

physical and mental health comprising, 93

psychotherapy as, 92

behavior–gene interactions, xxii–xxiv, 59–90

behavioral health and, 64–66

case examples, 59–90

demise of genetic astrology, 66–89

developmental genomics in, 78–82, 81f

epigenetics in, 69–73

health consequences of ACEs, 61–64

in identical twins, 59–90

introduction, 59–61

“no blank slate,” 73–76

resilience and, 84–87 see also resilience

substance abuse and, 76–78

telomeres, health, and longevity, 87–89

transgenerational trauma and, 82–84

being present in the moment, xxi


in alleviating suffering, 244

core, 189

in “higher power,” 257

in interdependence, 257–58

mental health and, 248

placebo–nocebo, 246–48

placebos and, 244–53

power of, 244–53

psychotherapy-related, 247–48

belly fat

dementia related to, 101


anxiety sensitivity associated with, 186–87

depression related to, 129

beta-amyloid, 131–32


functions of, 166

release of, 179

Bettelheim, B., 56

Bifidobacterium infantis, 124

bilateral-reprocessing therapies, 212

biofeedback instruments

in attaining deeper states of relaxation, 264

biological factors

placebo effects interacting with, 248

biological feedback loops

environmental impact on, 71


factors in changing, 70

“blank slate,” 73–76

blood glucose levels

case example, 91–92

blood pressure

exercise effects on, 129

blood sugar drop

symptoms following, 117

BMI. see body mass index (BMI)

Bodhisattva peace training, 261–62

bodily feelings

as emotions, 4


carbohydrates effects on, 117

emotion and, 3–4

body mass index (BMI)

Akkermansia level and, 111

in obesity, 100–1

body sensations

panic disorder and, 5

therapy emphasizing, 211–14

body temperature

regulation of, 136–37

borderline personality disorder

dialectical behavior therapy for, 266

“boring the worry circuit,” 184

bottom-up patterns, 3

in autostress disorders, 180–81

emotions-related, 4–5

kindling motivation through, 159–61

in mind–brain–gene interactions, 112

right/left balancing with, 197–98

unbalances in, 176

bottom-up sensations, xxix

emotions constructed from, 7–8, 8f

Bowlby, J., 41


activation of inflammatory pathways in, 98–100, 99f

CEO of see executive network

chronic illnesses effects on, 155–56

emotionality as intrinsic function of, 4

exercise in enhancement and repair of, 130–31

gaps between mind and, xix

gene expression in, 73

gene expression pathways in, 76

generosity-associated areas of, 253

genes expressed in, 67

gut and, 105–6, 111

in helping essential fatty acids facilitate second-messenger system, 123

immune system interactions with, 94, 98–100, 99f

inhibiting neurotransmitters in, 76

opioid receptor activity in, 79

placebo effects in, xxix, 244–53 see also placebo effect(s)

pleasure centers of, 9

“second,” 105–6

sleep in maintenance of, 132

social, xxii, 30–31

“story” see default-mode network (DMN)

underactive areas of, 242

brain–body feedback loops, 7–8, 8f

brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), 43, 75

in brain enhancement and repair, 130

as “brain fertilizer,” 84

depression and, 220

in energy balance, 101

functions of, 122, 220

LPS effects on, 110–11

in neural plasticity, neurogenesis, memory, energy balance, and mood, 100

obesity effects on, 101

omega-3s and, 122

simple carbohydrates impact on, 119

brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene expression, 84

“brain fertilizer”

BDNF as, 84

brain functions

omega-3 essential fatty acids in, 121–22

brain growth

insulin-like growth-factor and, 85

brain health

exercise and, 130–31

factors enhancing, 88

brain maturation

insulin-like growth-factor and, 85

brain networks. see social brain networks; specific types, e.g., default-mode network (DMN)

“brand names”

transcending, xxviii


sleep-disordered, 135

“brown-out,” 100

calming effect

oxytocin and, 43–44

Canadian Community Health Survey, 65


diet high in saturated fat and, 120

increase in, 126

WHO on, 120

cannabinoid circuitry

in enjoying, 142


case example, 76–77

psychotic symptoms after smoking, 76–77

cannabis smoking

alcohol use vs., 77–78

Cannon, W., 4


BDNF effects of, 119

bodily effects of, 117

care, 3


telomere length in, 87

catecholamine(s), 173

catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) protein, 77


vulnerability vs., 74

CDC. see Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

cecum, 107

cell(s). see also specific types, e.g., spindle cells

dendritic, 106

dopamine-containing, 125

fat, 100–2

of gut, 106, 107

immune, 107

impact on genes, 71

natural killer, 168

responding to internal and external conditions, 71

“cells that fire out of sync loss their link,” 207

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

on childhood adversity effects on adult health, 61–62

on health behaviors, 92–93

on obesity, 100–1

on suicide, 224

on usefulness of ACE questions in health survey, 64

central adiposity

dementia related to, 101

central executive. see executive network

central nervous system (CNS)

chronic inflammation effects on, 225–26

CEO of brain. see executive network

CERs. see conditioned emotional responses (CERs)

Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, H.E., 261


in gene expression, 71

genetic, 69–73

intention as predictor of actual, 159–60

lifestyle, 105

motivation to, 160

psychotherapy-related, x–xi

change talk, 160–61


emotional see emotional chaos

mind–body, 164–75

Charcot, J-M, 61, 211

check-and-balance system, 197

“checked out,” 209

chemical dependency

DSM on, xxvi

childhood maltreatment

elevated levels of inflammation related to, 65

childhood psychological stress

adult health problems related to, 61–62, 64

“child of a rageaholic,” 189

child–parent dyad

as self-organizing system, 41

stories in, 53

Child Protective Services

on leaving child unattended, 56


avoidant, 48–49

co-constructing narratives with, 54–55

excessive attention and coddling effects on, 39

inflammation in, 97

leaving unattended, 56

maternal separation effects on, 45

narcissistic, 39

secure attachment in, 47

spoiled, 39


amygdala in guiding, 9

cholesterol, 172

cholesterol levels

case example, 91–92

Christian contemplation, 261

Christian Meditation, 256

chromatin, 72

chromosome(s), 72

chronic illnesses

brain changes related to, 155–56

immune system effects of, 94

obesity and, 100

physical inactivity and, 126

chronic inflammation, 96–97. see also inflammation

acute inflammation vs., 102

adverse effects of, 98, 102

anxiety, depression, and cognitive defects related to, xxiv

autoimmune disorders and, 97

causes of, 223–24

CNS effects of, 225–26

dementia related to, xxiv

health and mental health problems related to, xxiv

leaky gut and, 118

neurodegenerative diseases and, 97

PICs and, 96–97

short-term inflammation vs., 96

sickness behavior related to, 224–27

chronic insomnia

shorter telomeres and, 132

chronic pain

MBSR for, 266

chronic stress

case example, 103–4

depression and, 199

hypoactivation of HPA axis related to, 173

immune system effects of, 94

impact of, 85

pathogens’ growth related to, 113

poor health related to, 174–75

telomere length and, 87–88

circadian rhythm

for cortisol, 136

healthy, 136–37

resetting, 135–37

closed systems

open systems vs., xxix

close relationships

longevity related to, xxii

CNS. see central nervous system (CNS)


as “rock,” 154

co-constructive narratives, 54–55


excessive, 39


chronic inflammation effects on, xxiv

sleep impact on, xxv

top-down, 7–8, 8f

cognitive avoidance

worry as, 183–85

cognitive behavioral therapy, 181

behavioral activation technique within, 236

to metacognitive models, 185

for obsessive-compulsive disorder, 266

variant of, 184

cognitive deficits

causes of, 99

cognitive development

maternal depression impact on, 37–38

cognitive distortions

types of, 181

cognitive reappraisal, 160

“comfort cocoon,” 139

comfort foods, 124

communication patterns

implicit, 51–52


contemplative, 260–62

cultivation of, 257–58

empathy and, 254

expressing, 254

importance of, 260

mental health effects of, xxx

self-, 254–55, 262

compassionate engagement, 261


cultural, 57

social, 33

complex adaptive systems

feedback loops in, 268

complex decision making, xxi

complexity theory, xix–xxi

complex trauma

adverse effects of, 198

computer games

mental health effects of, xxvi

COMT gene

psychoses related to, 77

COMT protein. see catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) protein

conditioned emotional responses (CERs), 208

neutralizing, 208

traumatic, 208–9


internal, 232–33

conflict resolution

ACC in, 22

attachment in predicting adult capacity for, 48

conscious emotion

fear as, 176

conscious reasoning

in PFC, 145

contemplation, 256, 262

Christian, 261

effect of, 261

contemplative attention, 256–67

mental operating systems and, 258–60, 259f

contemplative compassion, 260–62

contemplative meditation

calming factors in, 257–58

history of, 256–57

self-compassion in, 262

contemplative prayer, 256

continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device

for sleep apnea, 135

conversion disorder, 61


stress-related, 42

core beliefs, 189

“core sleep,” 132


anterior cingulate see anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)

in emotional awareness, 4

in exposure to stress-provoking stimuli, 180

fear and, 5

posterior parietal, 11, 11f

prefrontal see prefrontal cortex (PFC)

corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), 80, 166, 167, 173

in agitated depression, xxix

hypersecretion of, 228

cortisol, 168, 170–74

ACEs effects on, 141

amygdala effects of excessive, 174

appetite and, 171

circadian rhythm for, 136

functions of, 170–71

high levels of, 130

impact on hippocampus and frontal lobes, xxv

type 2 diabetes related to, 174–75

cortisol receptors

factors impacting gene regulation of, xxiii

counterchange talk, 160

Cozolino, L., xi, xix

CPAP device. see continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device

crack houses, 154

C-reactive protein (CRP) levels

case example, 91–92

inflammation related to, 118

measurement of, 97

sleep dysregulation effects on, 135

CRH. see corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)

critical incidence debriefing

adverse effects of, 195


in autostress disorders development, 176–77

CRP. see C-reactive protein (CRP)

Crystal, B., 1


in alcoholism, 154

emotions as, 208–9

in flashbacks, 204

gambling behaviors and, 142–45, 144f

cultural competence

in psychotherapy training, 57


impact on social self, 55–57

culture-specific “display rules”

emotions-related, 3


anti-inflammatory, 96

described, 96

pro-inflammatory see pro-inflammatory cytokines (PICs)

Darwin, C., 3, 27, 68, 69

theory of natural selection of, 68–69

Dawkins, R., 68

daydreaming, xxi

non-sleep-time, 12

D2 dopamine receptor

A1 allele of, 140–41

death march, 82–83


critical incidence, 195

de Chardin, P.T., 269

decision making

complex, xxi

mental operating networks in, 21

declarative memory, 17

recalled through executive network and DMN, 20

declarative memory system

as explicit memory system, 17

“deer-in-the-headlights” mode, 194, 209

default-mode network (DMN), xxi, 6, 12–15, 13f

abnormal “resting state” activity associated with, 133

ACEs impact on, 14

case example, 50

depression and, 14–15

described, 13–15

development of, 14, 50

diet effects on, 117

exercise in decreasing and normalizing, 127

explicit memories recalled through, 20

fantasies generated in, 14–15

function of, 14–16

hyperconnectivity of, 237–38

long-term memory systems in, 21

in meditation, 258–60, 259f

PICs effects on, 227

in PTSD, 16

salience network with, 50, 238–39

sleep deprivation effects on connectivity of, 133


stages of, 193

defensive behaviors

traumatic events and, 193–94


central adiposity and, 101

chronic inflammation and, xxiv

exercise in lowering risk of, 124

obesity and, 101


causes of, 221

dendritic cells, 106

deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

described, 71

depression, 217–42

abnormal DMN activity related to, 127

ACC and, 221–22, 232–33

ACEs impact on, 79, 219–20

ACE study score and, 79

acute stress and, 199

addiction related to, 156

amygdala activity and, 229–30

amygdala effects of, xxix

anxiety and, 228

approach vs. avoidance related to, 234–37

avoidant behaviors and, 234–37

BDNF and, 220

as being stuck in psychological rigidity, xxix

benzodiazepines and, 129

biological links with inflammation and ACEs, 223

broad approach to, 241–42

causes of, 122, 222

chronic stress and, 199

cognitive and affect regulatory deficits with, 232–33

conditions related to, xxviii

described, 227–28

DLPFC and, 221–22

DMN and, 14–15

dopamine and, 228–29

effort to reestablish pleasurable activities in management of, 236

epigenetics and, 221

exacerbation of, 222

exercise in lowering risk of, 124, 127

between extremes, 239–41

in families, 223

fibroblast growth factor and, 220

GDNF and, 220

gene–environment interactions in, 219–20

genetics and, 221

hostility and, 224

5-HTTLRR in vulnerability to, 75–76

hypocorticolism and, 173–74

illnesses related to, xxviii

in infants, 36–38

inflammation and, 222–24

LPS and, 110

maternal see maternal depression

mindfulness-based cognitive behavioral therapy for, 266

neurotrophic factors and, 220–22

NGF and, 220

parental, 35–38

PICs effects on, 226–27

postpartum, 35–38

prevalence of, 218

pseudo-, 10

revolving internal conflict and, 232–33

risk factors for, 222–23

sickness behavior related to, 224–27 see also sickness behavior

social stress and, 230–32

stress and, 219, 228–32

stress–depression synergy, 227–30, 229f

suicide related to, 224

telomere length and, xxiii, 87–88

transcending rigidity in management of, 217–42

treatment of, 240–42

type 2 diabetes and, 102, 224

types of, 218–37

unhealthy lifestyle behaviors and, xxiv

withdrawal behaviors and, 234–37

in women vs. men, 218

“depression gene,” 74–75

depression switch, 233


CRH levels and, 228

depression related to, 223

early, xxii

maternal, 228

pathophysiological syndromes resulting from, 112–13

Desert Fathers, 256

Deshimaru, T., 91, 113

destructive habits

ACEs and, 63–64


in dissociation, 209–10

extreme, 209–10

levels of, 209–10

mild, 209–10

moderate, 209–10

trauma-related, 209–14


cognitive, 37–38

of DMN, 50

healthy, 39

left hemisphere during, 28–29, 29f

right hemisphere during, 28–29, 29f

developmental genomics, 78–82, 81f

diabetes mellitus

memory effects of, 119

diabetes mellitus type 2. see type 2 diabetes

“diabetes type 3”

Alzheimer’s disease as, 102

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), 66

on chemical dependency, xxvi

dialectical behavior therapy, xxx, 265–66

for borderline personality disorder, 266


of ancestors, 116–17

DMN effects of, 117

executive network effects of, 117

high in saturated fat, 120

immune system effects of, 105

inflammation and, 124–25

mainstream, 116–25

Mediterranean, 123–24

mental health effects of, xxv

Okinawan, 124, 125

Paleolithic, 117

perils of mainstream, 116–25

“plants plus,” 124

in self-maintenance, 115–25

stress tolerance related to, 116, 124

Western, 116–25

WHO on, 120

direct pathway

in response to dopamine, 148–51


intestinal, 105, 107, 109–10

dismissive adults

avoidant children as, 48–49

dismissive attachment style, 48–49

case example, 49, 50

disorganized attachment

dissociative problems related to, 47


detachment in, 209–10

trauma-related, 209–14

dissociative problems

disorganized attachment and, 47


cognitive, 181

DLPFC. see dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC)

DMN. see default-mode network (DMN)

DNA. see deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

DNA methylation

levels of, 79

docosahexaenoic acid

brain function effects of, 122

dopamine, 123

ACEs effects on, 141

in addiction, 142–43

circuits responding to, 148

depression and, 228–29

described, 142

medium spiny neurons responding to, 148

motivation and, 142

dopamine activation

addiction resulting from, 144f

dopamine activity

changes in, 152

dopamine circuits

in wanting, 142

dopamine-containing cells, 125

dopamine firing

case examples, 152–54

intensity and rate of, 152–53

dopamine neurons, 146

firing of, 142–45, 144f

function of, 152

dopamine receptor(s)

D2, 140–41

dopamine receptor gene (DRD4), 75

dopamine release, 125

reward circuit in, 146

dopamine reward system

enthusiasm and, 253

dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), 10–11, 11f

depression and, 221–22

double helix, 72

DRD4. see dopamine receptor gene (DRD4)


addiction related to, 154–55

methods of taking, 154–55

repeated use of, 155

DSM. see Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)

Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study, 65, 74, 77


resiliency as, 170

Dutch Hunger Winter, 69–70

dysbiosis, 109–11, 125

antibiotics use and, 109

early deprivation

impact on affect stability, xxii

early-life trauma

depression related to, 223

early nurturance

stress tolerance effects of, 59

early psychological adversity

physical health problems related to, 61

early stress

effects of, 112–13

pathophysiological syndromes resulting from, 112–13

effort-driven reward circuit, 236

eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)

brain function effects of, 122

Ekman, P., 3

EMDR. see Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR)


arising from limbic system, 3

bodily feelings as, 3–4

from bottom-up sensations and top-down cognitions, 4–5, 7–8, 8f

common set of, 3

conscious, 176

construction of, 4

as cues, 208–9

culture-specific “display rules” related to, 3

emergence of, xxi, 7–9, 8f

expressions of, 3–4

feelings as, 4

generation of, 4

intensity of, 200

interaction between explicit and implicit systems influenced by, 200

secondary, 203–4

“self”-organization and, 3–5

thoughts and, 3–4

top-down interactions, 4–5

emotional awareness

cortex in, 4

emotional behaviors

oxytocin as regulator of, 43

emotional blunting

hypervigilance vs., 205, 205f

emotional chaos

patterns of, 175

self-organizing into anxiety disorders, 181

stress and, 164–75

“emotional conflict adaptation effect,” 21

Emotional Freedom Therapy, xxviii, 212

emotional implicit memory, xxvi

as immediate, 22


as intrinsic function of brain, 4

emotional memory

sleep deprivation and, 134

as subsystem of implicit memory system, 18–20

emotional neglect

case example, 41–42, 60–61

in “self”-organization, 42

emotional nourishment

in healthy development, 39

emotional nurturance

lack of, 36

emotional outcomes

attitudes and, 250

emotional regulation

implicit forms of, 21

emotional states

positive, 252

emotion/cognition interface

in stress-related learning and memory, 76


ACC and, 32, 254

action-oriented, 254–55

anterior insula and, 32

compassion from, 254

cultivating, 31–33

endogenous opioids

in attachment, 43


exercise effects on, 129


“storing” of, 117

energy balance

BDNF in, 100, 101

energy expenditure

obesity impact on dysregulation of, 101

energy intake

obesity impact on dysregulation of, 101


compassionate, 261

enhancer(s), 67


opioid and cannabinoid circuitry related to, 142

“enough is never enough,” 251

ENS. see enteric nervous system (ENS)

enteric nervous system (ENS), 105–13, 124

described, 106


dopamine reward system and, 253


impact on biological and psychological feedback loops, 71

environment–gene interactions, 72

psychotherapy in influencing, 59

EPA. see eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)


described, 70

epigenetic effects

occurrences of, 73

social factors related to, 78

epigenetics, 69–73

for better or worse, 75

defined, 70

depression and, 221

described, xxiii

developmental genomics impact on, 78–82, 81f

on effects of quality of care early in life, 59

in enhancing effects of nurturance or exacerbating effects of ACEs, 75

of exercise, 128

health problems related to, 59

in mind–brain–gene feedback loops, 58f

neurohormonal effects of, 86

in revolutionizing biological science, health care, and psychotherapy, 70, 71

substance abuse and, 76–78

epinephrine, 168

release of, 165

episodic memory(ies), 20–21

secondary emotions associated with, 203–4

Ericksonian hypnosis, 247

essential fat(s), 120–22

essential fatty acids, 119–20

benefits of, 122–23

in helping brain facilitate second-messenger system, 123

omega-3 see omega-3 essential fatty acids

essential neurochemical cornucopia, 123–24


epigenetic changes to, 86

ethnic attachment styles, 55–56

“everything but the kitchen sink gene,” 74


in understanding mind–brain–gene feedback loops, 68

evolutionary theory

gene-related, 68

excessive fat cells

mental health consequences of, 100–2


“rush” of, 143–45

executive network, xxi, 9–12, 11f, 100

central, 6

diet effects on, 117

explicit memories recalled through, 20

function of, 15–16

long-term memory systems in, 21

in meditation, 258–60, 259f

salience network integration with, 146–47, 188–89

underdevelopment and underactivity in, 10

exercise(s), 125–31

aerobic, xxv

as antidepressant, xxv, 126

anxiety reduction related to, 126, 129

benefits of, xxv, 126, 127

blood pressure effects of, 129

brain health related to, 130–31

for depression, 127

endorphins effects of, 129

epigenetics of, 128

exposure, 5

GABA effects of, 129

gene activation after, 128

immune system effects of, 105

in lowering risk of dementias, 124

mental health effects of, 126

neurohormones effects of, 129

neuropeptides effects of, 129

neurotransmitters effects of, 129

in normalizing gene expression, 128

in pain modulation, 166

relaxation, 182–83, 257–58

serotonin levels effects of, 129

somatic, 182–83

studies of, 127

expectancy, 3

“expectancy set,” 247


managing of, 152–53

moderating, 152–53

outcome of health care treatments related to, 244

explicit memory(ies)

durability of, 19

hippocampus in, 21

mental networks and, 18f

modified over time, 200

procedural memory providing clues for, 20

recalled through executive network and DMN, 20

semantic, 20–21

explicit memory system, 199

declarative memory system as, 17

implicit memory system interacting with, 200

implicit memory system vs., 18, 22


avoidance vs., 177–80

exposure exercises

for anxiety disorders, 5


gene see gene expression

extreme detachment, 209–10

extrinsic motivation

secondary reinforcers in, 161

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), xxviii, 212

face-to-face play, 56–57

Facial Action Coding System (FACS), 3

FACS. see Facial Action Coding System (FACS)

failure to thrive

lack of emotional nurturance and, 36


depression in, 223


genetic effects of, 70

fantasy, xxi

DMN and, 14–15

fast track

to amygdala, 22–25, 23f

slowing down, 188–89


belly, 101


essential, 120–22

saturated, 120

fat cells

excessive, 100–2

fatty acids

essential, 119–20

short-chain, 125

trans-, 120–21

fear, 3

as CER, 208

as conscious emotion, 176

cortex and, 5

panic disorder and, 5

feedback loop(s)

brain–body, 7–8, 8f

causes of, xx

in complex adaptive systems, 268

described, xx

functions of, xx

between homeostatic system and stress systems, 164

of immune system, 94–95, 95f

within mind–brain–gene continuum, xviii, 269

negative, xx

positive, xx

in promoting growth and maintaining homeostasis, xx

psychological, 71

underlying stress and immune responses to threat, 167f

feedforward loop(s)

autoimmune disorders and, 199

trauma symptoms–related, 196–97


in awareness of time and self, 267

bodily, 4

gut, 32, 105–13

implicit, 53

intrusive trauma-related, 199

intuitive, 32

“nervous gut,” 107

salience network in promoting, 32

“feeling network.” see salience network

Felitti, V., 61, 64

female hysteria, 61

fibroblast growth factor

depression and, 220

fight-or-flight response, 165, 166, 193

norepinephrine related to, 168

Finley, J., 256–57

Firmicutes, xxv, 108, 110, 118


CERs triggering, 209

cued by implicit memories, 204

emotional intensity associated with, 201

focalized anxiety, 186–88

case example, 186–88

interoceptive exposure techniques for, 187–88


comfort, 124


mental health effects of, xxx

fragmented sleep

trauma and, 134

frame of reference

side-to-side, 177–78

Framingham Heart Study, 65

Francis of Assisi, 217

Frank, J., 247

Frankl, V., 215

Freud, S., 61

frontal lobes

cortisol impact on, xxv


adverse effects of, 118

fruit drinks

in Western diet, 119

GABA. see gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

GAD. see generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)


addiction and, 142–45, 144f

behaviors related to, 142–45, 144f

mental health effects of, xxvi

gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), 123

exercise effects of, 129

functions of, 76

gamma waves, 264

gastrointestinal system

as “second brain,” 105–6

GDNF. see glial cell–derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF)

GDNF gene. see glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) gene

gene(s). see also specific types

ACEs related to, 74

activation after exercise, 128

“bad,” 60–61

cells impact on, 71

composition of, 71–72

COMT, 77

defined, 67

“depression,” 74–75, 221

evolutionary theory involving, 68

factors impacting, xxiii

famine effects on, 70

GDNF, 85

how we think about, 60–61

in human genome, 67

interacting with environment, 72

junk, 67

long-term modification of, 70

“metabolic/mitochondrial enzyme,” 128

“metabolic-priority,” 128

NGF, 85–86

protein-coding, 67

serotonin-transporter see serotonin-transporter gene (5-HTTLRR)

“stress-response,” 128

stress tolerance effects of, xxiii

“vulnerability,” 75

gene–behavior interactions, 59–90. see also behavior–gene interactions

gene–environment interactions

depression related to, 219–20

gene expression or suppression related to, xxiii

psychotherapy in influencing, 59

gene expression, 67

BDNF, 84

in brain, 73

changes in, 71

daily exercise in normalizing, 128

described, 69

developmental factors in, 78

gene–environment interactions and, xxiii

methylation in, xxiii

psychological experiences effects on, 61

psychotherapy effects on, xix, 59, 78

self-maintenance system in, 115

social factors and, 78, 82

types of, 72–73

gene functioning

stressful events impact on, 76

generalized anxiety, 181–83. see also generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

case example, 181

formation of, xxvii

generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), 181–83. see also generalized anxiety

avoidance associated with, 183

described, 181–82

5-HTTLRR in vulnerability to, 75–76

hypervigilance in, 183–84

intolerance to ambiguity in, 183–84

relaxation methods for, 182–83

somatic exercises for, 182–83


brain areas associated with, 253

gene suppression, 59, 67

acetylation in, xxiii

gene–environment interactions and, xxiii

mode of, 72–73

genetic astrology

demise of, 66–89

described, 66

genetic change, 69–73

rapid, 70

genetic disorders

causes of, 72

genetic effects

complexity of, 67

genetic processes

behaviors impact on, xxiii

genetic reductionism

embracing of, 67–68

limitations of, 66–67

to mind–brain–gene feedback loops, 89


defined, 71


developmental, 78–82, 81f

social, 78

ghrelin, 133

“giving is receiving,” 252

GL. see glycemic load (GL)

glial cell(s), 98, 131

glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF)

decreased methylation related to, 85

glial cell–derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF)

in brain enhancement and repair, 130

depression and, 220

functions of, 220–21

global happiness reports, 250

glucose levels

balancing of, 118

GL in measuring, 119–20

glutamine, 123

glycemic load (GL), 119–20

glucose levels measured by, 119–20

glycogen, 117

glymphatic system, 131

“good-enough” parenting, 38–41

benefits of, 39

case example, 38–39

“go somewhere else,” 209


deferring of immediate, 147


benefits of, 251–53

mental health benefits of, xxx, 252–53

positive emotional states and, 252

practicing, 250

greater gain

medium spiny neurons and, 147–52

grief/panic, 3

group child-rearing practices

on kibbutz, 56


feedback loops in promoting, xx


insulin-like, 85


immune cells of, 107

immune system of, 106–7

leaky, 109–10, 118

microorganisms in, 107–9

PICs effects on, 107, 110

as “second brain,” 105–6

site of, 106

size of, 106

gut–brain interactions, 106, 111, 124

gut feelings, 105–13

described, 111

salience network in promoting, 32

“gut feelings”

nervous, 107

gut hormones, 124–25

gut lining

bacterium relationship to, 111

supporting of, 111

gut microbes

in norepinephrine modification, 113

gut microbiota, 108–9

habit(s), 139–61

bad, 157–58

becoming addictions, xxvi

case example, 139–40

changing, 157–58

destructive, 63–64

establishing new, 19–20

forming, 158–59, 158f

in mind–brain–gene feedback loops, 138f

modifying, 158–59, 158f

motivation effects of, xxv–xxvi

neuroscience underlying, xxvi

PFC in forming and modifying, 156–59, 158f

procedural memory and, 19

habit circuits

changing, 157–59, 158f


paradox of, 250

“stumbling on,” 250

happiness reports

global, 250


ACEs impact on, 61–64

ACE study ramifications on, xxii–xxiii

bad, 163–64

behavioral see behavioral health

body–mind and, 91–114

brain, 130–31

chronic inflammation effects on, xxiv

factors in addressing overall, xviii

mental see mental health

microbiota and, 108

poor see poor health

positive relationships impact on, xxii

self-care practices in undermining, xxiv–xxv

health behaviors. see behavioral health

health care

decompartmentalized, 64–65

epigenetics in revolutionizing, 70, 71

integrated approach to, 64

psychotherapy interdependence with, xviii–xix

health problems

childhood psychological stress and, 64

early psychological adversity and, 61

epigenetic effects and, 59

health surveys

ACE–related questions in, 64

healthy development

emotional nourishment critical for, 39

“higher power”

belief in, 257

high-sensitivity reparations, 40

“highway hypnosis,” 12

hippocampal-frontal memory system, 200

hippocampus, 146, 174

in comparing knowledge, 22

cortisol impact on, xxv

in explicit memory, 21

in exposure to stress-provoking stimuli, 180

GABA effects on, 76

in memory, 130

PICs effects on, 226–27

histone(s), 72

“hitting the wall,” 179


offspring of mothers who suffered PTSD associated with, 84


described, 164

factors affecting, 164

feedback loops in maintaining, xx

homeostatic system

feedback loops between stress systems and, 164

hormone(s). see specific types


as CER, 208


depression related to, 224

hot spots

described, 201

HPA axis. see hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis

5-HTTLRR. see serotonin-transporter gene (5-HTTLRR)

Human Genome Project, 67, 108

hyperarousal zone, 205f


avoidance and emotional blunting vs., 205, 205f

GAD and, 183–84


calming factors in, 257–58

Ericksonian, 247

“highway,” 12

hypoarousal zone, 205f

hypocapnic alkalosis, 187

hypocorticolism, 173–74

hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, 80, 130, 166, 170, 172

disruptions in, 228

hypoactivation of, 173


PICs effects on, 226–27


female, 61

identical twins

behavior–gene interactions in, 59–90

ill health. see poor health


dysregulating spiral with, 104–5

physical, 93

PICs effects of, 105

telomere length and, 88

immediate gratification

deferring of, 147

immobilization, 193

immune cells

of gut, 107

immune responses, 105–13

to acute stressors, 168

stress responses in modifying, 164

to threat, 167f

immune system, 93–105

astrocytes in, 98

of brain, 98–100, 99f

brain communication with, 94

chronic conditions effects on, 94

components of, 94, 95f

damaging effects on, 94

dysregulation of, xxiv, 93

feedback loops of, 94–95, 95f

functioning of, 115

functions of, 94

of gut, 106–7

interactions with brain, 98–100, 99f

lifestyle changes impact on, 105

MBSR effects on, 265

parasympathetic nervous system relationship with, 165

sleep loss and disturbances effects on, 134

stress disrupting, 103, 166–68, 167f

implicit communication patterns, 51–52

implicit memory(ies)

of attachment, 41

durability of, 19

emotional, xxvi, 18–22

factors associated with, 20

flashbacks cued by, 204

forming fabric of “self”-organization, 20

mental networks and, 18f

nondeclarative, 21

recalled through salience network, 20

resistant to change and passage of time, 200

implicit memory system, 18–20, 18f, 199–200

explicit memory system interacting with, 200

explicit memory system vs., 18, 22

motivation and, 141

nondeclarative memory as, 17

procedural and emotional subsystems of, 18–20

implicit-nonconscious procedural memory system, 211

impulse control problems

prefrontal deficits related to, 147

impulsive behaviors

A1 allele of D2 dopamine receptor and, 141


chronic illnesses related to, 126

indirect pathway

in response to dopamine, 148–51


evolving experiences of, 2


of depressed mothers, 37

depression in, 36–38

parental depression effects on, 35–38

infant–mother dyad, 41

infant–parent dyad

quality of reciprocity within, 39

Infant Strange Situation paradigm, 40, 48, 55–56

infection(s). see specific types

inflammation. see also chronic inflammation

acute vs. chronic, 102

aging effects on, 126

BDNF effects of, 122

causes of, xxiv

in children, 65, 97

chronic see chronic inflammation

conditions impacting, 102

CRP elevation and, 118

depression and, 222–24

described, 96

diet and, 124–25

obesity and, 100

PICs and, xxiv

psychological disorders and, 97

short-term vs. chronic, 96

sickness behavior related to, 224–27 see also sickness behavior

sleep dysregulations and, 135

stress and, 103–5

inflammation–stress connection, 103–5

inflammatory bowel disease

PICs and, 107

inflammatory pathways

brain in activation of, 98–100, 99f

“inflammatory reflex,” 165

inheritance of acquired characteristics

theory of, 68

inhibiting neurotransmitters

in brain, 76

insecure attachment

anxiety and mood disorders associated with, 48


adverse effects of, 134–35

chronic, 132

shorter telomeres and, 132

“sleep maintenance,” 136–37

insula, 7–9, 8f

anterior see anterior insula


role of, 174–75

insulin-like growth factor

brain effects of, 85

play and, 85

insulin resistance

reduced physical activity and, 128

integrated psychotherapy

mental health effects of, xxvi


memory, 200–2

intention to change

as predictor of actual change, 159–60


belief in, 257–58

interleukin(s), 96

disorders associated with, 102

IL-1, 98

IL-6, 102, 168, 223

internal conflict

revolving, 232–33

interoceptive exposure techniques

for focalized anxiety, 187–88

interpersonal neurobiology

attachment research and, xix

interpersonal relatedness

overlapping concepts of, 52

interpersonal stress

coping with, 42


motivational see motivational interviewing

intestinal discomfort

case example, 105, 107, 109–10


attachment in predicting adult capacity for, 48

intrinsic motivation

activating, 161

building on, 161

intrusive trauma-related thoughts and feelings, 199

intuitive feelings

salience network in promoting, 32

isoprostanes, 119

Alzheimer’s disease related to, 119

James, W., 1, 2, 4

Janet, P., 211, 213

Jesus, 243


social, 3

junk DNA

described, 67

functions of, 67

Kaiser Permanente Medical Centers, 61

mind–body class at, 264–65

Kandel, E., 59

Keller, H., 191


group child-rearing practices on, 56


PFC and hippocampus in comparing, 22

Kundalini meditation, 258–59

Lamarck, J-B, 68–69

theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics of, 68–69

“latent schizophrenia,” 77

leaky gut, 109–10

chronic inflammation related to, 118

contributors of, 109–10

lean people

Akkermansia in, 111


stress-related, 76

left hemisphere

during development, 28–29, 29f

Leghorn, L., 261

leptin, 118, 133

leptin resistance

obesity and, 100

life satisfaction

fleeting and unexpected moments of, 250

lifestyle behaviors

immune system dysregulation due to, xxiv

telomere length and, xxiii

unhealthy, xxiv

lifestyle changes

immune system effects of, 105

life-threatening situations

responses to, 191


opioid and cannabinoid circuitry related to, 142

limbic system

emotions arising from, 3

Lincoln, A., 239

Lincoln, M.T., 239–40

lipopolysaccharide (LPS), 110, 118

Alzheimer’s disease related to, 111

BDNF effects of, 110–11

depression related to, 110


active, 57

Locke, J., 73, 149


close relationships and, xxii

Mediterranean diet and, 124

long-term dysregulations

PTSD–related, 198–99

trauma and, 198–99

long-term memory

mental networks and, 18f

organization of, 17

long-term memory systems, xxi–xxii

list of, 18

neuroplasticity for, 17

in “self”-organization, 17–22, 18f


social self and, 44–47

“lost their sense of purpose,” 213

loving-kindness meditation, 262

low-sensitivity reparations, 40

LPS. see lipopolysaccharide (LPS)

lust (sexual excitement), 3

macrophage(s), 95–96

Main, M., 48

malondialdehyde, 120


elevated levels of inflammation due to, 65

Mandela, N., 168, 216, 249

Man’s Search for Meaning, 215

marshmallow test, 146–47


moderate vs. perfect, 38

“material me,” 6, 7

maternal depression

case example, 35–36

effects of, 35–38

impact on infants, 35–38

maternal deprivation

CRH levels and, 228

maternal separation

effects on child, 45

MBSR. see mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR)

McGill University, 79

Meaney, M., 79


development of, 214–16

meaning-making process

mind as, xx–xxi

“meaning response”

placebo response as, 247

medical centers

mind–body medicine in, 264–65

Medieval Christian mystics, 256


contemplative, 256–58, 262

for depression, 240–41

described, 258

DMN in, 258–60, 259f

effectiveness of, 265

executive network in, 258–60, 259f

health effects of, xxx

in improving attentional flexibility, 258

Kundalini, 258–59

loving-kindness, 262

mental operating networks and, 258–60, 259f

metta, 262

neural correlates of, 263–64

salience network in, 258–60, 259f

styles of, 258–59

Tibetan, 258–59

Vipassana, 259

Zen, 259

meditation-augmented therapy, 263–67

Mediterranean diet, 123–24

longevity related to, 124

in telomere maintenance, 124

medium spiny neurons

greater gain related to, 147–52

melatonin, 135


anxious, 229–30

BDNF in, 100

declarative, 17, 20

depressed, 229–30

diabetes effects on, 119

emotional, 134

emotion/cognition interface in, 76

episodic, 20–21, 203–4

explicit see explicit memory(ies)

hippocampus in, 130

implicit see implicit memory(ies)

long-term, 17, 18f

nondeclarative, 17, 20

procedural see procedural memory

short-term vs. working, 10

sleep effects on, 134

state-based, 21, 230

threat-based, 200

working, xxi, 10, 142

memory evolution

from memory reconsolidation to, 133–34

memory integration, 199–202

steps in, 200–2

memory reconsolidation

to memory evolution, 133–34

memory systems. see also specific types

hippocampal-frontal, 200

long-term see long-term memory systems

mental operating networks and, 17

therapeutic reconsolidation of, 199

mental health

ACE study ramifications on, xxii–xxiii

beliefs and, 248

chronic inflammation effects on, xxiv

computer games effects on, xxvi

constructing solution-oriented stories in, 15

diet impact on, xxv

excessive fat cells effects on, 100–2

exercise in improving, 126

forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude impact on, xxx

gambling effects on, xxvi

gratitude effects on, xxx, 252–53

in health behaviors, 93

integrated approach to, 64

integrated psychotherapy impact on, xxvi

nurturing impact on, xxii

placebo effects and, 245–46

psychoneuroimmunology in identifying dysregulations of, 93

self-care practices in undermining, xxiv–xxv

telomere length impact on, 115

mental operating networks, xxi–xxii, 5–15. see also specific types, e.g., salience network

activity related to, 260

attachment and, 49–51

balancing of, 15–17

case examples, 6–7, 9, 11–12, 14–15

central executive network, 6

components of, 2

contemplative attention and, 258–60, 259f

in decision making, 21

DMN, 6, 12–15, 13f

executive network see executive network

imbalance of, 60–61

long-term memory and, 18f

meditation and, 258–60, 259f

memory systems and, 17

rebalancing of, 237–42

salience network see salience network

in “self”-organizing, 267

in sense of self, 2

sleep deprivation effects on, 133

switching between, 15–16, 50–51

therapy related to, 16

working together, 15–16

Merton, T., 256


reparation for, 41

meta-awareness, 257

“metabolic/mitochondrial enzyme genes,” 128

“metabolic-priority genes,” 128

metabolic stress, 128

metabolic syndrome

case example, 92

characteristics of, 102

hypocorticolism and, 173–74

prevalence of, xxiv, 102

metabolic toxemia, 110

metacognitive models

from cognitive behavioral therapy to, 185

methylation, 73

DNA, 79

GDNF gene effects on, 85

gene expression through, xxiii

N-methyl-D-aspartate (NDMA) expression, 43

Met/Met genotype, 221

metta meditation, 262


diversity of, 109

function of, 109

in norepinephrine modification, 113

microbiome(s), 108


gut, 108–9

health and, 108

microglia, 98

PICs released from, 98


in gut, 107–9

mid-insula, 7, 9

mid-sleep cycle awakening, 136–37

mild detachment, 209–10


beliefs effects on, 244–53

composition of, 5–15 see also mental operating networks

gaps between brain and, xix

as meaning-making process, xx–xxi

operating networks of see mental operative networks

placebos effects on, 244–53

“self”-organizing, 267–69

mind–body, xxiii–xxiv

health and, 91–114 see also health

placebo response as shift in, 246–47

mind–body chaos, 164–75

mind–body class

at Kaiser Permanente Medical Centers, 264–65

mind–body medicine

in medical centers, 264–65

mind–brain–gene feedback loops, xviii, 68, 269

epigenetics in, 58f

from genetic reductionism to, 89

habit and motivation in, 138f

psychoneuroimmunology in, 90f

self-organization in, xxxiif

self-regulation in, 114f

social self in, 26f

stress effects on, 105

mind–brain–gene interactions, 111–13

determinants of, 67

stress effects on, 112

top-down and bottom-up pathways in, 112


for depression, 241

mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, 265–66

mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), xxx, 263–64

for chronic pain, 266

effectiveness of, 264–65

immune system effects of, 265

indications for, 264, 266

in moderating stress response systems, 264

for obsessive-compulsive disorder, 266

mindfulness practices. see also specific types

health effects of, xxx

mind in time, xxix–xxx, 243–69

“mind reading”

oxytocin in, 43–44

mind’s operating networks. see mental operating networks

mirror neurons, 31

moderate detachment, 209–10

moderate matching

perfect matching vs., 38


being present in, xxi

present, 12

monastic orders, 256


BDNF in, 100

chronic inflammation effects on, xxiv

sleep impact on, xxv

mood disorders

insecure attachment and, 48


infants of depressed, 37

mother–infant dyad, 41

motivation, 139–61

addiction and, 154–59, 158f

amygdala in, 147, 148

building on, 161

to change, 160

dopamine in, 142

extrinsic, 161

habits effect on, xxv–xxvi

implicit memory system and, 141

intrinsic, 161

kindling through bottom-up and top-down approaches, 159–61

in mind–brain–gene feedback loops, 138f

nucleus accumbens in, 147, 148

optimizing, 152

reward-seeking system and, 140–41

searching for, 140–53, 144f

motivational interviewing, 160–61

active listening in, 57

elements in, 161

motivational system

amygdala in, 147, 148

nucleus accumbens in, 147, 148

structures in, 235

motivation circuit, 236

motivation–pleasure circuit, 141–46, 144f

case examples, 141–46


in self-maintenance, 125–31 see also exercise(s)

striatum-driven, 236

mucus layer

health of, 111

mucus production

regulation of, 111

muscle tension

stress and, 129


Medieval Christian, 256

narcissistic children

causes of, 39

Narcotics Anonymous, 148, 151, 257


therapeutic, 53–55


co-constructive, 54–55, 202

“somatic,” 212

natural killer cells, 168

natural selection

Darwin’s theory of, 68–69

Navajo Reservation

relationship building on, 57

negative feedback loops

function of, xx


“uprooting,” 261


emotional, 42, 60–61

nerve growth factor (NGF), 85

depression and, 220

“nervous gut feelings,” 107

“nervous stomach,” 111

neural circuit, 236

neural plasticity

BDNF in, 100


interpersonal, xix

neurodegenerative diseases

chronic inflammation and, 97

PICs and, 110

types of, 97

neuroendocrine system, 79–80

dysregulation of, 166

neurofeedback instruments

in attaining deeper states of relaxation, 264


BDNF in, 100

blocking of, 110–11


epigenetic changes to, 86

exercise effects on, 129


dopamine, 142–46, 144f, 152

medium spiny, 147–52

mirror, 31


exercise effects on, 129


for long-term memory systems, 17


psychotherapy with, xix

neurotransmitter(s), 108, 123

altering levels of, xxiv

amino acids as building blocks for, 123

exercise effects on, 129

inhibiting, 76

neurotrophic factors

in brain enhancement and repair, 130

depression related to, 220–22

described, 220

glial cell–derived, 130

types of, 220

neutrophil(s), 96

NGF. see nerve growth factor (NGF)

NGF gene

alteration of, 85–86

Niebuhr, R., 254

NMDA expression. see N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) expression

nocebo effects, 244–53

defined, 246

described, 246–47

nocebo–placebo, 246–48

nocebo response

described, 246–47

nondeclarative memory, 17, 21

recalled through salience network, 20

nondrug addictions, 155

non-sleep-time daydreaming

time spent in, 12

norepinephrine, 123, 131, 167, 168, 171, 172

bacterial pathogens growth related to, 113

in fight-or-flight response, 168

gut microbes in modification of, 113

release of, 165

trauma and, 134

not engaging

time spent, 12


emotional, 39

nucleus accumbens, 125, 141, 143, 235, 236

function of, 9

in motivational system, 147, 148

nurturance, 3

lack of emotional, 36

mental health effects of, xxii

stress tolerance effects of, 59

nurtured nature

social self and, 28–29, 29f

obese people

chronic inflammation in, 102

IL-6 in, 102

PICs in, 102

obesity. see also overweight

Alzheimer’s disease and, 101

BDNF effects of, 101

BMI in, 100–1

CDC on, 100–1

as chronic subclinical inflammatory condition, 100–2

defined, 100

dementia related to, 101

described, 111

impact on dysregulation of energy intake and expenditure, 101

increase in, 126

inflammation related to, 100

leptin resistance related to, 100

prevalence of, xxiv, 100

telomeres shortened by, 100

type 2 diabetes related to, 101

obsessive-compulsive disorder

mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy for, 266

obstructive sleep apnea, 135

CPAP device for, 135

offspring of mothers who suffered PTSD

Holocaust-related, 84

O’Keefe, G., 261

Okinawan diet, 124, 125

oligofructose, 111

omega-3 essential fatty acids

BDNF and, 122

benefits of, 122

brain functions and, 121–22

excessive doses of, 122

omega-3 fish oil supplementation

effects of, 121

open systems

closed systems vs., xxix

operating networks of mind. see mental operating networks


in attachment, 43

endogenous, 43

opioid circuitry

in enjoying, 142


managing, 204–9, 205f


neuroscience of, 255

orientation response

shift in attention involving, 214


case example, 145–46

overweight. see also obesity

case examples, 91–94, 97, 98, 100–4, 111–12

prevalence of, xxiv, 100, 126

sleep-disordered breathing and, 135

WHO on, 100

oxidative stress

BDNF effects of, 122


in attachment, 43

calming effect related to, 43–44

epigenetic changes to, 86

function of, 86

in “mind reading,” 43–44

receptors for, 165–66

as regulator of emotional and prosocial behaviors, 43

in stress reduction, 43

oxytocin receptors

in activating parasympathetic nervous system, 43


ACC and, 32

anterior insula and, 32

chronic, 266

exercise in modulating, 166

physical, 32, 231–32

reduction of, 245

social, 32, 231–32

Paleolithic diet, 117


formation of, xxvii

panic attack(s), 186–88

panic disorder, 186

body sensations accompanying, 5

panic/grief, 3

Panksepp, J., 3

parasympathetic nervous system, 165

immune system relationship with, 165

oxytocin receptors in activating, 43

vagus nerve system of, 33, 34f

paraventricular nucleus, 198


“good-enough,” 38–41

parental depression

impact on infants, 35–38

parent–child dyad

as self-organizing system, 41

stories in, 53

parent–infant dyad

quality of reciprocity within, 39


“good-enough,” 38–41

passive-aggressive behaviors, 39

pathophysiological syndromes

early stress and deprivation resulting in, 112–13

Pavlov, 212–13

perceived stress

telomere length and, 87

perfect matching

moderate matching vs., 38

personal relevance, 147


causes of, 39

Peyer’s patches, 106–7

PFC. see prefrontal cortex (PFC)

phenylalanine, 123

phobia(s), 186

formation of, xxvii

physical activity

prevalence of, 126

reduced, 128

physical health

in health behaviors, 93

psychoneuroimmunology in identifying dysregulations of, 93

physical illnesses

prevalence of, 93

physical inactivity

chronic illnesses related to, 126

physical pain

ACC in detecting, 231–32

social pain overlapping with, 32

PICs. see pro-inflammatory cytokines (PICs)

pineal gland, 135


beliefs and, 244–53

defined, 244

described, 244

negative effects from, 246

in pain reduction, 245

placebo effect(s), 244–53

in brain, xxix

case example, 243–53

described, 248

factors increasing, 245

illustrating how beliefs can alleviate suffering and change biology, 244

interactions with social and biological factors, 248

as “in the head,” 246

shift in mental health treatment related to, 245–46

theoretical support for, 244

treatments with benefits of, 244


beliefs and, 246–48

placebo response

case example, 246

incidence of, 245

as “meaning response,” 247

as shift in mind–body, 246–47

“plants plus” diet, 124

play, 3

face-to-face, 56–57

insulin-like growth-factor and, 85


therapy enhanced by, 85

“playing possum,” 209


subjective experience of, 9

polyvagal system, 33

poor health

chronic stress and, 174–75

synergistic depressive effects of, 229f

undetermined stress tolerance related to, 174–75

poor self-care

synergistic depressive effects of, 229f

positive attitudes, 250–51

positive behaviors, 250–51

positive emotional states

gratitude and, 252

positive feedback loops, xx

positive psychology

attitudes and, 249–50

theoretical roots of, 250–53

positive relationships

health related to, xxii

posterior parietal cortex (PPC), 11, 11f

postpartum depression

case example, 35–36

described, 36–37

impact on infants, 35–38

posttraumatic growth

therapy and, 214–16

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

acute stress disorders becoming, 134

case example, 191–216

causes of, xxviii

disorders related to, 65

DMN and right amygdala in symptoms of, 16

Holocaust-related, 84

long-term dysregulations associated with, 198–99

neuroimaging findings related to, 196

prevalence of, 195–202

prevention of, 195–202

risk factors for, 192

stabilization of, 195–202

Power of Persuasion, 247

PPC. see posterior parietal cortex (PPC)


calming factors in, 257–58

contemplative, 256

prefrontal cortex (PFC), xxvii

in changing bad habits into good ones, 156–57

in comparing knowledge, 22

conscious reasoning in, 145

development of, 147

dorsolateral, 10–11, 11f

executive functions of, 10–12, 11f

in forming and modifying habits, 158–59, 158f

schizophrenia impact on, 77

shoring up after trauma, 197–98

size of, 9

prefrontal deficits

impulse control problems and affect regulatory problems associated with, 147


stress hormones during, 84

pregnant women

at time of World Trade Center attacks, 84

preoccupied pattern

case example, 48

present moment

time spent in, 12


for autostress disorders, 176–77

procedural memory, xxvi

described, 18–19

habits and, 19

providing clues for explicit memory, 20

as subsystem of implicit memory system, 18–20

procedural memory system

implicit-nonconscious, 211

programmed cell death, 172

pro-inflammatory cytokines (PICs), 96–97, 117

abnormal levels of, 223, 224

astrocytes releasing, 98

basal ganglia effects of, 225–26

depression and, 226–27

DMN and salience network effects of, 227

in gut, 107, 110

hippocampus effects of, 226–27

hypothalamus effects of, 226–27

illness effects on, 105

inflammation related to, xxiv

microglia releasing, 98

neurodegenerative disorders related to, 110

in obese people, 102

overactivation of, 121

overexpressed, 99

stress in activation of, 103

promoter(s), 67

prosocial behaviors

oxytocin as regulator of, 43


COMT, 77

described, 72

protein-coding genes

numbers of, 67

protein transcription factors, 72

Proteobacteria, 110


positive, 249–53

“pseudo-depression,” 10


focus on interactions among mind, brain, and immune system in, xix

psychological adversity

physical health problems related to, 61

psychological disorders

autoimmune disorders as bidirectional causal interactions with, 94, 102–3

inflammation and, 97

obesity and, 100

telomere length and, 88

vulnerability to, 73–74

psychological experiences

gene expression effects of, 61

psychological factors

bidirectional causal relationships with, 65

psychological feedback loops

environmental impact on, 71

psychological rigidity

depression as being stuck in, xxix

psychological stress

in children, 64

psychological stressors

bad health related to, 163–64


components of, 93

in identifying interrelated mental and physical dysregulations, 93

in mind–brain–gene feedback loops, 90f

of social support, 34–35


COMT gene and, 77


as behavioral health, 92

beliefs about, 247–48

for depression, 240–41

described, x

directional changes in, x–xi

epigenetics in revolutionizing, 70, 71

gene expression effects of, xix, 59

health care interdependence with, xviii–xix

in influencing gene–environment interactions, 59

integrated, xxvi

mental health effects of, xxvi

neurophysiological changes resulting from, 207

neuroscience with, xix

psychotherapy training

cultural competence in, 57

PTSD. see posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

quality of care early in life

epigenetics on effects of, 59


effectiveness of, 265

rage, 3

rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, 134


cognitive, 160


conscious, 145

in PFC, 145

reciprocal self-awareness, 51–53


in infant–parent dyad, 39


memory, 133–34


genetic see genetic reductionism


self-referential, 13


“inflammatory,” 165

stress-induced autonomic-inflammatory, 198


prevalence of, 191


interpersonal, 52


close, xxii

internal working model of, 41

positive, xxii

shared implicit, 41

transference, 52

relationship building

on Navajo Reservation, 57

relaxation exercises

calming factors in, 257–58

for GAD, 182–83


amygdala as detector of, 22

assessing of, 9

personal, 147

REM sleep. see rapid eye movement (REM) sleep


high-sensitivity, 40

low-sensitivity, 40

for “messiness,” 41


enhanced nurturing promoting, 86–87

factors promoting, 84–87

neurochemistry of, 84–87

stress, 168–69


described, 170

as durability, 170

“resting state” activity

abnormal, 133


alcohol as, 154

reward circuit(s), 140–41

in addiction-related work, 160

in dopamine release, 146

effort-driven, 236

salience network and, 141

reward-seeking system

in alcoholism, 154

motivation and, 140–41

reward system

appetite cycle and, 125

refined subcortical, 148


ultradian, 12

right hemisphere

during development, 28–29, 29f

right/left balancing

bottom-up approaches and, 197–98


psychological, xxix

transcending, xxviii–xxix, 217–42 see also transcending rigidity

Risky Situation (RS), 40–41


cocaine in form of, 154

Rohr, R., Friar, 261

Rossi, E., xix, 78

Rough-and-Tumble Play (RTP) paradigm, 41

RS. see Risky Situation (RS)

RTP paradigm. see Rough-and-Tumble Play (RTP) paradigm

rumination, xxi

time spent in, 12

runner’s high, 129, 166

“rush” of excitement, 143–45

sadness, 3

as CER, 208

Saint Augustine, 256

salience network, xxi, 6–9, 8f

components of, 7–8, 8f

DMN with, 50, 238–39

executive network with, 146–47, 188–89

function of, 15–16

implicit memories recalled through, 20

long-term memory systems in, 21

in meditation, 258–60, 259f

PICs effects on, 227

in promoting gut or intuitive feelings, 32

reward circuit and, 141

sleep deprivation effects on, 133

saturated fat

diet high in, 120

“scheduling worrying time,” 184–85


“latent,” 77

PFC effects of, 77

secondary emotions

tormenting nature of, 203

trauma-related, 203–4

secondary reinforcers

in extrinsic motivation, 161

“second brain”

gut as, 105–6

second-messenger system

essential fatty acids in helping brain facilitate, 123

secure attachment

as buffer to effects of trauma, 81f, 83–84

in childhood, 47

cycle of epigenetic development of stress tolerance by, 81f

sensitivity in, 39

SEEDS (social, exercise, education, diet, and sleep factors)

in self-maintenance, 137

seeking (expectancy), 3


components of subjective organization of, 2

feedback loops as self-organizing systems within, xx

feelings in awareness of, 267

memory systems in background fabric of, 17

sense of see sense of self

“sentient,” 6

social see social self

somatic sense of, 2

self-agency, 15


reciprocal, 51–53


ACEs impact on, 63–64

poor, 229f

self-care practices

in undermining health and mental health, xxiv–xxv

self-compassion, 254–55

benefits of, 255

in contemplative meditation, 262

self-criticism, 254

self-kindness, 254

self-maintenance, xxiv–xxv, 115–38

case example, 115–20

diet in, 115–25

movement in, 125–31

SEEDS in, 137

self-maintenance system(s), 115

“self”-organization, xxi–xxii, 1–26

balancing network in, 15–17

benefits of, 267–69

body in, 3–4

described, xx

emotional neglect shaping pattern of, 42

emotions in, 3–5

factors contributing to, 38

implicit memories forming fabric of, 20

long-term memory systems in, 17–22, 18f

mental operating networks in, 5–15 see also specific types and mental operating networks

in mind–brain–gene feedback loops, xxxiif

posttraumatic, 215

progression of, 39

thoughts and, 3–4

top-down and bottom-up interactions in, 4–5

“self”-organizing mind, 267–69

mental operating networks in, 267

“self”-organizing networks, 2

“self”-organizing process, xx

mind as, 268–69

self-organizing system

parent–child dyad as, 41

self-preservation, 195

self-referential information systems, xxi–xxii

defined, 13

self-referential reflections, 13

self-referential thought, xxi


in mind–brain–gene feedback loops, 114f

social self and, 41–44


attachment and, 79

Selye, H., 163, 169

semantic memory

described, 20–21

explicit, 20–21


body, 211–14

bottom-up, xxix

as side effects, 248

somatic, xxi, 7–9, 8f

sense of self

mental networks in, 2

somatic, 2

underdeveloped, 27–33

sense of spirituality, 251–52


anxiety, 129, 186–87

in secure attachment, 39


for autostress disorders, 176–77

Sensorimotor Integration, xxviii, 212

“sentient self,” 6


social self and, 44–47

Serenity Prayer, 254

serotonin, 123, 124

good nurturing stimulates release of, 78

serotonin levels

exercise effects on, 129

serotonin-transporter gene (5-HTTLRR), 75

short version of, 74–75, 219

in vulnerability to depression or GAD, 75–76

sexual excitement, 3

sexual repression theory, 61

shared implicit relationship, 41

Shenpen, L., 261–62

shift in attention

orientation response in, 214

Shore, A., xix

short-chain fatty acids, 125

short-term inflammation

chronic inflammation vs., 96

short-term memory

working memory vs., 10

short-term stress, 103

short version of serotonin transporter gene

ACEs and, 74–75

Shto takoe?, 213

shutting down, 193

sickness behavior, 224–27

in adaptation, 225

characteristics of, 224–27

chronic inflammation and, 224–27

symptoms of, 224–26

side effects

sensations as, 248

side-to-side approaches

in autostress disorders, 180–81

side-to-side frame of reference, 177–78

Siegel, D.J., xix

“silencing,” 72–73

simple carbohydrates

BDNF effects of, 119

sinus infections

case example, 105, 107

sleep, 131–35

alcohol in suppression of, 136–37

in brain maintenance, 132

cognitive effects of, xxv

“core,” 132

deprivation of, 132–33

factors associated with impaired, xxv

fragmented, 134

functions of, 132

immune system effects of, 105

memory effects of, 134

mood effects of, xxv

need for, 131–35

optimal amount of, 132

percentage of life in, 131

quality of, 131–35

REM, 134

slow-wave, 134, 136–37

toxins released during, 131–32

trauma effects on, 134

sleep apnea

CPAP device for, 135

obstructive, 135

sleep deprivation, 134

adverse effects of, 131–35

appetite effects of, 133

disorders and conditions related to, 132–33

DMN connectivity effects of, 133

emotional memories and, 134

immune system effects of, 134

memory effects of, 134

mental operating networks effects of, 133

sleep-disordered breathing, 135

sleep disturbances, 134

CRP effects of, 135

inflammation and, 135

sleep hygiene techniques, 131

“sleep maintenance” insomnia, 136–37

slow track

to amygdala, 22–25, 23f

speeding up, 188–89

slow-wave sleep, 134

alcohol in suppression of, 136–37

social brain

components of, 30–31

social brain circuits, 30–31

social brain networks, 30–31

kindling of, xxii

social competence

requirements for, 33

social engagement system, 33, 193–94

social factors

gene expression and, 78, 82

placebo effects interacting with, 248

social genomics

field of, 78

social joy, 3

socially avoidant coping methods

case example, 42

social pain

ACC in detecting, 231–32

physical pain overlapping with, 32

social self, xxii, 27–58

attachment and, 47–51

attachment styles and, 41–44

coevolving and, 55

cultivating empathy and, 31–33

cultural variations and, 55–57

“good-enough” parenting and, 38–41

maternal depression effects on, 35–38

mental operating networks and, 49–51

in mind–brain–gene feedback loops, 26f

nurtured nature and, 28–29, 29f

reciprocal self-awareness and, 51–53

self-regulation and, 41–44

separation, loss, and building trust related to, 44–47

social brain networks and, 30–31

still face paradigm impact on, 35–36

storytelling and, 53–55

therapeutic narrations and, 53–55

vagal brake and, 33–35, 34f

social stress

depression and, 230–32

social stressor(s), 193

social support

psychoneuroimmunology of, 34–35

stress reduction related to, 43

social withdrawal

chronic inflammation effects on, xxiv

synergistic depressive effects of, 229f

soft drinks

in Western diet, 119

Solomon, G.F., xix

solution-oriented stories

in mental health, 15

somatic exercises

for GAD, 182–83

Somatic Experiencing, xxviii, 212

somatic grounding, 238

somatic medicine, 61

“somatic narrative,” 212

somatic sensations, xxi, 7–9, 8f

somatic sense of self

evolving experiences of individuality emerge from, 2

somatic stimulation, 214

somatic therapies, 211–14

spindle cells, 9, 30–31

spiny neurons

greater gain related to, 147–52


sense of, 251–52

spoiled children

causes of, 39


affect, xxii

state-based memory, 21, 230

still face paradigm, 35–36


somatic, 214


“nervous,” 111


benefits of, 53

in interaction between parents and child, 53

solution-centered, 15

“story brain.” see default-mode network (DMN)

storytelling, 53–55

benefits of, 53

functions of, 53


building of, 156–57

stress, 163–89. see also autostress

acute, 172–75 see also acute stress

acute and chronic vs. mild to moderate, 170

anxiety related to, xxvii

attachment styles in coping with, 42

auto-, 163–89 see also autostress disorders

autostress and, 163–89

bodily effects of, 198

case example, 163–89

chronic see chronic stress

CRH levels and, 228

depression and, 219, 228–29

early, 112–13

effects on mind–brain–gene feedback loops, 105

IL-6 and, 168

immune system disruptions and, 166–68, 167f

immune system effects of, 103

impact on extracellular and intracellular signaling and gene-expression pathways in brain, 76

impact on mind–brain–gene interactions, 112

inflammation and, 103

interpersonal, 42

limitations of term, 169

metabolic, 128

muscle tension related to, 129

oxidative, 122

perceived, 87

PICs activating, 103

psychological, 64

severe, 228

short-term, 103

social, 230–32

synergistic depressive effects of, 229f

telomere length and, xxiii

transgenerational effects of, 84

transitioning into autostress disorders, 177

traumatic, 173

stress–depression synergy, 227–30, 229f

stressful events

gene functioning effects of, 76

stress hormones

high levels during pregnancy, 84

stress-induced autonomic-inflammatory reflex, 198

stress–inflammation connection, 103–5


acute, 168

bad health related to, 163–64

psychological, 163–64

social, 193

stress-provoking stimuli

structures in exposure to, 179–80

stress reduction

mindfulness-based see mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR)

oxytocin in, 43

social support in, 43

stress-related learning

emotion/cognition interface in, 76

stress relievers

alcohol as, 154

types of, 139

stress resilience, 168–69

stress response(s)

case example, 163–89

immune responses modified by, 164

to threat, 167f

stress-response genes, 128

stress response subsystems, 79–80

stress response systems

autostress disorders impact on, xxvii

breakdown of, 193–94

damping down, 180–81

MBSR in moderating, 264

stress system(s)

feedback loops between homeostatic system and, 164

stress systems

multidimensional, xxvi–xvii

stress tolerance

cycle of epigenetic development of, 81f

diet impact on, 116, 124

GDNF gene and, 85

genes impact on, xxiii

good early nurturance effects on, 59

underdevelopment in, 79–80

undetermined, 174–75

striatum, 235

striatum-driven movement, 236

“stumbling on happiness,” 250

subcortical reward system

refined, 148


emergence of, xxi–xxii

substance abuse

epigenetics and, 76–78


ACEs and, 79

ACE study score and, 79

CDC on, 224

depression and, 224

low opioid receptor activity in brain and, 79

Sylvian fissure, 7


attention, 264

synchronized activity, 264

tai chi

effectiveness of, 265


change, 160–61

counterchange, 160

tapping therapies, 212

telomerase, 87, 88

described, xxiii

telomere(s), 87–88

described, xxiii, 87

Mediterranean diet in maintenance of, 124

obesity effects on, 100

shortening of, xxiv, 87, 115

sleep effects of, 132

telomere length

as biomarker for health and longevity, 87

of caregivers, 87

chronic stress and, 87–88

depression related to, xxiii, 87–88

factors associated with, 87–88

lifestyle behaviors related to, xxiii

mental health effects of, 115

perceived stress and, 87

psychotherapy in promoting longer, 88

stress related to, xxiii


regulation of, 136–37


muscle, 129

The Descent of Man, 27

“the eye of the heart,” 256

“the material me.” see salience network

theory(ies). see specific types

The Phenomenon of Man, 269

therapeutic narrations, 53–55

therapeutic window

neurobiological mechanisms of, 206–7

therapy. see also specific types

body sensations in, 211–14

exercise and, 130–31

implicit feeling of, 53

mental operating networks–related, 16

posttraumatic growth as goal of, 214–16

The Selfish Gene, 68

“the survival of the fittest,” 68


automatic, 189

emotions and, 3–4

intrusive trauma-related, 199

self-referential, xxi

worrisome, 185

thought diffusion, 185


amygdala in detection of, 176

feedback loops underlying stress and immune responses to, 167f

threat-based memory, 200

threat detection system, 188–89

Tibetan meditation, 258–59


feelings in awareness of, 267

mind in, xxix–xxx, 243–69

TNF. see tumor necrosis factor (TNF)

“too much stress on this bridge,” 169

top-down control–bottom-up changes, 147–48

top-down control–bottom-up circuits

maintaining and enhancing, 10

top-down patterns, xxix

in autostress disorders, 180–81

emotions constructed from, 7–8, 8f

emotions-related, 4–5

kindling motivation through, 159–61

in mind–brain–gene interactions, 112

unbalances in, 176

top-down willpower, 156


metabolic, 110


released during sleep, 131–32

transcending rigidity, 217–42

case example, 217–42

depression and, 218–37 see also depression

transcription factors

described, 72

protein, 72

transduction, 72

trans-fatty acids

destructive effects of, 120–21

transference relationship, 52

transgenerational trauma

behavior–gene interactions and, 82–84


complex, 198

depression related to, 223

developing meaning after, 214–16

early-life, 223

feedforward loop related to symptoms of, 196–97

fragmented sleep resulting from, 134

growth after, 214–16

impact on sleep, 134

long-term dysregulations associated with, 198–99

norepinephrine and, 134

secure attachment as buffer to effects of, 81f, 83–84

“self”-organization after, 215

serious illnesses and death among survivors of, 65

shoring up PFC after, 197–98

therapeutic phases applied to, 197

transgenerational, 82–84

trauma-induced responses, xxviii

trauma-related thoughts and feelings

intrusive, 199

trauma spectrum, xxviii, 191–216

avoidance, detachment, and dissociation, 209–14

breakdown of systems in, 193–95

case examples, 191–216

managing window of tolerance and opportunity, 204–9, 205f

secondary emotions in, 203–4

stabilizing and preventing PTSD, 195–202

traumatic event(s)

bodily effects of, 195

defensive behaviors related to, 193–94

traumatic stress

hypoactivation of HPA axis related to, 173

triglycerides, 121

triune brain theory, 3

Trump, D., Pres., 250


building of, 44–47

social self and, 44–47

L-tryptophan, 123, 124

tumor necrosis factor (TNF)

abnormal levels of, 223

tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha, 96

Twain, M., 234

twelve-step programs, 148, 151. see also specific programs


behavior–gene interactions in, 59–90

type 2 diabetes

case example, 92, 104

cortisol levels and, 174–75

depression related to, 102, 224

IL-6 and, 102

increase in, 126

memory effects of, 119

obesity and, 101

prevalence of, xxiv, 101

Tzu, C., 250

ultradian rhythms, 12

underdeveloped sense of self

case example, 27–33


in stress tolerance, 79–80

“uprooting negativity”

methods for, 261

uricase, 117

US National Institute of Health, 108

vagal brake, 33–35, 34f

vagus nerve system, 165

of parasympathetic nervous system, 33, 34f

Val/Val genotype, 221

Vipassana meditation, 259


to ACEs, 74

causation vs., 74

to depression, 75–76

to GAD, 75–76

to psychological disorders, 73–74

“vulnerability gene,” 75

“walking on eggshells,” 192


dopamine circuits and working memory related to, 142

Western diet

composition of, 116–25

Whitehall Study, 132

WHO. see World Health Organization (WHO)


inadequacy of, 156–57

top-down, 156

window of tolerance

managing, 204–9, 205f

Winnocott, D., 38, 39

withdrawal behaviors

depression and, 234–37

Woman’s Worth, 261

working memory, xxi

short-term memory vs., 10

in wanting, 142

World Health Organization (WHO)

on cancer related to diet high in saturated fat, 120

on overweight, 100

on usefulness of ACE questions in health survey, 64

World Trade Center attacks

mothers pregnant at time of, 84

worrisome thoughts, 185


as cognitive avoidance, 183–85

“worrying time”

scheduling, 184–85


effectiveness of, 265

Zen meditation, 259