Table of Contents
Preface by Jeffrey C. Goldfarb & Claire Potter
Introduction by Christopher Howard-Woods
The Civil Rights Movement 2.0: A Message from the Vice Mayor of Charlottesville by Wes Bellamy
Charlottesville and Trump: David Duke Explains Neo-Nazi Violence to You by Jeffrey C. Isaac
Loss Beyond Destruction: Charlottesville Reveals the Failures of Loss by Jared Loggins
On Trump’s Response to Charlottesville: Political Encounters and Ideological Evasions by Leonard A. Williams
Subverting the Symbols of White Supremacy: The Wolf and the Fox by Keval Bhatt
Charlottesville, Thomas Jefferson, and America’s Fate: A Response to Keval Bhatt by Michael Weinman
What We Really Learned in Charlottesville: Finding a Way Forward by Andrew Boyer
Jefferson’s Two Bodies: Memory, Protest, and Democracy at the University of Virginia and Beyond by Isaac Ariail Reed
Is it Time for the Kneeling Freedman Statue to Go? Remolding Our Political Aesthetics by Gordon Mantler
Your Safety Is My Foremost Concern: Lessons from Charlottesville on Vulnerability and Protection by Laura Goldblatt
Aristotle on Charlottesville: ‘Mixed Actions’ and Exercising Judgement on Violence by Michael Weinman
Remembering Romanian Fascism; Worrying About America: Losing Our Moral Compass Between Past and Future by Maria Bucur
Thinking After Charlottesville: A Meditation on More of the Same by Marcus McCullough
The False God of Nationalism by Vaughn A. Booker
Russia Is Our Friend: The Alt-Right, Trump, and the Transformation of the Republican Party by Sanford Schram
Being There, Separate and Unequal: Charlottesville in the Mediated Public Sphere by Jeffrey C. Goldfarb
The False Premises of Alt-Right Ideology: Academics Must Understand How the Alt-Right Sees the World if We Are to Resist It by Rachel McKinney
When the Past Isn’t Dead: Slavery’s Mark on Higher Education by Claire Potter
Prophets of Deceit: Post-Truth Politics and the Future of the Left by Nicholas Baer and Maggie Hennefeld
White Supremacy, Fear, and the Crises of Legitimation: Reflections on the Mistrial in the Murder Case of Walter Scott and the Election of Donald Trump by Melvin Rogers
Authoritarianism and Civilization: Du Bois, Davis, and Trump by Neil Roberts
Sitting to Stand: Protest, Patriotism, and the Endurance of White Supremacy by Michael Sasha King
#BlackLivesMatter and the Democratic Necessity of Social Movements: What Active Citizenship Can Look Like and What it Can Accomplish by Deva Woodly
Escaping the Logic(s) of White Supremacy: The Practice of Oppositional Thought by Mitchell Kosters
Before Charlottesville, There Was Jamestown by Mindy Thompson Fullilove, Robert Fullilove, William Morrish, and Robert Sember
Slaves: The Capital That Made Capitalism by Julia Ott
Punching Nazis in the Face: A Philosopher Makes the Case for Violent Resistance by Eric Anthamatten